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Good morning friends!! As you can tell by my profile (as stated before) I have been on a rollercoaster ride with relationships in my life. From 2017-2022 I have done some soul searching within myself and finally found peace. I have dated around but nothing really serious until now. In 2021 I met the LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! I didn't know it then but a couple of months of us seeing each other I started to love him. He is kind, loving, giving, honest, handsome, funny, sweet, a gentleman, and so much more than I can put into words. It is true that 'not all men are the same' because I for sure hit the jackpot with this man. We have been dating for almost 2 years now and I have never been happier! I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety in 2020 and have been medicated until I met him. I am now free from medications because of the serotonin my boyfriend gives me.  ...... uggghhhhh life is lifing and I'm so happy to share my journey with you all ♥ 

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