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Recently Broke Up


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I’m remembering to post updates this time around. Another update, and this is more than likely what everyone here expected and would expect. My ex now has a new boyfriend exactly 1 month later. I’d assume they started talking before now, so make that time less. I only know this because she posted a picture with him on social media. To me, it makes me feel so so so stupid for allowing someone to make me fall for their antics and believe what they told me to be true. Remember, she left because she needed to “work on herself” and “hated herself” and wasn’t happy with herself and wanted to be alone. 30 days later shes in a new relationship. The obvious toxic signs are right there. Fortunately, I’ve gotten so much better in just a months time. It’s truly amazing what time can do. I still struggle and miss her, but it’s getting easier every day. It just means I truly cared and was willing to give everything, and I did. I’m so confident that I gave her everything and made no errors, that I truly feel when this new relationship blows up that she will reach out to me in some capacity. Probably just to be friends and say what’s up, but I will not give her my time of day because I’m worth more than that. I’m more than how she treated me and lied. She blocked me on all social media after I posted a snap story with one of my friends (who’s a female) which must’ve made her jealous or something. The only thing she left me on is a random app where you post pictures, and I happened to see this picture of her holding hands on a walk with some guy. I’m disgusted and hurt, but I also for some reason feel relieved. It’s weird to say that, but it makes me feel like she really does have problems becuase nobody can act like that and stay sane. Bouncing around between guys like a pinball machine and having such strong feelings for them during that short period of time is asinine. Truly a messed up person, who did hurt me in the end. Idk how I’ll trust someone again, but rest assured I’m focusing on myself before I can date again. I am looking forward to finding someone that I deserve, and I know that can’t and won’t be her. Making myself better each day. Thank you all for your support and words!

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