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I feel like i don’t see my girlfriend enough and should i end things between us?


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I have been seeing/dating this girl since September 2023. We used to see each other ever single weekend for about 2-3 months straight. Obviously stuff happens and some weeks we were unable to meet but thats just normal. It was all going well up until late to mid April where we were just constantly arguing. In her defence at the time she was terribly ill and I didn’t prioritise looking after her as much as i should have as I was more focused on my band which was a massive mistake. 

During this rough patch from April-June a lot happened. She met up and had sex with her ex. Obviously i was distraught and what she did still haunts me. Although she did not do it with him willingly as they had origianlly planned to just go out as friends but ended up going back to his place where accoring to my gf she was ‘blackmailed’ into doing it with him. Although i’ve never known if i should believe this or not. Since June when we had forgiven each other I have seen her twice. Both times only because we were applying for the same school on the same days and were just in the same area.

She never offers to go out anymore and never suggests we do. It is always me. She’s always busy and yet has time to go out with other people. And even though there are certain things that do not allow her to go out which i won’t say on here, it really seems as if I’m only here because of the attention I give her. For me, if I don’t have a physical connection with someone and don’t see them often I lose feelings and that’s what’s happened. I just don’t know how to feel anymore and i’m thinking about ending it as we haven’t properly been out just me and her since March 31st.  

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10 minutes ago, Gaffers said:

Since June when we had forgiven each other I have seen her twice. Both times only because we were applying for the same school on the same days and were just in the same area.

She wasn't blackmailed. She willingly made a choice to have sex with her ex.

It does not sound like you're in a relationship. I would just not reply if/when she reaches out.

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33 minutes ago, Gaffers said:

Since June when we had forgiven each other I have seen her twice.

33 minutes ago, Gaffers said:

She never offers to go out anymore and never suggests we do. It is always me. She’s always busy and yet has time to go out with other people.

Sounds like you've already broken up.

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41 minutes ago, Gaffers said:

Although she did not do it with him willingly as they had origianlly planned to just go out as friends but ended up going back to his place where accoring to my gf she was ‘blackmailed’ into doing it with him. Although i’ve never known if i should believe this or not.

So of course she thought of filing charges for assault or rape -right? Please.  What a story. If you haven't seen her in all this time no need to end it. It is over. I am sorry.

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