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Mixed text messages and signals

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I've been talking to an old friend of mine for the last week now. I've known her since I was in grade 2, and she was in grade 3. We kept in touch vaguely throughout high school, because our younger sisters were in the same grade. Last I spoke to her was 2 years ago, when I was beginning my first year at university, and she was starting her second year at the same school. Fast forward to 10 days ago, I saw her while we were both in our cars in a parking lot, so I sent her a text when I got home to see how she's been. We chatted briefly, and found out that we were both going to the bars that night for an event. Even though we were going to be at different bars, we somehow ended up at the same one. I was talking with her for a bit, and then my friends wanted to go home, and she and her friends wanted to go to another bar, so I tagged along with her. The next morning, I realized I had her ID (she didn't have pockets and we both forgot I was holding on to it), so I went by her place the day after to give it back. She invited me to her apartment, and we chatted on the couch for 2 hours, just catching up. At no point did the conversation feel awkward or drawn out, we easily could've kept talking for hours, but it was late.


Fast forward to 3 days ago, it's homecoming at our university, so everyone is partying all weekend. We talked a little bit about our plans, and later at night, when I was already at a bar, she asked which one I was at, and she came with her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend. Once again, my friends wanted to head back early, so I stayed behind with her for the rest of the night, until her and her roommate ubered home. The day after (2 days ago), I asked her what her plans were for the night, and she told me which bar she was going to. It was different from the one I was planning on going to, so I texted her back "Oh nice! Stay safe." She then responded with "Wait, how about you? Are we not going together??" This message has been throwing me off because I can't tell if its just being friendly, or if there are more flirtatious tones to it. I've asked a lot of friends, both male and female, and 99% of them are saying it's flirty. I was never able to meet up with her because her roommate new a bouncer at a very busy club and I wasn't able to get there in time to join them, so the next morning I asked her how her night was, and we chatted a bit more. She said how she was heading home for 2 days, and so I said "That's nice. Tell your parents I say hi!" (because I've known her parents for years as well). I then followed it with "Also, would you want to grab food sometime this week?" because when I first texted her 10 days ago, we were talking about grabbing food one day to catch up. It's now been 24 hours since that last text I sent her, and still no response. Part of me is just brushing it off with the fact that she's back home for the first time in a month, and she's busy with family and friends. But the other part of me is scared that she's purposefully ignoring it.


I really like this girl, and would love to get to know her better. That's something that I want to tell her as well, and I figured after dinner or something would be a good time. But now I don't know. I feel like I'm getting mixed signals from her texts. Any advice would be great, I've just never been in a relationship, or liked someone as much as her, so I don't know what to do. I don't want to be too pushy and seem desperate, because worst case scenario, I'd still like to have her as a friend.

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3 hours ago, rockyghost54 said:

The day after (2 days ago), I asked her what her plans were for the night, and she told me which bar she was going to. It was different from the one I was planning on going to, so I texted her back "Oh nice! Stay safe." She then responded with "Wait, how about you? Are we not going together??”

I dunno if you are secretly a genius or just plain dumb for stuff like that, but you did accidentaly “struck gold” there. Meaning played nonchalantly so she would say something. But you did fumbled after that sadly. Instead of saying something like “Well if you really want me that much Ill try to come see you”, you just never showed off? Its clear that she wanted you there at least in some capacity. But you just didnt show up.

Also, you strike iron while its hot. Meaning that you should grab your opportunity while she had interest. Now she maybe got cold. Why didnt yiu went out with her alone in meantime?

Also, you should update your first thread, not open new one about the same topic.

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