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My freind pranked me, and I don't know how to feel about my crush


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Today, my friend pranked me by saying my crush was transferring schools, which sent me into a spiral. I was shocked and embarrassed when I found out it was a joke, and I got really angry because I hate feeling like someone has that kind of power over me. I'm neurodivergent (not speaking for everyone who is on the spectrum but I experience emotions intensely) and this prank hit hard. I also still have feelings for my crush, even though I haven't seen or talked to him. It's strange because I don’t usually get this attached, but I feel this deep connection with him that's hard to shake, when I first saw him I felt a deep trust and understanding with him, not to mention a admiration for him. And my friend's prank just brought all those feelings back. Any tips on what to do with my friend and how to get over my crush?


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