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Appropriate response when you let someone down?

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Hi! First time poster so you'll have to bear with me here.  I am truly at a loss with my husband and really need some insight, am I expecting too much? Or am I justified in my feelings.  We've been married 10 years and this issue keeps resurfacing.  

I will ask him to do something, whether it be take the trash out, call to schedule something, pay a bill, etc.  I do 95% of coordinating our family's schedule.  We have two children who are school aged so it is a busy time in our lives and we both work full time.  He will forget/neglect to do said thing- I say neglect because sometimes it's truly a choice he's making to not do something.  My issue is mainly his response to his failure to follow through.  He will come at it like "so what, I forgot, I can't change it so there's no point in talking about it" instead of being apologetic and trying to make it right.  He says it's not that deep and I shouldn't get mad about little things, but to me multiple little things add up to a big thing.  And at that point if he made it right and did the thing he forgot to do I would be ok, but he'll simply say he doesn't feel like it, he'll do it later, tomorrow, etc and then it doesn't happen.  It's to the point where if I want to know something is done I have to do it on my own but I'm one person who also has a busy job and then I get resentful that I'm not getting the support I need from my spouse.  
I feel like it is reflective of your character when you let someone down but don't take accountability for it.  I've told him it's not up to him to decide if something is small or doesn't matter, it's up to the person he let down to give him grace (or not if said thing was truly important) but he just says "well, it didn't happen.   Be mad if you want but you're in charge of you feelings and anger and you can choose to let it go or not, but I'm over it" like no skin off his back... of course it doesn't bother him because it doesn't affect him when he fails time and time again so someone else has to do what he said he would.  

ex: I have asked him for a month to schedule a drivers permit test for our son.  I have reminded him several times but he was the one that was going to take him so he had to schedule it around his work and what would work for him so this wasn't something I could do for him.  I have asked, reminded, pleaded... every day this week I reminded either through text or a phone call.. it's still not done. His response was again what i posted above.  It's not a big deal and i can choose to be angry but he's over it and moving on... he has me backed into a corner with no where to go but to get angry.  

if you've gotten this far thank you for taking the time.  I would love any constructive feedback/advise/perspective that you have to offer.

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