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My ex hitting me up about random things


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My ex and i mutually sort of broke up. I am over my ex and agreed the friendship was cool. But , he hit me up telling me it was a possibility he had to have open heart surgery and to keep him in my prayers. He also hits me up asking how my daughter is doing. And i just saw him in the store we walked past each other the first time and the second time he stopped me and said he heard i got a promotion. He also texted me randomly and said “i heard your hair is pink now”

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9 minutes ago, Andrina said:

If you agreed to a friendship, then isn't that what friends do? Communicate? If you find any cons to staying in touch, such as that it might be bad for any future romance you have with another guy, you can always tell him it's best to no longer communicate. 

Yes but i guess because his texts are random and don’t require a response “i heard you have pink hair “ or “i saw on facebook you got promoted” etc 

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1 hour ago, HargY8890 said:

A safe place ? Even though we are no longer romantically involved ?

It's more of nostalgia.  People tend to remember the good times. 

You don't have to respond.  Cut the guy some slack due to his health.  Wish him well & be done.  

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Are you a man or a woman? I mean dont get me wrong there is a chance that you are 50 year old bi man who dyes his hair pink, pretty sure those exist in places like California. But on the other thread you said you are a man in 50s with girlfriend so its kinda confusing with talks about man ex while you now have girlfriend?

In case you are not a troll: Maybe he just wants to maintain contact? Some people just dont ask questions but start a convo about something. 

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