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Wat do u find most attractive in a person


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Anyways, I'm not LITERALLY insulting people/girls. I've become somewhat of a smarta#$ and I know it...but it's what works. I dont sit there and tell girls that they're ugly or that they're dumb...etc, you can fill in the rest.


My apologies Drop! I didn't mean to imply you used insults when you mack girls. I mentioned that I used both teasing (like you) and insults, but I focused too much on how I personally used insults. (And no I don't call guys dumb or idiot. I'm too creative for that.)


I see what you're saying about teasing being effective, but I have a question. When you finally get the girl, does this kind of teasing ever stop? Or do you segway into something else? Because in my first relationship, the guy and I teased each other to no end, but as we got closer, my feelings were always getting hurt because teasing was the only way the we showed affection for each other. As my feelings for him grew, I had a harder time discerning whether something he was saying was merely in jest or whether he really meant it. And fights only made everything worse so ultimately we had to break up over it.


Long story short, I agree with Shes2smart: You have to know your audience and where the line is!!!

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The teasing usually naturally comes out when i am attracted to someone - and i generally manage to judge them correctly.


Mass Communication 101 - you must tailor your message to your audience. If you don't speak to them in a way they get your message, you've failed to communicate.


As for teasing naturally coming out when there's attraction...I've always said you can tell when I like someone because I'll squander my brain cells to come up with witty rejoinders for them. If I don't like someone, I don't waste my effort attempting to be clever.

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When you finally get the girl, does this kind of teasing ever stop? Or do you segway into something else?


Yes...there has to be some sort of relationship there...so of course I mix it up and ask normal questions here and there. I just don't want the conversation to get boring and turn into a job interview hehe...


There has to be flirting during the relationship or things will get boring quickly...also physical contact....I think what I really want to be is just...unpredictable. Another thing I thought of later....instead of saying I 'tease' girls...how about saying it like this? I treat girls just like my guy friends....they deserve no more or no less respect than I treat my guy friends with. We're all always messing w/ one another when we hang out, bustin on one another, you know...just guys. So the girl gets about the same treatment.....she is treated just like I would treat my guy friends, and in the end, that is how she becomes a better friend b/c I'm not acting 'nice' around her and her only(or just girls period). I think if you are acting nice around girls and are being a pushover compared to how you are when you hang out with the guys, you're actually being somewhat fake. That answer the question?


Oh yea! spatz is back haha, sup...umm yea this somehow all cont. into a different topic now ugh...


I just try to get accross the point of....why are you doing something that's NOT working? If you want to be a guy who wants to better himself around women, meet more women/people in general, and become more successful with women(get more dates, farther going dates than just 1 date)....then why not try? I mean, why would I keep being nice and not try teasing girls if it never worked...heck this can go with anything type of example. It's like trying to fit a square block thru a round hole....if it's never worked, fix it! So I tried something different....I started talking to more random girls, did what I do...and to me...that became a great success from what I had before. I never could get dates being the nice guy....so why would I keep doing it? It just makes sense that after so long its time to try something new. And not to mention every girl that has responded on this topic has said some form of teasing works...whether it be really heavy or less...its still what I try to teach other guys on this site that come to me. I'm rambling again...later

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Yes...there has to be some sort of relationship there...so of course I mix it up and ask normal questions here and there. I just don't want the conversation to get boring and turn into a job interview hehe...


If it works for you Drop, then flaunt it baby. 8)


Well as a girl, I just want to say, I think it's funny that you guys spend so much on time on here fighting over what works and what doesn't. I still believe that everyone is a little different and the girls you're attracted to might prefer teasing, while Shy's girls might prefer his subtler forms of flirtation. So I really don't get why you guys battle it out so much when it's way more fun just to mack girls period.

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Considering how dumb I find that show (and the fact that regular tv sucks now period) and that it often places more emphasis on looks than talent, no, I don't know who she is. Nor do I know anything about a single cast member of Desperate Housewives or Will & Grace. I quit watching anything that wasn't on cable years ago, and know next to nothing about everyday pop culture except for a few specifics. So far my IQ has only improved.

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Yes...there has to be some sort of relationship there...so of course I mix it up and ask normal questions here and there. I just don't want the conversation to get boring and turn into a job interview hehe...


If it works for you Drop, then flaunt it baby. 8)


Haha, girls are good mediators...


I love rain 'n hugs....I hope you are kidding about all this, I pray you were just throwing those last few posts of yours in there for kicks to just lighten the situation hehe Otherwise....if you weren't, you have your work cut out for you if you want to learn how to attract a girl like that.

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Jasmine Trias? Jamie Di Scalia.? Who?


Now Alexis Bledel, theres a cutie.


So I really don't get why you guys battle it out so much when it's way more fun just to mack girls period


Well, you know my situation. Can't exactly "mack" her at the moment (I can't believe I just said that ). So, since I'm taking steps and have to wait for the time being, I might as well teach these guys how its done. They should just be glad I'm not charging them for this. When my book hit stands everywhere in a few years they'll have to pay for it.


So the girl gets about the same treatment.....she is treated just like I would treat my guy friends, and in the end, that is how she becomes a better friend b/c I'm not acting 'nice' around her and her only(or just girls period


Well, I would think a girl would want to be treated like a girl, not a guy. Girls don't want to be "just one of the guys" they want to be treated special. They want to know you care about them. That's not like your worshipping them or treating them like queens. It's giving them the same level of respect and having fun, but also saying and doing things that let them know they are more then one of the guys or a friend.


And your still misunderstanding, it isn't ACTING nice, its BEING nice. A nice guy is nice to everyone, not because it impresses someone, but because it is the right thing to do.


I just try to get accross the point of....why are you doing something that's NOT working? If you want to be a guy who wants to better himself around women, meet more women/people in general, and become more successful with women(get more dates, farther going dates than just 1 date)....then why not try? I mean, why would I keep being nice and not try teasing girls if it never worked


Point is, it does work. At least 5 girls have shown an interest in me in the last month alone. And they have all responded to the fact that I am nice and makes them feel special. There has been plenty of flirting, without teasing. I've treated them not as a guy friend, but as a sweet, wonderful girl friend. And where does that get me? Talking with her about our perfect first date, lying on the couch cuddling together and eventually in a nice bit of kissing. Yeah, no date yet. But thats cause the only girl I want (whom shows plenty of attention to me too) and I have exprencied some obstacles to being together. But no fear, that will all change shortly.

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Sorry, Pamela Anderson isn't that attractive either. Now Jessica Andrews, theres beauty.


What's next I ate at the same restaurant that Carmen Electra once stood in front of?



Shy get back to me once you have had sex with her.

Showing interest, cuddling, maybe a kiss or flirting is one thing, but you still haven't made it to second base yet.


Now, baseball isn't my favorite sport but I'm sure sex equals homerun. So which is it, 2nd base or sex? And don't worry, I'm the Bill Billechick of planning, and the Tom Brady of execution. Won't be long before I'm in the endzone (relationship, nothing sexual yet... were not ready for that).

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Haha, girls are good mediators...


So true! I think it's b/c we believe in making love, not war...


Well, you know my situation. Can't exactly "mack" her at the moment (I can't believe I just said that ). So, since I'm taking steps and have to wait for the time being, I might as well teach these guys how its done. They should just be glad I'm not charging them for this. When my book hit stands everywhere in a few years they'll have to pay for it.

What was that you were saying the other day about being a smartmouth Shy?


Well, I would think a girl would want to be treated like a girl, not a guy. Girls don't want to be "just one of the guys" they want to be treated special. They want to know you care about them.

You're right, but one corollary. It's best to treat a girl like a "honorary" guy if the situation gets a little bit too flirtatious, awkward, and confusing and you both still want to remain friends.


As for me (honorary guy with no impure thoughts whatsoever) I think Jessica Alba & Natalie Portman are gorgeous! 8)

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What was that you were saying the other day about being a smartmouth Shy


Well, I also said that my momma warned me it would get me in trouble, so even I'm not immune. Oh! I know! There's a distinction between being a smartmouth (witty, off the wall comments) and being a smart you know what. But don't worry, all eNotalone members can get a discount on the book. How does this sound for a title: "Love stinks, but still smells good."


It's best to treat a girl like a "honorary" guy if the situation gets a little bit too flirtatious, awkward, and confusing and you both still want to remain friends


Mind if I steal that phrase, it works. How about we just say it depends on what you both want? If the girl is just a friend and wants to be treated as such, go ahead. But if there is flirting, both enjoy it and there could be more, the it'd be best to make sure she knows your interested.

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Hey everyone, Jasmine Trias is really hot!!!! SHe is going to be my future wife, and we are going to have many beautiful children together!!!!!!


uhh... u really make me think that still there are ppl who has the ability to think seriously...


So true! I think it's b/c we believe in making love, not war...


well said.. but i think u make love but make others argue endlessly too caz u ladies are such complicated.... lol..



No shy.. I dont think love and relationship and all that stuff are pre-planned type things, they just happen and u have to go with the flow, u cannot plan it in advance.

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No shy.. I dont think love and relationship and all that stuff are pre-planned type things, they just happen and u have to go with the flow, u cannot plan it in advance.


I agree, my situation came from no where and surprised me. It's been an up and down cycle and I've had to ride the waves. I met planning a date so perfect and romantic that it melts her heart and removes the doubts that linger.

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So true! I think it's b/c we believe in making love, not war...


well said.. but i think u make love but make others argue endlessly too caz u ladies are such complicated.... lol.

lol.. We're really not! Watch a few more animal mating rituals on PBS and everything will fall into place.


But if there is flirting, both enjoy it and there could be more, the it'd be best to make sure she knows your interested.

This sounds like the surest path to mutually assured destruction. But I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work Shy.


I agree, my situation came from no where and surprised me. It's been an up and down cycle and I've had to ride the waves. I ment planning a date so perfect and romantic that it melts her heart and removes the doubts that linger.

Awww. Shy's in love (with someone other than himself)! Poor girl won't know what hit her... 8)

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Animal mating rituals...hehehhe sounds interesting....


But what I want to clearify is that girls are unpredictable you never know in advance wat and when to react instead u have to be flexible enough to enter her circle of standards (sorry, i dont know any good word for this here)...almost all girls would expect man to have this flexibity.. (well...don't qoute me here, i am not talking about the whole relationship but at least at the beginning).

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I think women have demonstrated historically they are quite capable of murder, pain, backstabbing, causing suffering and yes, war. They have just had less opportunities than men.

A few examples.

1. Both Agrippina and Caesar Caludius' first wife.

2. Cleopatra (although I think she was still a good leader.)

3. Catherine the Great

4. Bloody Mary

5. Queen Elizabeth.

6. Lucretzia Borgia (although I think she MIGHT have been judged unfairly.

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lol.. We're really not! Watch a few more animal mating rituals on PBS and everything will fall into place


Sorry to say most people aren't watching PBS and learning the rituals. They are watching reality shows and learning to create drama, tension and problems that will sabotage relationships. Ah, whats the world coming too.


This sounds like the surest path to mutually assured destruction. But I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work Shy.


Finding a way to make things work when others say its impossible, thats my past time. Remember, some times the things you think will never happen, happen just like that. Never underestimate the impossible...


Awww. Shy's in love (with someone other than himself)! Poor girl won't know what hit her...


Hey! Other then myself! Your lucky you've earned a pass with all your smart comments or else I'd have a comeback so quick and snappy it'd give you whiplash. But alas, when a mans heart is filled with love, the love flows to everyone...


girls are unpredictable you never know in advance wat and when to react instead u have to be flexible


Flexibility is good. But really, most people, both guys and girls, are predictable. They can even be predictable in there flexability. Humans are funny creatures, think things are so complicated when its all really simple.

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Sorry, Pamela Anderson isn't that attractive either. Now Jessica Andrews, theres beauty.


Now it makes since, you listen to country music, best known for love songs. It makes since why your so mushy gushy inside. Although, I will admit she is very pretty.


Oh, will I get a discount on that book... Oh, I just make myself laugh


Maybe if you send it to the teen magazine's or make another reality show it just might hit the charts. And I like PBS, and discovery, it's why my IQ is high, besides there is nothing wrong with those shows, yet I don't watch the mating, but I like see the world and everything in it and what you can explorer. Those shows are for the nosey, curious people.


Oh, Napoleon nicely chosen, but let us not forget Joan of Arc.

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