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love truths vs love myths

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Hey all,

Theres something I have noticed, and although it is only my opinion in the end i suppose I was thinking maybe this would help some people think......


I have noticed that MANY people on this site believe that if you loved your boyfriend or if he/she loved you that you wouldnt have EVER broken up........its said to sooo many on this site...the philosophy that 'LOVE CONQUERS ALL'.


It just isnt that simple......although I could say research says this statistics prove this bla bla bla, it seems all so predictable.......i just wanna share through experience and thoughts........


A rship to last take SO MUCH MORE then just love, it takes commitment, trust, self esteem, shared goals etc etc......


I have been with a man i loved more then life itself......he was addicted to heroin and after 2 rs watching him in so much pain from withdrawal time and time again i realised 'LOVE COULDNT CONQUER ALL'. after my last ex who beat me i again realised 'LOVE DOES NOT CONQUER ALL'.


People are brough up in wetsern culture on these belifes that are so easy and simple and so PERFECT, a fairytale......they ride of into the sunset BUT they dont show the day after that.........the day they awake and bills come in and children are born and addictions kick in or money falters.......


Please dont tell people here with broken hearts that their loved one never loved them.........it isnt true alot of time........its not always so simple......that means out of my 3 loves ive ha din my life none of them i really loved............thats BS.


Heres some myths for thought:


Love Myth vs. Love Reality


Love Myth


• True love conquers all


• When it's really true love, you will know it the

moment you meet the other person.


• There is only one true love in the world who

is right for you.


• The perfect partner will fulfill you completely

in every way.


• When you experience powerful sexual

chemistry with someone, it must be love.


Love Reality


• Love is not enough to make a relationship

work - in needs compatibility and commitment

[Jen - and I will add communication, integrity

and honesty]


• It takes just a moment to experience

infatuation, but true love takes time.


• It is possible to experience true love with

more than one person - there are many

potential partners you could be happy with.


• The right partner will fulfill many of your

needs but not all of them.


• Good sex has nothing to do with true love,

but making love does!

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Good sex has nothing to do with true love,

but making love does!


lol i like the play on words.


It takes just a moment to experience

infatuation, but true love takes time.


True, I do believe in love at first sight though.. well i don't know if it is really love or if it's really love or if it's just like.. an attraction at first sight. Like a physical, probably non connective in the sense of a meeting of minds, but meh


It is possible to experience true love with

more than one person - there are many

potential partners you could be happy with.


This is going to cause all hell to break loose lol


people believe in 'soulmates' and 'the one' will jump down your throat at this point.


The right partner will fulfill many of your

needs but not all of them.


Well, I don't believe in keeping score lol, but you should deffinetly feel satisfied in more than one way.. probably not all though.

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I know alot of people will disagree.........thats ok........


I think 'The One' is merely the one who it happens to work out with.....there was good communication, good timing etc.....it works AND there is love.....The belife of 'The One' to me is true but not in the sense that he is the only one, he is the one because he is who i was meantt o be with because he fullfills my every need etc etc i believe he is 'the one' because and simply because its who it works with....we click

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