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How to get the girls

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How is it done? What methods are best used? What I need to do and what I don't need to do. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be a player. I just want a little more romance in my life cause it's severly lacking right now. Everytime I go to a club I tell myself, "I'm going to leave here with a number in my pocket." But I never do. I have no problem with going up to a girl, I just don't know what to say lol. Usually I'll ask what their name is and then my mind goes blank after that. Or on the other hand if I'm talking to a girl I know, I can't ever get past the "just talking" part.

I need a little guidence here, thanks

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There is no special method or technique to getting females.


Me personally, think that you should just be yourself when approaching a female and have confindence in yourself when doing so. Also when you approach a female do it in a respectable manner. Us femles do not like for someone to approach as "A" or making sexual comments about our bodies when we walk pass (I know I don't). You should start by saying hello and from there introduce yourself. Depending on where you are you may want to ask "are you enjoying yourself" basically, just make small conversation. Relax and be yourself is the key.


Good Luck!

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How often do you actually ask girls for their number?


By the way, clubs and bars are not usually considered the best place to meet people, especially if you are looking for a long-term relationship as opposed to a one-night stand. Of all the serious/married couples I know, only one pair met in a bar, and they are currently in the process of getting a divorce, sadly...


My advice for meeting girls (and trust me, this one just doesn't fail): get a puppy. Not only will everybody strike a conversation with you, but you'll immediately have a common subject to discuss...

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Ok, so it seems you can make it to the "just talking" stage.


Well, why not in the middle of that part just say,


"Say, I'm having a great time talking with you, we seem to have an easy going conversation, how about I get your number so we can continue this some more sometime."


(Also asking for an email address is easier than a phone number.)


Otherwise, the best bet is to be happy with yourself, seem like you don't need a girl to be happy, be confident, be going somewhere, be doing things, have a life, have interests, do interesting things that you are interested in. (if you are into kayaking, do that and do it well, you might find a kayak chick that will be into you, if you are into motorcycles, do that, and do it well, and you might find a biker chick that will be into you)


You've got to make your life interesting enough for girls to want to get on your life's adventure train with you. If they don't want to get on your gravy train, that is their problem, not yours.


A girl, (or romance itself), is not the answer to fulfilling your life, or making you complete or any of that stuff. They can't answer that question in your life, only you can.



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I never make sexual comments towards a woman, I think guys that do that lack class. I'm not necessarily looking for a long-term relationship, I'd just like to be able to go on dates or just meet new ladies.


How often do you actually ask girls for their number?

Uhm, I usually don't get that far lol. I'd like to get to know a girl a little before I decide I want her number. But I don't ever know what I should ask. It's not that I'm really shy, I'm just not very charismatic I guess you could say.

I have a dog, but I don't think he's much of a chick magnet lol.

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If there was a tip i could give it would be to remember that it doesn't ALL have to be about talking.


You can slowly build up your confidence, and build into a conversation with just the right body language. If you are out at a bar or club, then half the time, body language is ultimately more important than what you actually say (believe it or not!).


learn to hold yourself in a confident way, and look like you are happy with who you are.


Try to make a bit of eye contact with a few different people, and smile if you they hold your eye contact.


I know a few people on here who will disagree, but if you get your body language correct in bars and clubs, it will be them coming to you and leading the conversation rather than you having to go up to them and leading the conversation.


And to come back to the name thing...


so you get her name, and then your mind goes blank?


How about something like this


"Hi there, i'm Spatz, what's your name?"


"Hi, i'm Sophie"


"Hello Sophie...nice to meet you! Are you enjoying your night tonight? I noticed you earlier and it looked like you were having a great night!"


"Yeah i'm having a good night"


"thats good...i love this place...especially at the weekend after a hard week's work!!"


with any luck she'll take the bait, and ask you what you do...then the conversation should get going. Use stuff like that to relax you into her company, then hopefully you'll be away.


If you feel the conversation is running dry, then duck out before it goes quiet...make your excuses and you can always find her again later for anothr chat.

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