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Haven't dated in 10 years, found a date, how to proceed?


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For some context, I'm a 32 year old male, 10 years ago I was in a long term relationship with my highschool girlfriend. We had a house, engagement, and twins on the way. She realized she wasn't ready for all the commitment and got hooked on meth/booze from a relative who provided. We lost the kids, and she left me. This left me unable to even want to form a connection with another person, until recently. My career and personal growth have absolutely soared in these last 10 years, and I decided it was time to try searching for a relationship again. 

I got on Hinge and matched with a beautiful 26 year old woman that lives about an hour away. We chatted for about a week and i learned that she has been single for the past 6 years. She has her own house, owns a truck, and is happy with her single life, noting that the only thing she'd change is adding another person to it. - I like this. 

We scheduled a first date and went out to a nice restaurant, she was dressed beautifully and I was stunned at how she looked. Big sparkling eyes, pale skin, red curly hair, I was smitten. She also was receptive to my questions and kept a conversation flowing. We left after only an hour, as this was more or a less feeling the waters for our compatibility. I didn't offer her a kiss or anything physical, and we wished eachother a safe drive home. 

By the time we got home, she had already planned a second date with me. I took this as a major win, because I too wanted more time with her. We texted for a week, and just had our 2nd date last night. I took her to a nice mexican grill and we both really enjoyed our food. There was still some stranger-awkwardness, but we were able to talk more comfortably with eachother. After dinner, we went to a theater to watched the new Beteljuice. To my surprise, within 10 minutes of the movie starting she held out her hand for me, and we held hands for the entire movie. I wish I could remember that movie because there were some funny moments, but all I could think about was how valued I felt by sharing hands with her, and how I wanted this to continue. At the end of the movie we left to the parking lot and shared some laughs about key moments, but we didnt hold hands on the short walk. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable or ruin my chances at a 3rd date, so I gave her a nice hug as we split ways to our cars and said our goodbyes. I really wanted to kiss her, but I just havent done this in so long and didn't want to be the one moving too fast for her. I texted her this when I got home, and she told me it wouldnt have made her uncomfortable. 

She is so descriptive and talkative in person, but over text she's rather short worded, a lot of "Nice", or "Yea that sounds nice" while i'm more, well, this post. It's hard to read her tone sometimes over text, and i want to see her more. I asked her "Is it too soon to consider this a relationship?" and she replied "Maybe a little too soon". 
After saying this, She planned a 3rd date, a comedy club. This sounds fun, but it's two weeks away (she had bought the tickets ahead of time to go with a girlfriend of hers, and they cancelled). She also mentioned that she wanted to continue seeing me.

My issue is, id prefer to see her much sooner, and I feel like i'm beyond the getting-to-know-you stage. I am convinced that i've found the person I want to see for the rest of the foreseeable future. I don't care what activity we do, but I'd like to break this friendly dating barrier and find a way to move into romantic dating. But, i'm pretty apprehensive and nervous about making moves too quickly with her, i also don't want to give off the impression that i'm not confident, i just don't want to ruin this, and I also don't to be on date #10 still unsure if we're going to be exclusive. 

Does anyone have any tips on how I can break the barriers and move into an actual relationship? We're running out of random questions to eachother, and i'd like to fully capture her interest before our texts in-between dates fall flat. 

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Your new love interest and your interactions sound so adorable and sweet!

Congratulations on finding someone you have a strong connection with!!

You're overly excited. Totally normal... It's the first person that you are genuinely interested in after a long time break and something that ended on a less pleasurable note. That scarred. For any one it would I can see that you are afraid that if things go wrong, "what if I loose them" will run through your head. 

What happened to your children? Where are they and where is their mother?

OK, back on topic...

I'm not one to say to hold back from saying what you feel. Express your feelings only to a point if you see yourself in relationship with this woman.

You're ready to move faster, doesn't mean she is/will be, and that's perfectly okay. So, be mindful of that. It's been two dates for her so she is still getting to know you too. Just let her get an idea, an understanding that you may be thinking beyond the two dates. Most people are hesitant to rush and generally like to take their time. Show her your interest and let that entice her to become more comfortable with you, take the lead more and more. It will come.

If you want to see her sooner, take the initiative to plan something and invite her. Just make sure you're not trying to cram everything in at once or it might fizzle out just as fast. Enjoy the build up, the process, the missing each other. That's the fun part!

It really sounds like you hit it off with this person and everything is unfolding in exactly the right way. 🤗

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16 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Your new love interest and your interactions sound so adorable and sweet!

Congratulations on finding someone you have a strong connection with!!

You're overly excited. Totally normal... It's the first person that you are genuinely interested in after a long time break and something that ended on a less pleasurable note. That scarred. For any one it would I can see that you are afraid that if things go wrong, "what if I loose them" will run through your head. 

What happened to your children? Where are they and where is their mother?

OK, back on topic...

I'm not one to say to hold back from saying what you feel/express your feelings only to a point if you see yourself in relationship with this woman.

I get that you do not want to ruin things by moving too quickly. But don't worry too much! You can definitely progress your connection without rushing things or ruining it.

You're ready to move faster, doesn't mean she is, and that's perfectly okay. So, be mindful of that. It really sounds like you hit it off with this person and everything is unfolding in exactly the right way. 🤗

Thank you for the reply. She initiated the hand holding and pretty much told me I shouldve kissed her, so I took this as us moving at the same pace. I'm 100% going to land a kiss next date, but I don't want it to be out of nowhere and random. The movies were great for holding hands and if i could i'd go to 10 more movies with her for that lol. It's hard to make physical connections when sitting across a dinner table, and i'm just not sure how to progress this. Don't care if we don't have sex for an entire year, but I do want this girl, and I want to reel her in before she loses the the interest she seemed to have last night. I compliment her personality and looks at least once a day, but she doesn't seem to receptive of this over text, and I've yet to receive a single compliment from her. Not a "You looked handsome" or any form of flirty conversation. It's difficult for me to decipher the rate at which we should be moving, but i'm THERE. Over text, it's as if i'm talking to a coworker making plans for our 12am lunch outing, and not with a potential partner. But, she has expressed interest by continuing to see me, the hand holding, bringing up the kiss, etc. Having a hard time understanding the flow of everything honestly. 

All in all, we've spent about 4 hours together in person. To ME, holding hands is far more intimate than a kiss. Maybe she see's it differently, but when I hold somebodies hand, it's because i see them as an extension of myself and want people to see "She's mine". It's so hard to read her, I don't know what to do.

The last relationship 10 years ago, we lost the twins as in, she induced miscarriage with meth smoking and binge drinking. She was actively trying to cut ties between us and the kids wouldve made it a permanent shadow of us. Last I heard of her, she was on hard drugs and the talk of the town, in a negative way.  


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So I don't get it -she invited you because her girlfriend cancelled? Did she say she is not free till then or did she ask you to go to the comedy show and maybe figured you'd make a plan for the weekend in between? Also I'd do phone calls if she's short on texts.  Sounds adorable as Yogacat mentioned!

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2 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

So I don't get it -she invited you because her girlfriend cancelled? Did she say she is not free till then or did she ask you to go to the comedy show and maybe figured you'd make a plan for the weekend in between? Also I'd do phone calls if she's short on texts.  Sounds adorable as Yogacat mentioned!

Well i said that i'd like to see her again, and she brought up the comedy show on the 10th. I think this was intended to be the 3rd date but im not positive if she intended me to plan one sooner. I don't think I can wait 2 whole weeks before seeing her again. I COULD wait, but we had some physical connection last night and I dont want this to get lost with time. Asking to see her again this Thursday and waiting for her reply in 4-5 hours when she wakes up (she works night shift, and we live an hour apart). 

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5 minutes ago, Riotside said:

Well i said that i'd like to see her again, and she brought up the comedy show on the 10th. I think this was intended to be the 3rd date but im not positive if she intended me to plan one sooner. I don't think I can wait 2 whole weeks before seeing her again. I COULD wait, but we had some physical connection last night and I dont want this to get lost with time. Asking to see her again this Thursday and waiting for her reply in 4-5 hours when she wakes up (she works night shift, and we live an hour apart). 

Good.  I would assume she didn't mean no dates till then just that since that is a ticketed event she figured she'd check with you and if  you couldn't make it she'd ask a friend.

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You know what..you are the man please take the lead on this or you are going to lose her...confidence wins the girl. Women want and do like to be desired and that is by the man initiating, taking the lead...even if holding hands is too intimate you could have offered your arm like a gentleman while walking to the car. I always liked the light hand on my lower back guiding me through a crowd to the door. Small things like a compliment, buying her a rose. So far she has set up two dates...stop dragging your heels and ask her out again whether it's Sunday brunch or a meet up for coffee and a slice of pie. Just do it.

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First, you sound like a really nice, sweet gentleman. Don't be nervous or overthink it. You have been doing fine. 

This woman doesn't seem to have a problem leading. She planned two dates. She reached out to hold your hand. She's indicated being open for a kiss. She's already breaking down the barriers herself. You really don't have anything to worry about, she's already doing this freely because she is just as smitten with you. 

There's no rule anywhere that says you need to do anything or act a certain way. What counts is what they individuals in this particular situation want and are comfortable with. And she seems very comfortable. She is opening the door for you. All you need to do is make up your mind to walk through it.

When you are with her, just be in the moment and enjoy it. Don't try to plan or make something happen. Everything you've done so far has worked well. All you need to do is continue being your authentic self. Being that person has attracted her this far, it is what will keep the attraction going. Believe in yourself, lose yourself in the moment, and go with what you feel. If you feel like telling her you want more, speak from the heart and say it. Be polite and respectful, as I'm sure you are the kind of guy who would. Don't push for more then she is okay with, let her open up at her pace. But just be honest with her about what you are feeling and thinking. 

The kiss happens when it is right. Again, it's something you feel. Don't overthink it, don't plan it. When it's time, you'll know. All you have to do is go with it.

As for the texts, could she just not be big on texting? Maybe she is not comfortable with giving compliments. Perhaps her love language is physical touch, hence the hand holding. You still are getting to know each other, so don't read into things like this. Different people have different ways they are comfortable expressing how they feel. Don't focus on what she isn't doing, concentrate on what she is. It could be a simple matter of her not being comfortable with certain things, not that she isn't interested in you.

52 minutes ago, Riotside said:

Asking to see her again this Thursday and waiting for her reply in 4-5 hours when she wakes up (she works night shift, and we live an hour apart). 

Hope it works out. And if that time doesn't work, figure out one that does. When you have something, see each other as much as possible. 

1 hour ago, Riotside said:

To ME, holding hands is far more intimate than a kiss.

I agree with you on this. A kiss is wonderful. But there is something special about just holding hands, being together and feeling their presence though such a simple yet meaningful and personal act. 

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15 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

First, you sound like a really nice, sweet gentleman. Don't be nervous or overthink it. You have been doing fine. 

This woman doesn't seem to have a problem leading. She planned two dates. She reached out to hold your hand. She's indicated being open for a kiss. She's already breaking down the barriers herself. You really don't have anything to worry about, she's already doing this freely because she is just as smitten with you. 

There's no rule anywhere that says you need to do anything or act a certain way. What counts is what they individuals in this particular situation want and are comfortable with. And she seems very comfortable. She is opening the door for you. All you need to do is make up your mind to walk through it.

When you are with her, just be in the moment and enjoy it. Don't try to plan or make something happen. Everything you've done so far has worked well. All you need to do is continue being your authentic self. Being that person has attracted her this far, it is what will keep the attraction going. Believe in yourself, lose yourself in the moment, and go with what you feel. If you feel like telling her you want more, speak from the heart and say it. Be polite and respectful, as I'm sure you are the kind of guy who would. Don't push for more then she is okay with, let her open up at her pace. But just be honest with her about what you are feeling and thinking. 

The kiss happens when it is right. Again, it's something you feel. Don't overthink it, don't plan it. When it's time, you'll know. All you have to do is go with it.

As for the texts, could she just not be big on texting? Maybe she is not comfortable with giving compliments. Perhaps her love language is physical touch, hence the hand holding. You still are getting to know each other, so don't read into things like this. Different people have different ways they are comfortable expressing how they feel. Don't focus on what she isn't doing, concentrate on what she is. It could be a simple matter of her not being comfortable with certain things, not that she isn't interested in you.

Hope it works out. And if that time doesn't work, figure out one that does. When you have something, see each other as much as possible. 

I agree with you on this. A kiss is wonderful. But there is something special about just holding hands, being together and feeling their presence though such a simple yet meaningful and personal act. 

Thank you for this. As a previous reply said, i do need to take the initiative, i'm just cautious because neither of us has dated in quite a while, and i didn't want to scare her off, but you're right. She mentioned that her ideal relationship is one that's formed between best friends, and id hate to mess things up. She's getting a kiss the next time i see her. 

Now that it's mentioned, she DID drive an hour to meet me closer to my town last night. That alone is a big commitment. - I don't think id chalk up 2 hours of driving in the evening to seeing a friend of mine. 

I'll update in a few hours if my date for later this week is accepted, and again when/if i lock her in. 

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Go at her pace.  In the meantime,  continue building a chummy,  gentleman like friendship with her.  Even if both of you run out of things to say,  observe her personality and character thoroughly over time.  Never rush and remain patient.  I would give it a few more months and then let her know that you consider her more than just a friend.  See what she says then.  If you want more than she's willing to give at her pace,  perhaps she's not for you. 

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1 hour ago, Riotside said:

Thank you for the reply. She initiated the hand holding and pretty much told me I shouldve kissed her, so I took this as us moving at the same pace. I'm 100% going to land a kiss next date, but I don't want it to be out of nowhere and random. The movies were great for holding hands and if i could i'd go to 10 more movies with her for that lol. It's hard to make physical connections when sitting across a dinner table, and i'm just not sure how to progress this. Don't care if we don't have sex for an entire year, but I do want this girl, and I want to reel her in before she loses the the interest she seemed to have last night. I compliment her personality and looks at least once a day, but she doesn't seem to receptive of this over text, and I've yet to receive a single compliment from her. Not a "You looked handsome" or any form of flirty conversation. It's difficult for me to decipher the rate at which we should be moving, but i'm THERE. Over text, it's as if i'm talking to a coworker making plans for our 12am lunch outing, and not with a potential partner. But, she has expressed interest by continuing to see me, the hand holding, bringing up the kiss, etc. Having a hard time understanding the flow of everything honestly. 

All in all, we've spent about 4 hours together in person. To ME, holding hands is far more intimate than a kiss. Maybe she see's it differently, but when I hold somebodies hand, it's because i see them as an extension of myself and want people to see "She's mine". It's so hard to read her, I don't know what to do.

The last relationship 10 years ago, we lost the twins as in, she induced miscarriage with meth smoking and binge drinking. She was actively trying to cut ties between us and the kids wouldve made it a permanent shadow of us. Last I heard of her, she was on hard drugs and the talk of the town, in a negative way.  


Maybe she's not big on words yet but she did go to hold your hand...

And, she's wanting you to kiss her so that is a really positive sign! It's only been 4 hours together, so it's normal for her to need a little more time to open up and become more flirty. Just continue to enjoy your time with her and stay mindful of her pace.

I went on a second date once and in the middle of it I leaned in and we kissed! The first date was a hug. Second date he went to hold my hand.

So, don't worry too much about the timing of it all. I think on your next date it may feel more natural to initiate a kiss since you're already holding hands and have that closeness.

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22 minutes ago, Riotside said:

Thank you for this. As a previous reply said, i do need to take the initiative, i'm just cautious because neither of us has dated in quite a while, and i didn't want to scare her off, but you're right. She mentioned that her ideal relationship is one that's formed between best friends, and id hate to mess things up. She's getting a kiss the next time i see her. 

Now that it's mentioned, she DID drive an hour to meet me closer to my town last night. That alone is a big commitment. - I don't think id chalk up 2 hours of driving in the evening to seeing a friend of mine. 

I'll update in a few hours if my date for later this week is accepted, and again when/if i lock her in. 

You're reminding me of my first try at something. I had no experience, having never dated or admitted feelings for someone. I was cautious and afraid to scare her off. She also said she wanted to fall in love with her best friend. She also drove an hour to see me. I get the anxiety and wanting to do things just right. That comes with having feelings for someone. And when it's all new, as it probably at least feels for you, you put extra pressure on yourself. So it's okay to be cautious, it's okay to be nervous. But it's worth taking a risk for if it's what you really feel inside.

One thing I probably should have done sooner was go for the kiss. If she is saying she wants it, give it to her. Trust me, it's well worth it. 😍

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7 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Look at you Mr Hot Stuff. She's asking for more? Careful, she can't seem to get enough of you. 😉

See, when it's the right person, things just tend to go well.

Have fun.


11 hours ago, yogacat said:

Hot diggigty, she wants you! lol

Thank you! She said that before she considers this a relationship, she wants me to be more comfortable around her. I'm pretty comfortable, i guess she just means that i need to kill the apprehension and be more physically up front. I'll be treating her like ive been dating her for months, taking her hand and kisses when I want them, etc. Will update on Thursday how this new approach goes. 

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Sounds good but you are still in to much of a rush to call it a relationship.  It is always best to let that happen instead of working to make that happen.  It can ruin things that seem to be going very well.

 Remember you hardly know each other so you both are still getting to know the real person, not the first few dates person.  Please don't treat her like you have been dating months, treat her like a woman you really want to spend more time with, get to know better emotionally and physically while doing that at her pace, not yours.  Lean in for a kiss and let her meet you half way and then leave it at that for a bit, don't just think you have a green light for a full on make out session. You will know her pace by how she responds so pay attention to how she touches you, how close she is to you, strokes your arm or thigh or runs her fingers through your hair.  Let her catch up to where you are and this will be great.

  Don't be insecure and act weird thinking if you don't talk to her all the time she will get away or some other guy will steal her from you.  If she is into you she will choose you on her own.

 I assume you will be cooking dinner or something when she visits?


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3 hours ago, tattoobunnie said:

She planned the 2nd date, and the next date. Why don't you call her, and ask her out for this Saturday.  Holy cow.  You wanna go steady, but don't step up?  Snooze.

Ask her to a museum, hike, whatever. Don't wait till she asks.

She planned the 2nd date, but it fell through due to rain, which is why i picked dinner/movie. She planned the comedy club on the 10th, and i believe i have stepped up by asking to see her again sooner. Because of this, she's coming to my house Thursday. 

It's just difficult to navigate, i haven't dated in 10 years, and my last relationship was my first relationship ever. Very mixed signals, first she tells me she wants to slowly build into being best friends, then holds my hand during an entire movie (which i find WAY more intimate than a kiss), and she said she wouldve liked a kiss too instead of the hug i gave. So, does she want to take it slow and build a deep bond over time, or break physical barriers immediately and lead a relationship that builds on infatuation? It's just so hard to read. She said she wants me to be more comfortable around her, but I am, the only way I can see her saying that, is if she wants me to take physical action without fear, which is fine, but again, very hard to read. 

She's coming over Thursday and im sure we'll break through the sexual tension i might be building, but even that goes miles beyond the expectations she laid out. It's also hard to do any of this when she provides absolutely ZERO flirting. No compliments paid to me in text or in person, and all of my compliments/flirts towards her just immediately change to other topics. It's weird, idk how most people bang first then date, or go into dating without some romance grow into. Maybe a kiss will do that, we'll see. 

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I don't see the mixed signal.  Holding hands is not the same as having sex.  Please hold off on bedding her when she says that she wants to build things slowly.

She's only met you twice; why does she have to pay you compliments?  Be weary of a person who barely knows you, and is complimenting you so early on - love bombing is not what you want when you are trying to get to know someone.  That's a red flag.

I get you are hard up, but she already told you she doesn't want to rush into things.

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1 hour ago, Riotside said:

It's just difficult to navigate, i haven't dated in 10 years, and my last relationship was my first relationship ever. Very mixed signals, first she tells me she wants to slowly build into being best friends, then holds my hand during an entire movie (which i find WAY more intimate than a kiss), and she said she wouldve liked a kiss too instead of the hug i gave. So, does she want to take it slow and build a deep bond over time, or break physical barriers immediately and lead a relationship that builds on infatuation? It's just so hard to read. She said she wants me to be more comfortable around her, but I am, the only way I can see her saying that, is if she wants me to take physical action without fear, which is fine, but again, very hard to read. 

That is a lot going on. 

From what I see, you guy are already look like in a relationship. Just continue as usual. 

Ask if she is still on the dating app or some kind of question that make it obvious you are going to be jealous if she is going out with another guy. 

She is smart enough to know. 


Anyway, if you can read her mind and see she wanted to be in relationship with you, what does that information allow you to do? 

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1 minute ago, AuthenticSelf said:

That is a lot going on. 

From what I see, you guy are already look like in a relationship. Just continue as usual. 

Ask if she is still on the dating app or some kind of question that make it obvious you are going to be jealous if she is going out with another guy. 

She is smart enough to know. 


Anyway, if you can read her mind and see she wanted to be in relationship with you, what does that information allow you to do? 

Already gave into insecurity, she said it was a bit too soon to call it a relationship, but i asked if we could at least have the exclusivity that comes with one until we get to that point, and she happily agreed. So, she knows i dont her trailing off to talk to other guys, and that i dont plan to meet any girls. 

"Anyway, if you can read her mind and see she wanted to be in relationship with you, what does that information allow you to do?" - I feel so stupid for needing to read this, thank you. I was seeing her as a mountain to climb / achievement to win, i've won her or i wouldnt have gotten a 2nd or 3rd date. That information allows a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Riotside said:

She's coming over Thursday and im sure we'll break through the sexual tension i might be building, but even that goes miles beyond the expectations she laid out. It's also hard to do any of this when she provides absolutely ZERO flirting. No compliments paid to me in text or in person, and all of my compliments/flirts towards her just immediately change to other topics. It's weird, idk how most people bang first then date, or go into dating without some romance grow into. Maybe a kiss will do that, we'll see. 

Well, you have so much uncertainty of how she will act in the future because of what you're not seeing in the present, and yet you want to jump to the next level already?

You're letting the high level of your hormones lead you, versus chilling and letting time reveal all.

Please keep yourself from projecting to the future, wondering if she will be your future lifetime partner. Try to just keep yourself enjoying the present for what it is: enjoying the company of someone new and hopefully having fun with her and having interesting conversations. You don't even know her dating/relationship goals. What relationship boundaries she's comfortable with (if you can each have opposite sex friends, things like that, etc.) If you mesh with how much time you like to spend together. If she lacks dealbreakers like gambling, drug use, etc. If you're sexually compatible.

And no, I'm not saying you should learn all this about her on the next few dates. But these are things important to gradually learn about a woman to know if it's wise for you to become exclusive with her. There are so many major ways you really should match before deciding that she's a good risk for your heart. 

I do get it's uncomfortable to be into someone and even at an early stage, know they could also be multi-dating. It's not unethical but not fun to think about. But now that she's agreed to your request, don't think of it as "nailing her down." Think of it as solely concentrating on each other without outside interference while learning if you two are truly a match.

I know I scared the first guy away I tried to date after my first marriage ended, trying to become too serious too fast. Not that in hindsight, I think it would've worked out anyway because of other things. But don't make the mistake of thinking she's "the one" too early on and gushing over her as if she's perfection and the answer to all your prayers for happiness.

That said, also allow yourself to enjoy this honeymoon period. It seems to be going well, so far. Do keep up with your hobbies/interests/guy friend outings during all this. You will be that much more appealing to any woman when you have a fulfilling life besides dating. Keep us in the loop and good luck.

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6 minutes ago, Andrina said:

Well, you have so much uncertainty of how she will act in the future because of what you're not seeing in the present, and yet you want to jump to the next level already?

You're letting the high level of your hormones lead you, versus chilling and letting time reveal all.

Please keep yourself from projecting to the future, wondering if she will be your future lifetime partner. Try to just keep yourself enjoying the present for what it is: enjoying the company of someone new and hopefully having fun with her and having interesting conversations. You don't even know her dating/relationship goals. What relationship boundaries she's comfortable with (if you can each have opposite sex friends, things like that, etc.) If you mesh with how much time you like to spend together. If she lacks dealbreakers like gambling, drug use, etc. If you're sexually compatible.

And no, I'm not saying you should learn all this about her on the next few dates. But these are things important to gradually learn about a woman to know if it's wise for you to become exclusive with her. There are so many major ways you really should match before deciding that she's a good risk for your heart. 

I do get it's uncomfortable to be into someone and even at an early stage, know they could also be multi-dating. It's not unethical but not fun to think about. But now that she's agreed to your request, don't think of it as "nailing her down." Think of it as solely concentrating on each other without outside interference while learning if you two are truly a match.

I know I scared the first guy away I tried to date after my first marriage ended, trying to become too serious too fast. Not that in hindsight, I think it would've worked out anyway because of other things. But don't make the mistake of thinking she's "the one" too early on and gushing over her as if she's perfection and the answer to all your prayers for happiness.

That said, also allow yourself to enjoy this honeymoon period. It seems to be going well, so far. Do keep up with your hobbies/interests/guy friend outings during all this. You will be that much more appealing to any woman when you have a fulfilling life besides dating. Keep us in the loop and good luck.

All of this.  And if you follow  this you'll stop overthinking and overcomplicating this brand new dating situation. Have fun!

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