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Feeling like a failure.


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I feel like I fumbled all my opportunities. And stuck myself in the bargain basement. I bet on the wrong horse. And now im old no nest egg just struggling to survive. My only pitiful saving grace is that I was nice am, nice so ppl help but I just feel like a charity case. I ve been working on myself. And in not a dumb person I just married young and started my family and neglected myself. Now my hubs is dead, kids are grown. And im left with memories. And bills i know i pray and feel i still have some fight in me one more act that will be just for me. In jealous of every one that figuredit out it was hard losing my mom at 13  marring at 16 and birthing a baby i did it. And now im fried lol and depresses and every da y life is hard I wake up SAD. How worried anxious. I just wanna live without this feeling of failure. I have 20 bucks to my name my life floats on 20 bucks lol I'm damn. Near 50 with no savings 

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I dunno, I was always thought to be a fighter. I could very much quit a lot of things(college, career, love life) when hurdles did happen. But I was thought to fight. So I finished college, doing very good in career and trying to make improvements to love life despite setbacks. Last year was Hell for me. Mom died and instead of taking the time to mourn, I had to chase a better job in that condition. Almost nobody helped me and I had to take over everything including whole home and my mom bank credit. Here you dont stop paying after you die but some of the debt gets transferred to whoever inherits the person. Still managed to get that job and to pay off that debt of hers. 

Anyway, my advice is that you need to keep fighting. You feel like charity case? Dont be, try to find a better job and get out of financial troubles. Though I do realize that not everybody has my mental fortitude. Where my failures only made me adapt and move forward. Probably because I am too stubborn when I set on something. But lots of people do sadly just give up. And if you are depressed a lot of times, and have troubles getting out of bad because you are getting sad, maybe its best to get to the therapist so you could work on that first.

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1 hour ago, Butterbea said:

I feel like I fumbled all my opportunities. And stuck myself in the bargain basement. I bet on the wrong horse. And now im old no nest egg just struggling to survive. My only pitiful saving grace is that I was nice am, nice so ppl help but I just feel like a charity case. I ve been working on myself. And in not a dumb person I just married young and started my family and neglected myself. Now my hubs is dead, kids are grown. And im left with memories. And bills i know i pray and feel i still have some fight in me one more act that will be just for me. In jealous of every one that figuredit out it was hard losing my mom at 13  marring at 16 and birthing a baby i did it. And now im fried lol and depresses and every da y life is hard I wake up SAD. How worried anxious. I just wanna live without this feeling of failure. I have 20 bucks to my name my life floats on 20 bucks lol I'm damn. Near 50 with no savings 

It’s never too late to start over again and give yourself a fair chance 😊 if I were you, I would set some goals and set aside some time every day to work towards those goals, doesn’t need to be hours on end, the point is consistency. You have no idea how far consistent effort and a bit of stubbornness can get you. Let’s say your goal right now is to be more financially stable; first I would ask myself, how do I want to achieve this? A better job? A small business? A side-hustle? Then I would make a precise plan on how to achieve this. Example stage 1: research. Stage 2: networking. Stage 3: action. Etc etc. Then I would set aside one hour every day and consistently work on this plan. From day to day you might not see much of a change. But trust me, stick to it, and a few months down the line you won’t believe how much your life has turned around. Best of luck! Know that although I am a stranger, I believe in you 

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You need to start making getting a financial education & making some SMART goals.  

Make a budget.  See what money you have & where it goes. 

Think about what you can cut & ways to make more money.  I'm older than you & for the 1st time in 20 years I have a job.  It's nice to have a pay check again. 

Read books & websites about financial planning.   Check this out if you are in the US  Home | MyMoney.gov 

Personal Finance 101: The complete guide to managing your money (cnbc.com)

NerdWallet: Make all the right money moves

Talk to somebody at your bank.  

You can build a bit of a nest egg even with the late start.  

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@Teedee, thank you so much ,talked to my son in law I had to let go of the embarrassment and slide my pride to the side. He is in the legal world and knows some financial advisers. I just was stuck and safe although miserable in my bubble I will look into the sites you posted thank you. Again for taking time out of your day to chat 

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Those are not the only sites out there. 

Read books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad or the Millionaire Next Door.  Check out Dave Ramsy & Susie Orman.   Ask your local librarian to point you to other books.  

Be careful of financial advisors that you have to pay.  You don't have enough money yet to justify wasting what little you have on their fees.  Start with the free services from reputable agencies.  Take a financial literacy class at the local community college.  

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