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sex with ex - heartbreaking

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Ill give you a quick breakdown, me and my ex split up 8 mnths ago it was horrible Id never felt like that before for someone we were together 2 yrs but turns out all he said was a lie, he was still seeing his baby mother and when he broke up with me he just ignored me, Ive never felt so bad I havent even been near another bloke since.


Anyway 3 weeks ago I saw him he chased me in the car until I pulled over we were both shaking, while talking to each other. I dont know if its cos I felt so rejected after before that it happened he threw a bone and I ran after it, anyway I have just sent him a message


' Im really sorry that shouldnt have happened I guess when you feel so horrible and rejected after last time, you just want that person to want you back, but it doesnt make you feel better does it, I know you want to be friends but I cant you hurt me too much for that, Im sorry and you take care of yourself x '


You know I think it hurts more now than before Im shaking and crying, do you think this is right what I sent, and how do I go about healing all over again?

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so he didn't want back?

what did he want, just to be friends?

well, you know yourself what to do.

not see him, not hear him, not hear anything about him.

i so feel your pain and i wish i could help you in some ways.

in my experience just completely blocking him out of your life that includes everything he has ever given you.

some time back, maybe like 7 years ago i was very badly dumped.

after an initial shock of a few hours, i went home and methodically packed EVERYTHING that she ever gave me, i mean everything, pictures, little stupid stuff.

anything that reminded me of her that i thought wasn't appropriate to give back i threw away that same day.

it was horrible but in some ways it was easier that she dumped me so hard, she said that she found someone else, over the phone, while being away. it was instant closure, i saw no way back

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Well he hasnt replyed to that message....... so I think its safe to assume he didnt want me back, the only problem I have now is we are going to a mutual friends party on Saturday I dont know how Ill deal with it, also I cant seem to block his e-mail just in case........

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