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Me and a guy on the net.

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Me and this guy on the internet have been really really close. And we have been talking 24/7 for almost 3 months now. But my other friend in real life knew him b4 me. But she didn't love him until I started loving him.... And it seems everytime me or my friend Karsha talk about me and him, she gets p.o.ed. But I really love this guy and my friends know that, expecially Karsha!! And so we tryed hooking me and him up for an over the internet relationship.... But today Karsha was talking to him on MSN Messenger he started saying all this sh!t about if we loose touch than thats it thats the way life treats us. And some other things, and its really getting to me. I feel like him and my other friend are going out behind my back!! What should I do, Ive been sortof mean to him and I thinjk im chasing him away... and im scared.... What should I do,,,...... HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm going to honest with you here. I think at your age you shouldn't get involved in long distance, especially online relationships. It's waaay to risky for someone your age to be getting involved in online relationships, even if you do think you feel comfortable with it and you think you know who the person is. It requires a lot maturity and the right communication for it to work. Take my advice and move on to someone else, but in real life.

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