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Is it reasonable to assume this girl doesn’t like me?


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13 hours ago, SC2005 said:

Aww, thank you so much 🙂

What do you know, I was right in my prediction. 😄

I've been in your shoes, having all the same thoughts and questions. I was told the same things about no contact, keeping distance, etc. I'm glad I didn't listen. 

If you do find it being to difficult to maintain a friendship, be it this woman or someone else in the future, then yes, do the right thing for your heart and emotional health and pull back. There is no shame in that. If it reaches the point where it's causing you more pain then good, the it's not worth it.

But there is no guarantee that it will reach that point. So why create distance if there is no problem in the first place? Why do it merely on the possibility of a problem? Others have had that problem, so they assume everyone does. But you can't lay down a general rule without looking at individual circumstances. So see what works for you.

If you meet someone else that is good for you, then you will either pursue it or not. If you pursue it, then that's a sign you don't still have strong feelings for this first woman. If you don't pursue it, then you didn't have strong enough feelings for her and it wasn't meant to be. It means she wasn't good enough for you. Either was has nothing to do with being friends with someone else. If a future relationship is right, then it will work out, regardless of the other factors or people involved. And if it doesn't work out, then it's just not the right person or time. 

What is meant to be will always find a way.

Someone I am interested in ended up married. She knows how I feel. But ultimately I care enough about her to only want the best for her. As long as she is happy, that is good enough for me. It would hurt me far more to lose that friendship then it does to see her with someone else.

Again, be you and do what feels right for you. Take care.

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