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How do I move on from having so many jobs in a year?

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So I don't know what to do and I really need other people's pov on my issues before moving forward. I first want to say that English isn't my first language.

So, when the year started I had a job in a warehouse with a temporary agency for almost a year. Around June I finally met my future wife through a dating app and although I thought I was going to be blessed for the rest of the year, coincidentally is when things started going wrong. I've been on 4 jobs since May and let me explain.

The first one was that warehouse job where I was cleaning and loading up trucks. I had gotten this job because I was desperate to pay my bills and my agency found something that was 3 hours away from me by bus. By some miracle, I still made it work but it was terrible but it wasn't the reason why it ended. I had gotten in a situation where a coworker threw gasoline in the compactor or where they throw garbage like wood so that the machine can squeeze it. My job started panicking because gas was in that machine so when they asked me who did it I felt scared to lie and told them the truth. The guy who threw the gas ended up finding out that I told on him even though we were good friends but I didn't do it out of malicious intent. I just struggle to lie sometimes. So for the rest of the month he was telling me things like my father steals money from the government, because he was a minister and he never stole anything. He kept saying mean stuff to me or to others when he was around me and I kept reporting it to my managers but they didn't care to help. All they would do is ask him if it was true and obviously he lied. So one day he kept verbally attacking me and I finally stood up for myself and cursed him back. I told my managers what happened and then they told my agency to end my contract. 

The second job, lucky me the agency found something after 3 weeks and I started working in an aviation warehouse where I couldn't make any mistakes and I never did make any serious mistakes but they laid off a bunch of people after 3 months of me being in the company because the company was under fire by the whole aviation industry. Delta and another rof their suppliers kept finding tools in the aviation inflatables bags which is dangerous. So my second job ended up losing business and I was let go. The same weekend I decided to visit my gf due to long distance. 

My third job was Wendy's and I left after 1 day. So I don't know if that counts but having to work in fast food and you can't take any breaks was horrible on my first day. The coworker kept slamming the drive through door at customers. Nobody was teaching me anything. It was chaos.


My 4th job is now home Depot. Now I don't know how I ended up in another situation with a coworker after only being there for 3 weeks. This coworker from the moment I walked in from my interview introduced himself and kept asking me a bunch of questions as if I was doing an interview with him. He was the most friendly person I ever met and I never realized that was a bad thing. It was to the point where the HR manager had to tell him to focus on his computer work. He invited me to Church and always asked me about my religion which I dont have any but I don't think he liked that. I like science more and he's very religious. He would flirt every girl even customers and even gsve me a hug. One day a customer asked me a question and I tried looking for the closest employee who could help me and I found that weird guy. He was talking to someone and instead of tapping his shoulder I just put my hand around the back of his neck as a sign of affection especially since he gave me a hug earlier and broke the touch barrier. Days later I found out that he reported me for hitting him which would be impossible. He was sore etcc all the managers at my store saw the footage and don't understand why he's reporting me because they couldn't find anything wrong. Corporate in Atlanta still decided to put me on administrative leave. The store man said that I will be getting paid for all the shifts I couldn't work but at this point I don't believe anyone. Although, I don't see why he would lie about me getting paid. It's been almost a week now and ive finally decided to call my agency because I hate how my experience at home Depot has been so far. Plus even though I've been getting 30 hours to 35 hours as a part timer,I still don't like the idea that I can get 20 hours per week when I'm used to working 40 hours. I don't want to have to leave another job like home Depot. I get along with everyone even the guy who reported me for hitting him even though all I did was put my hand around the back of his neck like a friend without any strength. I have rent and bills to pay and my agency had offered me a full time position but I declined because of my experiences with the job she found me but now I realize that I might be better off calling my agency again and quit home Depot once the investigation is over. Id have a hard time believing that they could fire me especially since none of the managers saw any wrong and the store manager said he's seen worse and I should be fine but I don't believe any of them and I'm already tired of home Depot ove that incident. I don't understand why coworkers love to F with me and they usually all say that I'm a good person. So I don't understand why people start being ***s once they realize that I'm a good person like they say and i would never hit someone. But I'm also tired of looking for work.

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As a temp you don't own HD any loyalty. You have a right to accept any other work that an agency offers or that you can find on your own.

In the future, don't put your hands on anyone in any way beyond a handshake. That's a huge no-no these days. If someone else messes up, that's on them, but don't put yourself at risk of being misinterpreted by touching back.

As for having many jobs on your resume, simply list them as temp positions. Temporary means there's a beginning, middle and end, so no need to defend a temp job ending. You can say that the contract concluded, and you wanted to find something closer or more challenging.

Don't list the one day job on your resume. We're all entitled to test a job, and it's not a big deal to walk away from a position that's not for you.

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7 minutes ago, catfeeder said:

In the future, don't put your hands on anyone in any way beyond a handshake. That's a huge no-no these days. If someone else messes up, that's on them, but don't put yourself at risk of being misinterpreted by touching back.

As for having many jobs on your resume, simply list them as temp positions. Temporary means there's a beginning, middle and end, so no need to defend a temp job ending. You can say that the contract concluded, and you wanted to find something closer or more challenging.

Don't list the one day job on your resume. We're all entitled to test a job, and it's not a big deal to walk away from a position that's not for you.

Thanks, that means a lot. And sure I definitely won't even pat someone in their shoulders and I did that so instinctively that it would never crossed my mind that the same person who gave me hug is now accusing me of hitting him even though the camera showed no reaction from him because you would think someone that's getting hit is going to flinch but instead he was the same way he was standing up. But yeah I know next time to avoid any sort of physical touch even if others do the same. It's true, it's not a big deal. I guess my rent is what's making me turn it into a big deal.

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1 minute ago, ssboii360 said:

Thanks, that means a lot. And sure I definitely won't even pat someone in their shoulders and I did that so instinctively that it would never crossed my mind that the same person who gave me hug is now accusing me of hitting him even though the camera showed no reaction from him because you would think someone that's getting hit is going to flinch but instead he was the same way he was standing up. But yeah I know next time to avoid any sort of physical touch even if others do the same. It's true, it's not a big deal. I guess my rent is what's making me turn it into a big deal.

Yes, don't hold out for HD unless you've signed a contract that says you must work exclusively for them for a period of time and can't work elsewhere during that time. Find that out, and use the conversation to either negotiate a new start date or be released from exclusivity.

If there is no such clause that keeps you dedicated to them, go pursue a job to pay your rent. You never know, this might lead you to a job you enjoy and can get to easily. As for difficult people on jobs, there is usually at least one on every job site. Observe the people, and you'll figure out who to stay away from.

Good luck, and I hope you'll let us know how your new job works out.

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First off I really want to commend you for being out there in the workforce working your *** off to pay the bills, rent etc and being a responsible human being!  

That speaks volumes for your character versus living off government assist or mooching off others. 

Re your temp jobs, I went through a period while pursuing a legal career and attending school at night of working temp jobs.  I had something like 15 different temp job that year.

Some people prefer working temp versus permanent as they enjoy the flexibility.

Anyway, the good news is you're exposing yourself to different environments and people and learning to adapt to various situations.  

This is a good thing! 

On my resume I did not list every temp job as there were too many, I listed the temp agency who placed me and stated they were contract/temp positions and the length of time I worked with agency.  Not each job. 

This was acceptable and I suffered no consequences as far as seeking permanent employment as a result. 

DO list all your skills and strengths and the positive attributes you bring.  

I'm wondering is this agency only a temp agency?  Do they place people for permanent positions? 

If so let them know you seek a permanent job and want to be sent out on those interviews.

If not find a permanent placement agency. 

Do not sell yourself short, you're a hard and responsible worker!

While at work, be friendly but basically attend to your own business and be professional.

Distance yourself from anyone causing drama. 

You've got this, good luck! 😃

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5 hours ago, rainbowsandroses said:

I'm wondering is this agency only a temp agency?  Do they place people for permanent positions? 

Yes, thanks for the kind message. So many amazing people here. And yes the agency I was in do permanent positions. The first job I was in they offered me something permanent but I couldn't deal with the one *** only for me to realize that every other jobs were worse lol well had worse people.

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