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Married Autistic & Confused


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45M 40F 

Married for 15 years 

My wife just told me after 15 years of marriage that she has had multiple opportunities to have sex with other men but she chose not to. She also told me that she flirts with othe men and that everyone flirts.

My problem is that for our whole marriage she told me that this never happens and I have nothing to worry about and that she doesnt flirt with people.

Now after 15 years of saying this to me she is now telling me the complete opposite which means she has been lying to me the whole time.

I over think and am very insecure and scared as I work away from home and I don't drink alcohol or go out to her friends parties with her as I don't drink and I feel uncomfortable around drunk people now I feel like an idiot and I could have caused this behaviour to occur.

I don't flirt with other women as I don't see the point as I know I'm not going to do anything with them so what's the point of letting other people know I'm sexually attracted to then if I have no desire to actually do anything about it as I'm happily married. 2 years back she was encouraging me to flirt with strangers and when I told her I don't want to as I don't see the point I asked her, do want me to do it coz you do it or you want yo do it and she said no no no not at all but now she is saying the opposite maybe forgetting this past conversation.

My biggest problem is being lied to this whole time about things that have to do with our marriage and other people and now I feel like I don't know what reality is and I don't know what's true and what's a lie.

I know I overthink things and always go to worse case scenario. I think I do this as I was cheated on in my last relationship and also as I am away from home for 6 months of the year.

Please. Anyone. I have no one to talk to and need help. Thank you. 

I should also add that I'm Autistic and find normal relationship things hard and confusing.

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