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My ex girlfriend moved a state away (like 3 hours or so) and we broke up a few years ago but started talking again. We were super young again but I know if she was up here we would probably give it a shot again. We are both pretty much the same as we were before just both a little more mature. We never really faught, she just wanted a break and I freaked out again.


She said I seem more mature now, and we both know for a fact that we wouldn't go through the same problem we had before.


I just wanted to know what are the chances we could actually end dating again?


She is going to school soon and I'm almost through it. It really sucks because both of us talked again and hit it off like we always did. .... man all I can say is this really sucks. Its really screwing with my head right now. There are a million girls out there to date but we honestly hit it off more together than anyone Ive ever met besides her. She said I was the best boyfriend she ever had.



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oh yeah, she wants to come up here to see me next month, and she told me before I ever brought anything up again.


I dont think the long distance thing would work anymore too well, but jesus christ it would be nice to be able to date her again someday.

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I wouldn't recommend getting exclusive because of the distance, but you could start something that moves along slowly.


Make the trip and don't forget to let us know how it goes.

Good luck!

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Well.. things get weirder, she just told me something along the lines of. I scared her to get close to someone. She dated someone for 3 years after me. She said she didn't wanna plan her life before and still doesnt.


I'm just wondering. Should I or shouldn't I bring up our relationship at all or what.


She still wants to talk to me, and still bugs me to talk. Messages me first thing when she gets online.


Maybe she really just doesn't wanna give me false hopes? Or have me think that for sure we will get back together. She said one time that if we did she wants it to be through talking and getting really close again.


I love this girl to death (not in the way I did before of course). I guess all in all I would rather have her as a good friend my whole life than ruin it by screwing up right now and losing her for good in multiple ways.


Who knows what will happen? I was just wondering if you guys had a plan of action, an honest one that maybe I could get a good idea of what steps to follow.


Shes worth it, regardless if we never go out and just are good friends, or if we go out again.


Oh btw, she said I'm still the sexiest guy shes ever dated ;-)

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Should I play hard to get?


I just got out of a big relationship with my ex, and you guys can find my post here somewhere.. Everyones advice was to get rid of my ex. (Not this one)


This is and always was a much healthier relationship.


I'm not looking to to jump into a huge serious commitment or even a relationship at all. I just want to insure that... when we are both ready that she will put me at least somewhere on her list.


So yeah, should I play hard to get?


I just don't understand how womens brains work. Not in a sexist way, shes just different. She called me for like 3 nights in a row and didn't seem like she could get enough.


She hasn't acutally called in a few days now, just chat online. I'm wondering if I screwed up some how or what.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dun dun. She is still coming up in a few weeks but jokingly I said I shoudl come down for the 4th of July.. .. she told me to..


So I got some balls and I went down there, even though I had the worst haircut in years and felt like complete crap.


I get there and everything was like it used to be.. Which is both good and bad.


She still doesn't want to date anyone, shes real busy now with new friends. We tickled each other and joked around.


It was kind of ackward but mostly because of our break up. Near the end of the trip though neither of us wanted me to go home...


The second day I was down there was the 4th and later on that night we drove around for hours and she sang.


The bad part is.. shes still the most gorgeous and cute and wildly amazing girl I've ever met. I just dont think she sees me how she used to.


But sometimes girls are girls and you can't read them. She said it was awesome and she still really wants to come up here...


Someday I really really really really really would like to date her again but I'm not sure right now on exactly the plan for how thats gonna work out.. If anyone can put some confidence in me that its not impossible with a story similar to this or something let me know. She was so cute and so much the same that I almost had tears in my eyes on the 4th. I'm not pissed that she ever broke up with me, just that I missed out on her for the last 3 years and thats really about the most depressing thing thats ever happened to me now that I realize it..


I dont have any regrets in life except one.. and that is screwing up our relationship. She teased me about it too and said that if I woulnd't have screwed up we could still be together to this day.. she meant it as a joke but it really hurt me.

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I've dated 2 girls since her, and shes dated a guy. I dated girls before her that I loved.. and I loved the two girls I dated since her.. Thing is.... no matter who I dated.. and who I loved.. I've never loved ANYONE in my life as much as her. I honestly can say that if she gained 900 lbs and we lived in a dumpster.. that I would still be happier with her than anyone else.


I dont want to date her right now I dont think, and I know she doesnt want to either. But I want to again someday. The only reason I dont want to right now is because I dont wanna screw it up again. If I date her, Its gonna be a true honest to best shot. I know we can be an amazing couple. We didnt have horrible feelings towards each other afterwards. It was just such a quick break up after an intense and crazy strong relationship that I freaked out at her and we both immediately rebounded on other people.


I know she has met a lot of really nice guys but she does have morals and she said that every guy besides me has pretty much been just an prick and only after her for sex.


My friends made fun of me because I didnt have sex with her or even try to when I was down there.


I love sex just as much as any other guy and a lot of times I would have tried with other girls. She means absolutely so much to me though that I could not possibly make myself do that unless we were dating. I dont wanna screw up our relationship (Even just being friends) and I dont want to make myself have no chance with her ever again.


I've never been so sure of something in my life and I have never thought that before. I've talked to all of my ex girlfriends from before and the one I just dated I dated about twice as long and it meant nothing to me compared to this girl. Shes absolutely adorable in every possible sense.

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Well I was thinking how I should get my job.. I think this relationship is pretty much over and I'm really depressed.. Yeah we get along really well and probably the best since we went out... However, she is working third shift. I am getting a new job. I can't decide which shift to get it. She will be going to school and so will I, even if I make our schedules around the same time she will be going to work at like 11.. get off at like 3.. probably do work then and go to school in the morning then after school go to bed and wake up for work. How the hell am I going to find time in there to talk to her? She will get off at 3 and I can talk to her until she goes to school she says... but what about her work. College their is a lot of work outside of class and studying and stuff.. and then even lets say we do talk between then or she gets out of school at 12 and goes to bed and gets up like 7 .... either way thats only 4 hours of talk potentially a day.. and then shes got friends too.. darnit. I wish I could use a better word to express this but this wont allow you to. Any suggestions anyone?

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Try maintaining the friendship for now until you can spend more real time together. With that schedule it looks like neither of you really have time for a relationship... you would have to work really hard to MAKE the time.


What do you think?

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