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Refusing to Get a Job


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My boyfriend of 4+ years refuses to get a full time job. He’s 28, I’m 27, if it matters. He does enough side work to get by on his small amount of bills since he lives with his mom and dad. 
He had one full time job that he quit after two week because he felt he wasn’t going to make it in the field it was in cause it was labor intensive. 
He has a small amount of schooling behind him but he thinks his couple years of experience is worth 20+ dollars an hour. 
he literally gets so angry if he’s offered a position that wasn’t what he applied for or if the pay doesn’t line up with what he thinks he should make. He takes it as a personal insult. He’s also denied jobs that would have been pretty good but he thought the company was full of ***s because he didn’t like the interviewer. 
Unfortunately, I fell for him very fast and didn’t take issue with this as I should have so I’ve only just recently in the last year talked to him about it. He seemed receptive of me telling him he needs to get a full time job cause of wanting to further our relationship, like getting a house together, having some kids in the next couple years since we are getting older. And we cant do that just on my salary. 
He never changed, never got a full time job. 
Last time it was brought up it was basically him blaming the world and that he his trying to get a job but he’s not going to take a job less than the money he wants to make. 
I love him still but I don’t know what to do anymore. 
What can I say to him that can make him realize he needs to get a job even if it’s not what he exactly wants? 

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I think he is comfortable where he is now. He does small gigs, pays few bills, has money to take you out and top buy him something and that is it. He doesnt have a rush to take any job and can just "browse" job market and do what he does. But, that means he is not a best prospect for you since you want to buy a home and to have kids. 

You asked what can you say to him to find full time job. The answer is: nothing. He is set in his ways and doesnt see the rush to change them. That means your goals for future dont align and that you should break up if you dont want to waste more time on him.

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