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cant find a condom that fits


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i cant find a condom that fits me, everything is too small. ive tried mangum xl and durex xxl. does any one have a suggestion for me. im a lil over 10 inches long and about 6.5 inches around. both magnum and durex xxl have been short and not wide enough

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i cant find a condom that fits me, everything is too small. ive tried mangum xl and durex xxl. does any one have a suggestion for me. im a lil over 10 inches long and about 6.5 inches around. both magnum and durex xxl have been short and not wide enough



Ummm.....I hope I don't get in trouble for this...but if you are a lil over 10 inches long...and you're about 6.5 inches wide I don't think any woman would want to be err....having intercourse with something that profoundly huge....I could be wrong. But seriously.... i'm not gay or anything...i sort of dont believe that you're johnson is THAT large!

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omg nb I hope you were joking telling him to put a sock on. that will not work for protection at all, and yuck no girl wants a sock up there u know. Not trying to sound rude but if that was a joke then tell him so cause eh no one should do that and what if he takes you seriously???????

that must have been a joke it must have been, there is no way, I've never heard of one that big in my life. Im not disgusted or anything that's just shoking...are you 4 real. Man if you are and you are using socks STOP!!!!!!!!!! that's germy, most likely not pleasent for the girl/or you, and it will not protect you from getting her pregnant.

wow I just um ok im gonna just leave this post now, that's just mk, stop using a sock please.

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I suppose if you can't use a condom and there really are none that fit you should use a different type of contraception with your gf/partner. Both get STI tests done and maybe see if she is willing to go on the pill or have her use a contraceptive cap etc etc Though it does mean i suppose u can't just go off and have a one night stand quite so easily. Ah well life isn't always fair!

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Do you know how they test condoms? They blow them up like balloons and they are large enough to fit over someones head. I don't have a tape measure handy, but I do believe most people's heads are bigger than 6 around, and long.


Condoms are not supposed to be "loose fitting" and will often be quite snug, but they DO fit - if you are using the larger sizes anyway, they are more ample then the "regular" (and even they can fit over someones head).


So girls, if any guy says he can't wear a condom as he is too big...well, now you can see right through that!


Of course, I still have a sneaking suspicion something is fishy with this post...but I thought I should put the info out there anyway.

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I was just thinking about this post again and actually 6.5 inches round in diameter is big but is believable. My ex bf had a girth of similar size actually larger, if you take your 2nd finger (pointing finger) and make an "O" shape thats about 6.5 inches in diameter.


RayKay's comment that condoms are blown up and can fit round peoples heads well, yes its true and you can blow them up into massive ballons etc (Great to attach to newly weds cars) However in practice in the bedroom you don't want to have to really really force one on. With my ex bf we did have problems finding condoms that fitted or to be more precise could be got on without a fight. Unfortunately on several occasions when trying to find the right condom it did kill the mood and apparently did cause him pain especially getting the loop over the head of his penis (tends to be larger than the rest of the shaft as most of you have probably noticed).


I discussed this problem with a friend during that time and we went to the pharmacy and basically read the measurements on the back of all the condom packs, they tend to state the width of the condom, and went for the largest. Its quite amazing how just an extra few millimetres of width on a condom can really help!

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I was just thinking about this post again and actually 6.5 inches round in diameter is big but is believable. My ex bf had a girth of similar size actually larger, if you take your 2nd finger (pointing finger) and make an "O" shape thats about 6.5 inches in diameter.


I think for most people that would be circumference...

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