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Ah! Sweet Lies


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I cried

You laughed

Beneath your stiff

False smile

You mocked me


I came to you

To talk

To explain to you

Why I feel the way I do

"It's okay Honey"

You say

"You can talk to me anytime"

I believed you


Your sweet Lies

Dripping from your lips

Like honey

I licked it up

Nice and clean

It tasted good

Ah! Sweet Lies


I was Hurt

You betrayed me

Laughed at me

Told me I was nothing

I've retreated

Shrunk into a little ball

Sicked up all the lies

I naively licked up

I rock back and forth

In the darkness

Of my own little room

I'm safe from you now

Your sweet honey lies.





I usually write prose,. but This is my first poem in a while ,. tell me what you think, im open to comments and ideas. thnx

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I am interested in what these "lies" were. Have you considered that the "liarer" in this poem really thinks that they are telling the truth. Maybe they have deceived themselves, as well as deceiving you. Self deception is an interesting thing, and can make one believe they are innocent of even attrocious crimes (ie. OJ Simpson thinking he is innocent). Anyway, its a really good poem, so now I am going to go write a poem!!!

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Thnx for ur comment, i wrote this poem first thing after I woke up because i had these words playing in my mind. I would say its mainy about my naiveity,. me being too trusting . Thinking of people as something they weren't even though i knew who they really were. i guess there is an element of self-deception in there. I tend to shy away frm the truth, when it hurts and convince myself otherwise. Thnx for ur reply,... helpd me see things in a newlight.

As for the "lies".. well,. theyre two sides to it. The lies ive told myself,. and the lies that Ive been told... Im "sicking them up" in the last verse because ive come to realise that they're doing me no good......

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Wow, I REALLY like your poem petalbud! You wrote basically what I feel about a someone at the moment. I have feelings for her, which I think she knows(girls tend to know that)

I feel she doesnt want to have anything to do with me, but still talks to me...and is nice...just to string me along, I guess it makes her feel good.

I've recently decided that its not heathly for me to talk to her anymore, It seems to hurt too much.


Anyways, keep up the good work


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