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Is it reasonable to assume this girl doesn’t like me?


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Me and a girl have been talking a lot and got pretty close. We talked very deeply and, in that context, she gave me a very heavy compliment

Recently, we were talking an another friend present, and our weekend plans came up. She said she wasn’t doing anything, and another friend (F) — who won’t be home on the weekend (army context) — said that me and this girl should meet up. I said I’m down. The girl I’m talking to and is referred to in the title said: “I don’t know, it’d be kind of weird for us to meet”. She then progressed to say that she’s not a “people person” and doesn’t like to meet up, generally.

Relatedly, she talked about how, many times in life she relates to people (boys and girls) at the beginning, but loses interest and connection quickly. I very much felt that in my relationship with her. She enthusiastically talked and texted with me loads when we first got to know each other, but over time seems to be more indifferent. Having said that, we still talk and text a lot, sometimes texting for a long time (almost an hour) straight. Our conversations are also long, we sit with each other for at least an hour during guard shifts. 

I am confused, and have used this post mainly to vent. 

Ultimately, my question is as follows:


 Is the fact that she expressed disinterest in meeting up indicative that she is not interested in me at all? 


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Just because she's not a people person socially doesn't mean she doesn't have interest engaging in a conversation with you.  I wouldn't read too much into it. 

However,  her interest in you is either waning or her communication with you goes in spurts.  Sometimes there is time and energy invested with long correspondence or conversations and other times,  perhaps she's tired and bored or both. 

Don't over do it with texts or phone chats.  Too much familiarity breeds contempt.  Have some mystery so you're more intriguing and keep the relationship fresh.  Prevent relationships from growing stale.

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I think she gave you a polite excuse.  She is not interested in going on a date with you or spending one on one time with you and she likes texting with you.  If you are content with a chat buddy keep texting but if it's going to bother you because she is not interested in dating you then don't. Her compliment didn't mean she wanted to date you or spend time with you one on one.  

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1 hour ago, SC2005 said:

 Is the fact that she expressed disinterest in meeting up indicative that she is not interested in me at all? 

I'd say she's not romantically interested in you if she doesn't want to meet. More like she wants a pen pal. 

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