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How to eat like a diabetic?


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I'm at a loss and on the verge of diabetes type 2. The problem is, I don't know what to eat. I never even knew what to eat when eating a regular diet. I dread shopping so much! I dread cooking, but all the easy stuff is completely unhealthy! I know that diabetics eat healthy. I should know how to do this because 2 years ago I lost 80 lbs and I never even touched sugar! I ate healthy or MOST of the food I ate was healthy, but I still ate bad which Is why I'm over 20 lbs heavier and back where I started In my relationships with food. I'm a binge eater and when I was smaller, I was incredibly restrictive. That is besides the point. Lol. I'm just wondering how other diabetics shop and buy food to last. Are there things that are cheap? All of this is a nightmare to me because I already had a hard time buying regular food. I recently started buying only food to make and it worked until I found out I'm turning diabetic via a blood test. I don't know it may br wrong my dr. Said something about something being 5.3 from the blood test she ordered and that if It went higher, I'd have to be checked for diabetes? I can't remember.


Diabetics, what foods fill you up? I'm on a med that makes me hungry and being hungry feels awful to me. I got so used to eating junk food again that I no longer enjoy healthy food. I swear I'm addicted to sugar. That's most likely what got me in this mess.

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I am diabetic . Protein is your best friend . Veggies are your best friend provided they are not starchy. So no potatoes, no rice , no bread , peas are starchy etc . Sugar and treats nope . 

Exercise after every meal is also your best friend . 

Most of your plate should be green veggies or coloured veggies , 3 ounces of meat and a tiny amount of complex carbs . 

Water is also your new best friend . 

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3 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I am diabetic . Protein is your best friend . Veggies are your best friend provided they are not starchy. So no potatoes, no rice , no bread , peas are starchy etc . Sugar and treats nope . 

Exercise after every meal is also your best friend . 

Most of your plate should be green veggies or coloured veggies , 3 ounces of meat and a tiny amount of complex carbs . 

Water is also your new best friend . 

😭 Man. I loved potatoes and sugar, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

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Was just about to reccommend talking to Seraphim, but she beat me to it.

I have a diabetic roommate. I'll second everything Seraphim just said. Meals should be about 50% vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should be your snacks - cucumbers, salads, carrots.  Fruits actually have some sugar but are the good kind, natural not artificial which really is what hurts you. Having a banana daily helps her out.

If you have something starchy like rice I think you're only suppose to have enough to cup in your hands. So limit it.

Drink pllenty of water. Walk and exercise. And get plenty of sleep. Getting enough rest sets your numbers lower at the start of the day and makes it easier to control throughout the day. If you start high, it tends to stay high and is harder to get down.

My friend loves potatoes as well so it hasn't been easy on her. But she ignored it and ended up in the hospital. Better to take care of things now before it gets worse.



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9 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Was just about to reccommend talking to Seraphim, but she beat me to it.

I have a diabetic roommate. I'll second everything Seraphim just said. Meals should be about 50% vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should be your snacks - cucumbers, salads, carrots.  Fruits actually have some sugar but are the good kind, natural not artificial which really is what hurts you. Having a banana daily helps her out.

If you have something starchy like rice I think you're only suppose to have enough to cup in your hands. So limit it.

Drink pllenty of water. Walk and exercise. And get plenty of sleep. Getting enough rest sets your numbers lower at the start of the day and makes it easier to control throughout the day. If you start high, it tends to stay high and is harder to get down.

My friend loves potatoes as well so it hasn't been easy on her. But she ignored it and ended up in the hospital. Better to take care of things now before it gets worse.


I better start watching what I'm eating that sounds serious.


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1 hour ago, Seraphim said:

If not careful you can lose your eye sight and digits and limbs . 

I believe some of this happened to my former boss/mentor.  And yes I've heard of this otherwise.

OP ask your doctor for where to look online, ask her what she or he recommends nutritionally.  That is what they are there for. Also Seraphim surely knows better than me but I would think these days there are many online resources too.

My go to when I need medical input in addition  to my doctor is Webmd and the Mayo Clinic site.

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When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, my doctor gave me a referral to go see a dietician or nutritionist at the local hospital. She made a meal plan for me and decided how many calories I should consume each day. She also held diabetic classes at the hospital for three days with other newly diagnosed diabetic people just like me. She went over meal planning, medications, complications from diabetes, etc. This was VERY informative. Ask your doctor about this. 

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I wish I could connect you with my female cousin that I am super close with, she has Type 1 diabetes (juvenile diabetes) and was diagnosed at a very young age. 

She eats really healthy and knows a lot about managing her blood sugar and the struggles associated with diabetes and food and managing blood sugars. I sometimes have low blood sugar and I'll ask her for her input.

Can you maybe look into getting a nutritionist or dietitian that specializes in diabetes like @Vesnamentioned? I think that is a wonderful idea!

Also make sure you have a good endo if you don't already, as I hear that's super important.

My cousin eats lots of lean protein, vegetables and isn't a big sugar eater but does occasionally indulge in moderation. Can you prepare a weeks worth of food on the weekend and refrigerate it so you are all set? 

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