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My wife kissed another man...


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My wife and I have been married twelve wonderful years. We have three great kids from toddler to preteen. I would say that we have had a very healthy relationship on all levels and still have amazing intimacy to this day. As any relationship we have had disagreement but have never had huge blowups. I was given an opportunity to take a job with relocation assistance and my wife gave up hervery stable career of 10 yrs to become a stay at home mom. In short it has been a rough year because we realized we had made a bad decision and should have never left. My wife has been battling depression becoming a stay at home mom dealing with feeling lost and not having her support of friends. We became friends with our married neighbor couple and my wife and the other man seem to click. In May I had a feeling that they were too close and I found out that they had been talking on the phone and through text for a good part of two months. I confronted her and she lied. told her I had proof and then she was honest. She said that she and him were just friends and that she felt like she was using the conversation with him to cope with the depressionand it helped her feel better. She told me that nothing physical happened and it was purely a distraction. It has been hard because he live so close and my kids play outside and have befriended him.

My wife has occasionly has seen him and spoke with him.We decided to go to marriage counseling and had been working through this. Fast forward to a few months later the other couple is now getting a divorce and the man has moved out. When he was moving my wife acted weird as if she was morning a loss, I didn't understand .Yesterday I my wife told me that she felt attached to him and not feelings of wanting him but because they spent so much time talking and helping eachother out with their problems. She tells me he is a POS and felt manipulated by him. She tells me she's not attracted to him, she doesn't want to be with him but they had made out on two occasions. I am lost. On one end I am destroyed but on another I still love her and want to work things out. She tells me she doesn't know why she allowed it to happen and that she didn't like it or feel good about it. I know she is carrying a lot of guilt , hurt, and regret. She tells me I don't deserve this and I should find someone better.

She had a very traumatic childhood with not having a father and a mother who had drug problems in which she ended up in foster care many times.She says she still loves me and wants to be with me and only me. We stopped going to marriage counseling because we felt we were in a good place but both agreed that we are going to seek help. Has anyone been through this? She is undoubtedly an amazing wife and mother to our children. She has an amazing heart,I do not want a divorce and I whole heartedly want to spend the rest of my life with this woman but I don't know if I will ever be able to get past this. I'm not sure what to do with how I feel. I have moments where I feel like I don't care what happened we will work together and become better but then I wonder will this ever happen again and has she learned from this? Does one ever get over this, will we ever be the same? I also find myself wanting to know details but not sure that would help me. Any advise on my situation would be wonderfule.

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I'm so sorry you are hurting. I think if there is a chance to try to work through it, it has to start with her being honest and taking accountability for her actions. She's not giving you the whole truth, she's not taking accountability at this point. I do not like how she is playing the poor me, I don't deserve you, wah, when she should be standing up and giving you a chance to feel say and process - makes it look to me she's still stuck in thinking this is all about her. 

It doesnt excuse any of it but I also thought, someone who didn't have security for so much of the important formalitive years, having control over that security can be especially important. Being asked to give that up to pursue your career, being a SAHM in a new place, it may have made her feel quite powerless. Again, no excuse, but possibly something to look into deeper IF and when she is ready to join you in rebuilding this relationship. 


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Sounds like a bunch of junk on her part to help cover her tracks.

As some have mentioned, he probably wasn't happy and neither was she. They let it build up and either did sleep together or came close.

His wife probably found out about some of his behaviors and kicked him out.

She doesn't want to lose everything at this point now that he's gone.

It'll never be the same and you're always going to wonder the what ifs. Counseling or not.

If you could find him and talk to him peacefully and get something from him to Pierce the puzzle together it might help, probably not since he's not known to be honest. Tough sell.

Hear about it all the time.... He did it or she did it, so I can do it too so it'll be even. 

Kids are the ones suffering. 


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On 9/9/2024 at 7:16 AM, ray17 said:

We became friends with our married neighbor couple and my wife and the other man seem to click. In May I had a feeling that they were too close and I found out that they had been talking on the phone and through text for a good part of two months. I confronted her and she lied. told her I had proof and then she was honest. She said that she and him were just friends and that she felt like she was using the conversation with him to cope with the depressionand it helped her feel better. She told me that nothing physical happened and it was purely a distraction. It has been hard because he live so close and my kids play outside and have befriended him.

My wife has occasionly has seen him and spoke with him.We decided to go to marriage counseling and had been working through this. Fast forward to a few months later the other couple is now getting a divorce and the man has moved out. When he was moving my wife acted weird as if she was morning a loss, I didn't understand .Yesterday I my wife told me that she felt attached to him and not feelings of wanting him but because they spent so much time talking and helping eachother out with their problems. She tells me he is a POS and felt manipulated by him. She tells me she's not attracted to him, she doesn't want to be with him but they had made out on two occasions. I am lost. On one end I am destroyed but on another I still love her and want to work things out. She tells me she doesn't know why she allowed it to happen and that she didn't like it or feel good about it. I know she is carrying a lot of guilt , hurt, and regret. She tells me I don't deserve this and I should find someone better.

She had a very traumatic childhood with not having a father and a mother who had drug problems in which she ended up in foster care many times.She says she still loves me and wants to be with me and only me. We stopped going to marriage counseling because we felt we were in a good place but both agreed that we are going to seek help. Has anyone been through this? She is undoubtedly an amazing wife and mother to our children. She has an amazing heart,I do not want a divorce and I whole heartedly want to spend the rest of my life with this woman but I don't know if I will ever be able to get past this. I'm not sure what to do with how I feel. I have moments where I feel like I don't care what happened we will work together and become better but then I wonder will this ever happen again and has she learned from this? Does one ever get over this, will we ever be the same? I also find myself wanting to know details but not sure that would help me. Any advise on my situation would be wonderfule.

Sorry this happened to you.  Unfortunately in life we don't always know if something was a good or bad decision until AFTER we do it.  Clearly, this decision threw a grenade at your marriage. 

Ok, your wife may feel sorry and remorseful about what happened.  But OP, please do NOT buy the line of "she was manipulated and she hates him" etc etc.  I frankly hate when cheaters use this BS line, as if she isn't a fully grown adult who CHOSE to talk to him over and over and over and CHOSE to kiss him multiple times.  I think if you decide to move forward together- IMVHO, you can only do so if she can accept and admit that SHE MADE THESE CHOICES.   Saying she was "manipulated" is deflecting blame off of herself, which frankly the cheating spouse often does since the BS has a tendency to want to blame the affair partner more, rather that accept that their spouse made the choice to cheat on them.  The cause of why this happened is all pretty clear, honestly.  Your wife felt depressed and out of control, and did something to try and alleviate and fill the void of both of these things.  Unfortunately, she chose something destructive. 

Sorry, but IMVHO, after you pass the age of 21- and especially if you are full blown adult and SOME point you need to stop blaming your parents for their mistakes and take ownership for yours.  I don't care HOW difficult a childhood she has, nothing was an excuse to cheat on you NOW. 

Now, onto you.  There's no right or wrong answer here.  You either stay with her or get a divorce. 

1.  IF YOU STAY WITH HER- you need to decide if you CAN get past this and IF you can, then you need to completely let it go.  I personally think part of why are struggling to let it go if that your wife hasn't really taken OWNERSHIP of her cheating- NOTE_ Feeling remorseful is NOT the same as saying " I did this"- In fact, she is repeatedly soft pedaling it.  IMO, she's also lying to spare your feelings AFTER the fact.  She is/was attracted to him- even YOU noticed it right away.  You don't make out TWICE with someone you feel zero attraction to.   Only you know if you can move past this, but I think your wife needs to stop lying to herself and to you. 

2. IF YOU CANT GET PAST THIS- time to look into a divorce.   Divorce doesn't always mean you hate the person and they have no redeeming qualities.  It just means you cannot live healthily as a couple anymore.  

MY TWO CENTS-  If you want to save this marriage, counseling now.  Your wife has to WANT to save your marriage.  She also has to accept responsibility.  I personally wonder at her " you deserve better" comment.  People don't usually make the "you should find someone better than me" unless they have an escape plan.  Can you say with confidence she and this guy aren't planning something, now that he's getting a divorce?  I could be totally off the mark, but your wife is still acting very suspiciously with all her deflection and still not being fully honest with you.  But I think you are struggling because you are smart enough to know that her remorse and explanations aren't lining up.   She DOES know why she did this (so do YOU) and she CHOSE to do this-repeatedly.  And now is deflecting blame to HIM and not even promising you a future.  Proceed with caution. 

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18 hours ago, redswim30 said:

Saying she was "manipulated" is deflecting blame off of herself

I agree, and it's actually also quite self-incriminating - which is why I hope OP pays particular attention to it. 

Manipulation indicates that she is not being honest about what was said between them. It suggests that he probbably led OP's wife to believe he cared about her, that this wasn't just physical, that maybe he would leave his marriage and start something "real" with her. Something along those lines. 

In my view, OP's wife unwittingly gave herself away there, because what exactly what she manipulated into thinking? That's where I think OP needs to do more reflecting and digging. This affair runs deeper than what she is directly admitting to. 


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I am so sorry this happened. I've been on the other side of this before. Meaning, I've been the other guy that a married woman got involved with and it is hands down, the biggest regret of my life. We live in a time where (a lot of) married people act like they have all the latitude of a single person. That doesn't excuse the individual with whom the married person got involved with. But, geez, marriage just isn't taken seriously anymore, it seems. Sadly, once a marriage has been compromised, there is NO undoing it. As bleak as this will sound, once a marriage has been infected with infidelity, it's like it has a bad disease and all you can really do is manage the symptoms as best you can. There is no cure, as the only real cure would be erasing it, and of course, there is no taking it back. The married woman with whom I got involved with is married today, but, sadly, not to the man she was married to when she got involved with me. They didn't divorce right away, but they did eventually. I'm not saying yours is headed for that same fate, but, it's going to be different now and from now on. 

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She was having an emotional affair. This is common due to depression...it was a way out. Emotional affairs are no different than a drug addiction...so easy to fall into that trap of "oh it's only a little bit" to "I'm in over my head, what the hell am I doing?" It can hit us hard before before we even know it's happening. The emotions run hard....she was grieving the loss, and she couldn't help having those feelings. But I know that infidelity, can make a marriage even stronger and more solid. I know many couples that have risen from the ashes, and are the closest they have ever been, with a greater respect for each other, etc. When you see how fragile you can be when you see what can be lost, the perspective changes. Yes some say this is unforgivable, end it, but some are willing to to fight. Yes things won't be the same, but there can be a new and better relationship as a result. Communication improves, respect, caring, being supportive, everything is stepped up. BUT if you still have some hurt, doubts, etc....your counselling still needs to continue. You still need to communicate that, and navigate this a little longer until you are fully healed.

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