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Hi everybody, this is my situation. I have a friend and I luv(ed) her like a sis. There has always been this thing about her I just can't STAND...She brags to me about how much guys tried to talk to her that day, how her boyfriend bought her wutever ... etc. It gets me sooo anoyed...and when I am happy I feel like she trys to bring me down in a way. I feel ugly around her she puts me down when were with other people saying stuff like ( ur stupid get a life, nobody likes u...etc ) and its only around other people. I believe that in a friendship the friend's should encourage each other and stuff like that. She doesn't do that she makes me feel bad about myself and she makes me feel stupid. I already have a low self-esteem and she helps in no way. I feel ugly and alone about this whole thing. I no longer see her as a bestfriend but I still think of her as a friend. I help her when she needs help I am there for her...I wish I could say the same vice-versa. I feel like getting rid of her for good, deleteing her off my contact list on msn since she cant keep my name out of it and deleting her number out of my phone since she only wants to talk about herslef.


I just think that this might be wrong since she might not have a clue that I feel like this ... but there was actually one time when I couldn't take it and i snapped on her we didn't talk for like 4 months or so but i apologized because i felt bad and i thought i would be losing something. But this time NO i know now i am not losing a thing if she were out of my life.


Does anybody have any suggestions for me...as to what i should do or say to her...in hopes of trying to change her a bit?


Thanx in advance (i hope i haven't confused u in anyway)

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Sorry sweetie the one thing I've learned from past experiences is that you can't change people. If you keep trying to change her your only going to change yourself. Talk to her about your problems, dont push her away and leave her confused. Its probably not the best thing to do. She probably knows you better than you know yourself..just remember everything you two have shared together weather it be good or bad. You were friends for a reason!! I'm sure there are things about you that bug her too!!

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I also believe that you can't change people, but I don't think that you should stop being her friend without telling her why.. she might not really know when she is doing it.


I had a friend one time that would always tell me that I looked annorexic- I stopped talking to her one time and then appologized, like you. But she kept doing it, so I realized that I just needed to tell her everytime she was doing it. When I started to tell her right then and there when she did it she stopped. Completely.


I say talk to her, and through talking to her she doesn't stop then she's not a real friend.

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