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How do I attract a girlfriend if I am too short?


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I am only 6'0 (on a good day) and I've found that unfortunately I am too short to attract a woman into my life. It seems that nowadays you need to be at least 6'3 if you don't want to be automatically filtered out.

Look at this photo I took of a couple:(img removed)The dude is wimpy with noodle arms, but because he's taller than everyone else, he automatically has a girlfriend. Meanwhile, all the steps I've taken to improve myself have been worthless. I'm still invisible to women because I'm under 6'3. 

Is this just the harsh reality of the situation and there's nothing that can be done?

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With all respect you’re totally wrong. It’s like saying women without large breasts won’t attract a partner these days. I preferred shorter men. I married one. Six feet especially if the man was very thin didn’t really appeal to me. I’m 58 married many years and our son is very good looking. And a short teenager. 
So what have you done to improve yourself to be a person who would be a good partner in a relationship? What did you need to improve ? Where do you meet people ? Do you have friends and a social life and activities?

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Haha, I'm 5'8" and the only problems I had were finding a woman I was attracted to to date. This height meme is developed by weird femcels on tiktok to shame other women for not going after irrelevant aspects of a man. Height is like breast size, everyone has preferences; but if you reject someone based solely on that factor that's a poor reflection of "rejector."

Stop being a defeatist and Laugh at silly, shallow, vapid people who use height as a criteria.

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47 minutes ago, Coily said:

Haha, I'm 5'8" and the only problems I had were finding a woman I was attracted to to date. This height meme is developed by weird femcels on tiktok to shame other women for not going after irrelevant aspects of a man. Height is like breast size, everyone has preferences; but if you reject someone based solely on that factor that's a poor reflection of "rejector."

Stop being a defeatist and Laugh at silly, shallow, vapid people who use height as a criteria.

I don't really think that's true. Men are far more diverse when it comes to their sexual selection. Now you could say that's because men are generally more hypersexual, and biologically programmed to propagate, whereas women are more selective due to the risks of pregnancy etc. but either way, it is what it is. Women straight up overlook me because I'm not in the top-tier of height. It's absolutely soul-destroying and pushing me towards ending it.

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3 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

Only 14,5% of men in USA are over 6 feet. So you are actually top 15% of men by height. Yes, some women have obsession that their men has to be over 6 feet. But even by those standards, you are in. So, what is the problem?

It doesn't matter. You need to be AT LEAST 6'3. Being my height is nothing. I walk past men the same height as me every single day. 

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13 minutes ago, Fakewingz said:

I don't really think that's true. Men are far more diverse when it comes to their sexual selection. Now you could say that's because men are generally more hypersexual, and biologically programmed to propagate, whereas women are more selective due to the risks of pregnancy etc. but either way, it is what it is. Women straight up overlook me because I'm not in the top-tier of height. It's absolutely soul-destroying and pushing me towards ending it.

This is why you are defeatist. You need to work on your confidence, borderline pomposity! Women over look men who don't stride into a room acting like they own it.

I have dated models at 5'8", that's not a "hey look how great I am" but more "I carried myself well and learned how to be a charming gentleman." I would often be a bundle of nerves, but rather than  let that eat me alive, I turned it into a challenge. How could I push myself to earn the interest of the women around me.

So what is really holding you back? Running and hiding behind stats, or "ReSeArCh" does nothing to fix your problem. It only allows you to feed your resentment of being single. That does you no damn good!!!!!!!!  Get out there and be the animal that all humans are. I've struggled in the past finding dates in my 20s; it was because I was unwilling to realize how stupid the dating game has become.

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Just now, Coily said:

This is why you are defeatist. You need to work on your confidence, borderline pomposity! Women over look men who don't stride into a room acting like they own it.

I have dated models at 5'8", that's not a "hey look how great I am" but more "I carried myself well and learned how to be a charming gentleman." I would often be a bundle of nerves, but rather than  let that eat me alive, I turned it into a challenge. How could I push myself to earn the interest of the women around me.

So what is really holding you back? Running and hiding behind stats, or "ReSeArCh" does nothing to fix your problem. It only allows you to feed your resentment of being single. That does you no damn good!!!!!!!!  Get out there and be the animal that all humans are. I've struggled in the past finding dates in my 20s; it was because I was unwilling to realize how stupid the dating game has become.

Right. Don't date statistics -treat people as individuals.

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Just now, Coily said:

This is why you are defeatist. You need to work on your confidence, borderline pomposity! Women over look men who don't stride into a room acting like they own it.

I have dated models at 5'8", that's not a "hey look how great I am" but more "I carried myself well and learned how to be a charming gentleman." I would often be a bundle of nerves, but rather than  let that eat me alive, I turned it into a challenge. How could I push myself to earn the interest of the women around me.

So what is really holding you back? Running and hiding behind stats, or "ReSeArCh" does nothing to fix your problem. It only allows you to feed your resentment of being single. That does you no damn good!!!!!!!!  Get out there and be the animal that all humans are. I've struggled in the past finding dates in my 20s; it was because I was unwilling to realize how stupid the dating game has become.

I am not comfortable in my own skin and have been put down too many times by women to have the necessary confidence to attract anyone. 

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Just now, Fakewingz said:

I am not comfortable in my own skin and have been put down too many times by women to have the necessary confidence to attract anyone. 

Which women and in what environments -you didn't respond to my comment asking how you meet people.

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1 minute ago, Batya33 said:

Which women and in what environments -you didn't respond to my comment asking how you meet people.

I don't meet people anymore. It's been made crystal clear to me that I belong. I probably never should've been born in the first place. 

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1 minute ago, Fakewingz said:

I don't meet people anymore. It's been made crystal clear to me that I belong. I probably never should've been born in the first place. 

Here's a good statistic -there is next to a zero chance of meeting people to date or be friends with if you don't meet people and you have a negative attitude.  That what you wrote is your real issue not your height.

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1 minute ago, Batya33 said:

Here's a good statistic -there is next to a zero chance of meeting people to date or be friends with if you don't meet people and you have a negative attitude.  That what you wrote is your real issue not your height.

You don't understand what it's like to be me. Not that I would expect you to btw. Putting myself into social situations is just setting myself up for more disappointment and self-loathing. 

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Just now, Fakewingz said:

I am not comfortable in my own skin and have been put down too many times by women to have the necessary confidence to attract anyone. 

let me tell you my story. in my teens i asked out "the popular girl" She was super nice about rejecting my advances. But everyone else bullied the hades out of me for 4 years! 4 years that I didn't want to date, felt awful about myself. I felt that I could never find a woman, that there was something completely f'd up about me.

In my 20s I  wanted to try again, after rebuilding myself image. I did a lot for me, I taught myself a lot of skills, won a racing championship, put myself through university; but I still didn't quite feel  that I was "good enough" for the women I wanted. Then I just said screw it and asked out the most stunning woman I happened upon; i chatted her up; but I listened to her. Then, she was captivated. I didn't view her as a trophy she was her.

So you need to break away from the stats and the reductive scientific classifications. Get to know women around you, advertise that you are single, and learn how to own every room you walk into.

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1 minute ago, Coily said:

let me tell you my story. in my teens i asked out "the popular girl" She was super nice about rejecting my advances. But everyone else bullied the hades out of me for 4 years! 4 years that I didn't want to date, felt awful about myself. I felt that I could never find a woman, that there was something completely f'd up about me.

In my 20s I  wanted to try again, after rebuilding myself image. I did a lot for me, I taught myself a lot of skills, won a racing championship, put myself through university; but I still didn't quite feel  that I was "good enough" for the women I wanted. Then I just said screw it and asked out the most stunning woman I happened upon; i chatted her up; but I listened to her. Then, she was captivated. I didn't view her as a trophy she was her.

So you need to break away from the stats and the reductive scientific classifications. Get to know women around you, advertise that you are single, and learn how to own every room you walk into.

The difference is that you're a normal guy. That's nothing unique. I'm not normal, be it physically or mentally. I am a freak by any definition of the word. Women want men who are normal, socialized and successful. They would never want to date somebody broken like me. Like I said, I should never have happened in the first place. 

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Just now, Fakewingz said:

The difference is that you're a normal guy. That's nothing unique. I'm not normal, be it physically or mentally. I am a freak by any definition of the word. Women want men who are normal, socialized and successful. They would never want to date somebody broken like me. Like I said, I should never have happened in the first place. 

You aren't special dude. You aren't super special f'd.  You just want to wallow, like I did back in the day. It's nothing but self defeat. You CAN do this, but you need to get your head out of your 3rd point of contact.

If you spent half as much time improving yourself, as you do indulging in self defeat; then you could turn everything around. I did, and I'm pretty average.

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Just now, Coily said:

You aren't special dude. You aren't super special f'd.  You just want to wallow, like I did back in the day. It's nothing but self defeat. You CAN do this, but you need to get your head out of your 3rd point of contact.

If you spent half as much time improving yourself, as you do indulging in self defeat; then you could turn everything around. I did, and I'm pretty average.

Actually, I am. I have several rare deformities and disabilities. As I told the other person, you have no idea what it's like to be in my position. Try not being defeatist when you are trapped in a body that was ruined through no fault of your own. You cannot judge me by normal standards because I am not a normal person. 

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You could get 20 responses and still not have the truth,

Nor do these experiences necessarily transfer to your exact situation, in your part of the world.

I'm sure there are many women in the world that care about height, but to say that ALL women need a man who is over 6'3 is simply untrue. 

Apparently there is a surgical procedure for increasing height so I'm sure you're not alone in this.

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1 minute ago, Coily said:

Guess you just need to buy shoe lifts.

Oh and I judge everyone as normal, and I judge harshly all.

I am physically deformed. Not talking about height here. The irony is that if not for my deformity I probably would be in the 6'3 range. 

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My husband and sons are over 6' but my husband wouldn't have been a deal breaker if he were under 6'.  They're all good looking and it just so happened to be this way. 

If I were you,  I wouldn't care about your 6' ft height because you should focus on your character.  Be a very decent human being,  be busy with your life such as your career,  take care of your health and everything should fall into place.  Concentrate on what matters because this is what women are attracted to the most. 

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