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a ladie please respond today please!!! :(


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me and my girlfriend live 75 miles apart. she is going to move in friday. everyone keeps telling her that we will not last long if she moves in. but we get into fights when we are on the phone but when we are together nothing can pull us a part. it is like a whole nother world. should she move in. also how can i spice up our sex? thanks please respond

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i think you should let her move in with you. maybe you have fights on the phone, becuase the distance makes the two of you or one of you a little antsy. either way, if things don't work out when she moves in she can always move out. also, i wouldn't take the negative 'advice' from your friends or whatever. moving in is a good step. it might be a little rocky at first--but, hey it may end up feeling like the best things in the world. if you two ever hope to make the next step (marriage)...this moving thing is going to have to happen sometime. my boyfriend and i had a long distance relationship for about a year and i moved in with him. it couldn't be more wonderful. sure, we have our fights but...every couple does.


improving your sex life...i think she'll have the best advice to give you concerning that. she knows what she wants and what pleases her. talk to her about it...maybe she has some things in mind that you haven't tried or that the two of you could improve.

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I understand what u mean cuz my bf lives five minutes away from me and still when we r on the phone we argue a lot and when we r together we dont argue, instead we get along and always end up having sex,so my bf always say the phone should be a thing of comunication but at the end it is a source or arguments. even though he lives five minutes away now he does not want to spend time with me. now i tell him we should live together, he does not want to. Hey if u really love that girl u should consider living with her but if u really love her dont wait too long to marry her cuz if she is worth it for u u should so the right thing and marry her. Dont use her man. Now ur in love and im telling u this if u love her marry her. cuz im passint through something too. my bf wanted to live with me or see me everyday he was the sweetest and now he has grown cold. so if u want to do things right marry her man.

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