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Should I call him?


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I’ve been talking to a guy that comes into the shop where I work for some time now, last week he gave me his number and said here’s my number if you want to go for a drink or meet for a coffee, I would really like to but I’m to nervous to call him and not sure if I should text 

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3 minutes ago, SophiaG said:

Is this someone you only see as a friend, since you posted this in the friendship forum? It sounds like he wants to date you. I'd text him first if calling feels unnerving.

I would like to get to know him better I do feel as though we just ‘clicked’ I see him as a friend at the moment. 

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2 minutes ago, Catlady15 said:

I would like to get to know him better

Sounds like you two are on the same page. That's great! I would text him and casually suggest a time/place for said coffee/drink.

Also in case it becomes something more I do think you should step away from the FWB situation in your other post.

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Going out for alcoholic drinks?  I agree with others,  I would do something safer and get to know him better before alcohol.  Play it safe. 

Meet for a walk,  tea,  coffee,  snack or lunch.  Something like that.  If you're uncomfortable calling him,  text is good. 

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If you never gave him your number your call could be declined or ignored due to it being an unknown caller. Too many spam calls these days.

Text him your number or just say who you are and ask him when he wants to get that coffee, or suggest a few times you are available.

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