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Wat do u find most attractive in a person


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I think real confidence is being able to stand up for yourself when you are right, but being able to admit when you don't know what you are talking about. It's also not needing to always have your say, but knowing how to pick and choose your spots.


I'd correct that as "being able to stand up for yourself when you believe you are right".


And the other part about not always needing to have your say, but knowing how to pick and choose your spots....in my opinion that is not confidence, but wisdom.

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Small is suspecious of our "INSIGHT".

I'm impressed by the size of your male "insight" Ursomeone, but I must regretfully decline your offer of tutelage as I'm already pledged to complete my studies under Lawaxana Troi at Betazed Uni.


Ohooooo... you break my heart Small, i was thinking to officially announce you as a member of our debating Club.

I broke you heart already? Wow… I'm getting more efficient.


It is not necessary that you will always get the one you love.

I disagree. As long as I love, honor, and respect myself, I will always "get" the one I love. Even better, I'll never lie to myself, turn myself down, put myself in the friend zone, or cheat on myself. The way I see it, I can't lose. 8)


I have a feeling there is fierocious debater in small just lurking to come out. And when she find her voice and finally starts taking on all comers, god help us all.

Thanks Shy! Perhaps you're right. Perhaps I've been holding back in search of a worthy adversary... Where are the women???

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I'm impressed by the size of your male "insight" Ursomeone, but I must regretfully decline your offer of tutelage as I'm already pledged to complete my studies under Lawaxana Troi at Betazed Uni.


Thanks to god, we males are made in such a way to Impress girls, so don't worry as I dont know any of your close friends so I am not gona tell any body about this.

By the way, thnx for letting me know of ur qualification, i think it would be great to have debate on a bunch of topics with you as you already admited that you are now converting to the Ferocious debater.



I broke you heart already? Wow… I'm getting more efficient.


Of course you are, but why were u feeling so low self esteem, who said you were not at the first.

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Thanks to god, we males are made in such a way to Impress girls...

Yes, but to what lengths are you willing to go to make a big Impression on a girl?


Of course you are, but why were u feeling so low self esteem, who said you were not at the first.

Like everyone else, I have multiple facets to my personality. You've seen three of them: an honorary guy, a vamp, and a scared, shy child. Depending on the weather, hormones, the fluctuations of the stock market, etc. different personalities come into play. On the bright side, I never feel alone or bored.

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Yes, but to what lengths are you willing to go to make a big Impression on a girl?


Oh plez now don't expect some thing weird of me to do in order to impress a girl, I am not really gona jump in a 100 meters well or fight a Bull-fight to make the impression, and I honestly do think that one doesn't have to do "some thing" in order to make the impression...or i would say a "Fake impression", it's more the personality that establish the impresion.. and besides I also strongly believe that someone has to be "itself" not wearing a fake personality on himself in order to be impressive.

By the way to remind you, we are not here only to impress.. Ahem, Ahem, but on the most part simply we are bieng impressed too...lol..


Like everyone else, I have multiple facets to my personality. You've seen three of them: an honorary guy, a vamp, and a scared, shy child. Depending on the weather, hormones, the fluctuations of the stock market, etc. different personalities come into play. On the bright side, I never feel alone or bored.


Actually I think now I have seen four of them, you are forgetting the debater type... .. isn't it.

ok, can you tell me, how many sides of my personality have seen up to now..


The way I see it, I can't lose.


Can you elaborate please..

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Give me a lady who enjoys volunteering her time to help others, especially children, and who can spend hours talking philosophy with me.... hold on, think I need to go take a cold shower.


Oh I love kids. I'm actually wanting to go into teaching just to work with kids. Every summer i go down to Mexico (I'm white...to answer any other questions) and I work on this orphanage (sp?) and I play with the kids. I love to see the kids smile. Their soooo precious.


Oh, I don't think that I could ever tell him, even though everything tells me I should. It's a long story. I didn't think he would go out with his best friends ex, but when he choose her I didn't get it. Why did he have to choose her. She totally broke him. He deserves better.

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By the way to remind you, we are not here only to impress.. Ahem, Ahem, but on the most part simply we are bieng impressed too...lol..

Ursomeone, you're right. I had an epiphany yesterday and realized amongst many things that you're not mine to impress. But I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to play along. It's been fun!


ok, can you tell me, how many sides of my personality have seen up to now..

One: The debator. There's more?


Can you elaborate please..

Yes. As long as I love and respect myself (and others), I believe I have a better chance than not of living a happy, fulfilling, & productive life.


I work on this orphanage (sp?) and I play with the kids. I love to see the kids smile. Their soooo precious.

They are precious! But so are you Whatdoyado for taking the time to give them the love and attention that they need. When I grow up, I'd like to be just like you.


Oh, I don't think that I could ever tell him, even though everything tells me I should. It's a long story. I didn't think he would go out with his best friends ex, but when he choose her I didn't get it. Why did he have to choose her. She totally broke him. He deserves better.

Tell him. I've never regretted an honest word that I've spoken. I've only regretted things I haven't said or done. As for why he chose her... sometimes we have to choose people that aren't good for us in order to realize what love truly is.

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Oh I love kids...I love to see the kids smile. Their soooo precious.


Umm... is it getting warmer in here or is it just me?


Kids are precious. There innocence and hope for the future... its a good feeling when you can be a part of their lives. You are a special person for spending your time helping them like that. Be proud of yourself.


Oh, I don't think that I could ever tell him, even though everything tells me I should. It's a long story. I didn't think he would go out with his best friends ex, but when he choose her I didn't get it. Why did he have to choose her. She totally broke him. He deserves better.


Yes, tell him. You'll always regret not taking action and thats something you don't want to live with.Whatever happens, at least you'll have tried. And your a good person for thinking he deserves better and feeling bad for him that he got hurt. If he deserves better, why not give it to him?

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Oh I love kids...I love to see the kids smile. Their soooo precious.


Umm... is it getting warmer in here or is it just me?


Kids are precious. There innocence and hope for the future... its a good feeling when you can be a part of their lives. You are a special person for spending your time helping them like that. Be proud of yourself.


Oh, I don't think that I could ever tell him, even though everything tells me I should. It's a long story. I didn't think he would go out with his best friends ex, but when he choose her I didn't get it. Why did he have to choose her. She totally broke him. He deserves better.


Yes, tell him. You'll always regret not taking action and thats something you don't want to live with.Whatever happens, at least you'll have tried. And your a good person for thinking he deserves better and feeling bad for him that he got hurt. If he deserves better, why not give it to him?

Warmer...??? I'm confused on that one.


Kids are precious...sometimes I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to play...I mean work with them. I get to be five again. It's great!


I talked to him today it was short, but it he really wanted to talk. He's letting me call him sometime just to talk. We still have to finish the conversasion. I want to be the one that he sees he deserves, but for now I'll stick to be there and his friend (a little flirting won't kill ) I'll wait till he makes the final decision; right now he just needs time to work things out. I still secretely hope (like anyone would) that he'll learn quicker

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Warmer...??? I'm confused on that one


Would it be more clear if I said hotter? Or that my heart just skipped a beat?


Ah, and I was on such a role with innocent, playful comments...


I want to be the one that he sees he deserves, but for now I'll stick to be there and his friend (a little flirting won't kill ) I'll wait till he makes the final decision; right now he just needs time to work things out. I still secretely hope (like anyone would) that he'll learn quicker


Being a friend, being there for him, giving him time, flirting to show your interesting... you've got the right strategy. Just don't get frustrated with him, guys are slow on these things.

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Warmer...??? I'm confused on that one


Would it be more clear if I said hotter? Or that my heart just skipped a beat?


Ah, and I was on such a role with innocent, playful comments...

Sorry, just wanted to see if the "shy boy" would actually say it. Gotcha....I'm just messin' with ya, and ofcourse I'm sure you new that...right??? that gave it away.


I like the "my heart skipped a beat"; I'm not found of hotter but I guess it would be a flattering complement.


Do you work with kids or just desire to? I can give you info. if you like or you could just look on the internet to as well.

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Ursomeone, you're right. I had an epiphany yesterday and realized amongst many things that you're not mine to impress.


Now common look to my name, it suggests that I am or could be Someone's Someone sometime (i am gona write some lyrics of song on that), so be very careful with me ....lol



But I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to play along. It's been fun!


You are most welcome, To be honest i really enjoyed it myself too, u know actually it was my first time after long time coming out of the shell after making promise with my friends not to argue (make long discussions i would say) with any one as many of them dont want me to make long discusions hehhehehe. well after all it was all solely for fun nothing personnel...



One: The debator. There's more?


Oh dear you really missed many, hmmmm a lazy house-boy that do nothin and set al the daylong, a good cheater,a good time waster and expert in borrowing things from frinds..hahhahaha J.Kiding..... hmm well... "Exaggeration" apart- a quick learner, a caring friend, peaceful (u might have seen this aspect in my posts if you read it carefully) hmmm but wait a minute why do I have to tell u all, guess it lol.


Yes. As long as I love and respect myself (and others), I believe I have a better chance than not of living a happy, fulfilling, & productive life.


Yes, you are 100 no, hmmm 200 no, (let me count it) you are 840.693 % right... that are of course good characteristics in a person and one must and should have them, but i think we were talking about getting someone that u love..

Ok suppose I love someone and of course want to have him but sometimes it might be in his best interest not to have him and this would be also my love to not attempt to have him in order to make keep him happy.... or sometimes it might be simply not possible to have someone that i love....Well i am talking about having him phisycally, of course if i love him he will be in my mind and with me in my thoughts but that is another topic.

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Sorry, just wanted to see if the "shy boy" would actually say it. Gotcha....I'm just messin' with ya, and ofcourse I'm sure you new that...right??? that gave it away.


I like the "my heart skipped a beat"; I'm not found of hotter but I guess it would be a flattering complement.


Do you work with kids or just desire to? I can give you info. if you like or you could just look on the internet to as well.


I know your messin' with me. You'd be surprise at what "shy" people are capable of when their in the zone, and you lucked out cause I'm in that zone right now.


I don't like hotter either, it just went with my needing to take a cold shower comment earlier. Lets see, how about time stopped and the world slipped away as I looked into your eyes. Too mushy or a romantic thing to say? Doing research on what girls like so when I do find someone I can blow her away.


I've done work with kids in the past. Always loved it. Thanks for the offer though, nice to hear someone else has the same passion.

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I think that the Shy/Napolean debate boils down to quantity versus quality. I would bet a lot that Shy is going to end up extremely happy with the wonderful girl that is right for him.


Attraction is an enigmatic thing. Sure, we can say things like the cliches go "intelligent," "goodlooking", "funny"...but what it really boils down to is an elusive "preference" that we can rarely pinpoint the origin of. There are some things that attract others that seem to be more common then others...for instance, confidence in oneself seems to be something that both sexes find attractive in the other sex. However, to counter - there are things that people will be turned off by, and its for a silly reason. If you knew a guy named Jack who always bullied people, it might create a negative mental connection to guys named Jack. Or if you hated the behaviour of this guy who always wore green, you will be immediately turned off when a guy wears green. Its as strange as that and applies visa versa.

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OHHH, I liked that. Sometimes its hard though because there are so many pick up lines similar to that, but if you use that at the right time I think it would defiantly work. Girls deserve to be cherished.


They do. With lines like that the trick is to be subtle at first and gradually as things progress move to the heavy duty stuff. Something like that is best if you know the girl and are in a relationship, or headed that way. Man, what to say when I get in a relationship is a breeze... its finding the relationship thats the tough part.

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They do. With lines like that the trick is to be subtle at first and gradually as things progress move to the heavy duty stuff. Something like that is best if you know the girl and are in a relationship, or headed that way. Man, what to say when I get in a relationship is a breeze... its finding the relationship thats the tough part.


Finding a realationship can be difficult for both parties but here's a question have you asked anyone or is it just finding that person?

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