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16 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

So you're saying there is no such thing as InstaFriends?  LOL!  J/K

Yes, that is a great way of looking at things when going to a Meetup on the weekend.  Just focus on having a great time and not so much making connections.  Thanks for your perspective Yoga.  😀

I think you're just invented the next social app. InstaFriends - connecting people in real life through Meetups and events! I can see it becoming the hot new thing.😀InstaFriends. Instacart. Instapot. Instanoodles. "Insta" everything!

Just read your update. What a fantastic day!

Pinball and sushi? Look at you go! What is a "Grogu" figure? I'll have to google it. Oh, okay, little baby yoda.🙂

I'm from the East Coast originally and tons of indie businesses like the ones you mentioned. Especially restaurants - GOOD ITALIAN FOOD, and mom and pop stores where everyone knew your name. LOL! Okay, that was a bit cheesy, but I do miss that sense of community. I have to admit I do shop on Amazon, I need to cut back on that for sure!

I'm glad you were able to disconnect from the daily grind and just enjoy the moment. Self-care and self-indulgence are important, especially during these crazy times. Keep living your best life! 🙌

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6 hours ago, yogacat said:

I think you're just invented the next social app. InstaFriends - connecting people in real life through Meetups and events! I can see it becoming the hot new thing.😀InstaFriends. Instacart. Instapot. Instanoodles. "Insta" everything!

Just read your update. What a fantastic day!

Pinball and sushi? Look at you go! What is a "Grogu" figure? I'll have to google it. Oh, okay, little baby yoda.🙂

I'm from the East Coast originally and tons of indie businesses like the ones you mentioned. Especially restaurants - GOOD ITALIAN FOOD, and mom and pop stores where everyone knew your name. LOL! Okay, that was a bit cheesy, but I do miss that sense of community. I have to admit I do shop on Amazon, I need to cut back on that for sure!

I'm glad you were able to disconnect from the daily grind and just enjoy the moment. Self-care and self-indulgence are important, especially during these crazy times. Keep living your best life! 🙌

Would you agree that's how the world is these days?  Everyone wants instant gratification.  I'll admit I'm guilty of that too, depending on what it is.  Then it's always go go go and not stop and smell the flowers or stop and enjoy the music someone is playing on the sidewalk.  I was let go from a job seven years ago, as I wasn't fast enough for them to fix complex problems that someone else caused by going too fast.  To sum it up, we live in a society where everything is a big race. 

Yes, Saturday started off as I'm not sure what to do and turned into one heck of an adventure.  Thanks again for your encouragement.  Might do it again this coming weekend, depending on how things go.  Try a new adventure.  Do you go out by yourself and indulge too? 

Couldn't agree more, the mom and pop Italian places are much better than Buca and Olive Garden.  Although I do like OG's soup and salad meal.  Feels good to support a family's livelihood and you get a better value.  After I've heard how some of the employees are treated at the warehouses, I refuse to use Amazon.  Unless it's where they are the middle person between me and an indie seller.  Yes, it's a nice touch when the businesses remember your name.  Feels personalized. 

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6 minutes ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Then it's always go go go and not stop and smell the flowers or stop and enjoy the music someone is playing on the sidewalk.  I was let go from a job seven years ago, as I wasn't fast enough for them to fix complex problems that someone else caused by going too fast.  To sum it up, we live in a society where everything is a big race. 

I think it depends what parts of society you interact with.  I chose the intense and intensely stressful corporate world for 15 years after grad school - there were times it was bad for me physically and mentally, in a variety of ways - but it set me up for so many open doors, so many options, and financial stability and security.  And it's how I met my husband! I did have coworkers who left or were laid off because they weren't productive or fast enough.  We had lots of deadlines and fire drills all the time -even on my vacations, even when I took one day off in my first trimester after being up all night, unwell - and got an assignment I did from home lol. 

For me personally it was worth it -the gift that keeps on giving especially when I wanted to return to work -part time -after close to 6 years as a SAHM - and was approaching 50.  Because of my background and skills etc I was able to -with a huge paycut but i welcomed it so I could balance child care and work.  

I do smell the roses- I make myself do so especially for my son's sake. In the morning we walk over a mile to his school bus stop and we have a view of a gorgeous park and now it's around sunrise time so I always point out the sky to him or the way the light hits the trees, etc.  We greet homeless people as we walk by them -some of them "regulars" - I do breathing exercises and I make myself slow down when I'm on some race autopilot nonsense -self pressure.  

I think it's more nuanced than that.  It's partly individual choice.  I'm sorry you were let go but likely a blessing in disguise! Not a good fit for  you.

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11 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I think it depends what parts of society you interact with.  I chose the intense and intensely stressful corporate world for 15 years after grad school - there were times it was bad for me physically and mentally, in a variety of ways - but it set me up for so many open doors, so many options, and financial stability and security.  And it's how I met my husband! I did have coworkers who left or were laid off because they weren't productive or fast enough.  We had lots of deadlines and fire drills all the time -even on my vacations, even when I took one day off in my first trimester after being up all night, unwell - and got an assignment I did from home lol. 

For me personally it was worth it -the gift that keeps on giving especially when I wanted to return to work -part time -after close to 6 years as a SAHM - and was approaching 50.  Because of my background and skills etc I was able to -with a huge paycut but i welcomed it so I could balance child care and work.  

I do smell the roses- I make myself do so especially for my son's sake. In the morning we walk over a mile to his school bus stop and we have a view of a gorgeous park and now it's around sunrise time so I always point out the sky to him or the way the light hits the trees, etc.  We greet homeless people as we walk by them -some of them "regulars" - I do breathing exercises and I make myself slow down when I'm on some race autopilot nonsense -self pressure.  

I think it's more nuanced than that.  It's partly individual choice.  I'm sorry you were let go but likely a blessing in disguise! Not a good fit for  you.

That's wonderful!  I'm glad that things worked out best for you in those types of situations and opened more doors in the future.  Then meeting your husband was the cherry on the sundae. 

I also think it's great the time you are spending with your son and sharing those times enjoying the scenery at the park and just how nature works in general.  Yes, breathing exercises help and I need to do more of those.  Especially when things at social functions are making me feel anxious. 

Thanks and yes, it just wasn't a great fit for me.  Even though it stings, I look at rejection as one being directed or detoured to something better in life.  I truly believe that with some of the things I experienced in my career. 

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Just now, BeaTlesFan77 said:

That's wonderful!  I'm glad that things worked out best for you in those types of situations and opened more doors in the future.  Then meeting your husband was the cherry on the sundae. 

I also think it's great the time you are spending with your son and sharing those times enjoying the scenery at the park and just how nature works in general.  Yes, breathing exercises help and I need to do more of those.  Especially when things at social functions are making me feel anxious. 

Thanks and yes, it just wasn't a great fit for me.  Even though it stings, I look at rejection as one being directed or detoured to something better in life.  I truly believe that with some of the things I experienced in my career. 

So - my husband had a dating profile for some time between the times we dated on one of the same dating sites or more I used.  He didn't live in my city for most of that time and I geographically restricted my searches.  But - as it turned out I'd not have found him anyway online because - he made a mistake in his profile and instead of listing English as his primary language he listed a foreign language he has some fluency in by mistake and listed English in the other section for other languages.  Obviously my search was for English speakers only so most likely we'd not have met online LOL. 

I'm unusual in that I thrived mostly in that environment for that long. But I would never -ever -return with the way my life is now.  I don't want to travel anymore at least when my son is still in high school and I just do not have it in me to work at that level and race to that extent.  It is extremely rare I'm contacted after 5pm or before 9am or on weekends.  I can say no to projects and it's ok.  I rarely say no and you are right I should say no more often.

As far as breathing I work it in to -like when I wait for coffee to heat up, when we wait at the bus stop, etc.  I use it to fall back to sleep too.  And when I feel anxious.  Parenting triggers anxiety for sure.  Social anxiety is not really a thing for me but I feel for you as I know what it's like to be anxious and -it sucks.  I'm sorry.

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3 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Couldn't agree more, the mom and pop Italian places are much better than Buca and Olive Garden.  Although I do like OG's soup and salad meal.  Feels good to support a family's livelihood and you get a better value.  After I've heard how some of the employees are treated at the warehouses, I refuse to use Amazon. 

All my LA trips include a stop in Burbank for a mom and pop Italian place. The Lasagna or Fettucine Alfredo is worth it. The attached market features authentic Italian products as well. Though I think I've gotten to enjoy the Gelato cones the best. Slowly working my way through all the options. For sure, better value and nice to support somethng other then a huge chain.

There's also a big collectible store next door, so it's a good combo deal. Resisted the urge to buy some of the toys I used to have in childhood so far. But did pick up a nice MegaMan t-shirt.

Agreed, I've also stopped using Amazon unless I've received a gift card from someone, and then I only make one huge order out of it to cut down on waste. The horror stories I've heard about people working there don't make me feel good about them. And the amount of waste from people ordering one item, so often... bad environmental impact as well.



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3 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Would you agree that's how the world is these days?  Everyone wants instant gratification.  I'll admit I'm guilty of that too, depending on what it is.  Then it's always go go go and not stop and smell the flowers or stop and enjoy the music someone is playing on the sidewalk.  I was let go from a job seven years ago, as I wasn't fast enough for them to fix complex problems that someone else caused by going too fast.  To sum it up, we live in a society where everything is a big race. 

Slow and steady wins the race, right? Or have I been I lied to all these years?

I'm not generally a fan of instant gratification (though the instant noodles are nice). There's something nice about the struggle or earning something. When everything is handed to you, it's only worth the time put in. And we lose sight of all the little moments as we rush to the next thing, not fully appreciating what is there. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but I think people can lose sight of some of that.

Of course, when it feels like everything is a struggle and nothing comes instant, that wears on you. Would like something to be instant for me for a chance. But as I joke with a co-worker, why would you ever make thinks easy?

Sorry that happened at your former job. Some days it seems like fixing other people's mistakes is all I do. Hoping your current job search is going well and you find someplace that can really value you.

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3 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Would you agree that's how the world is these days?  Everyone wants instant gratification.  I'll admit I'm guilty of that too, depending on what it is.  Then it's always go go go and not stop and smell the flowers or stop and enjoy the music someone is playing on the sidewalk. 


Yes, Saturday started off as I'm not sure what to do and turned into one heck of an adventure.  Thanks again for your encouragement.  Might do it again this coming weekend, depending on how things go.  Try a new adventure.  Do you go out by yourself and indulge too? 

Couldn't agree more, the mom and pop Italian places are much better than Buca and Olive Garden.  Although I do like OG's soup and salad meal.  Feels good to support a family's livelihood and you get a better value.  After I've heard how some of the employees are treated at the warehouses, I refuse to use Amazon.  Unless it's where they are the middle person between me and an indie seller.  Yes, it's a nice touch when the businesses remember your name.  Feels personalized. 

It is. I sometimes feel guilt when I use things like a washer/dryer or order from Amazon. I am stretched from other responsibilities and if I can't make it to the store that's what I'll fall back on to help simplify my life.

I've done much volunteering and charity work so I admit that I feel a little more balanced in using these conveniences. I try to balance it out by also supporting small businesses and independent creators (like Etsy) and making time for small acts of kindness. 

I do go out by myself sometimes and indulge in little adventures or treats... I'm off this week to another Trivia! 

I was talking a walk the other day and normally I like to rush through my walk so I can get back to other stuff but I actually made it a point to slow down, and I saw the cutest little baby lizard on the ground. I stopped and observed it for a bit and pet it's little head before continuing my walk. It was a small moment, but it made me stop and pause.

Oh wait. I do like Olive Garden, too lol. Unlimited soup and salad. 😋

Sorry you were let go from your job for not being fast enough. I was so freaked out when I was visiting southern Cali and there were these little robot delivery carts going up and down neighborhood sidewalks instead of people. We are dehumanizing so many jobs in the name of speed and efficiency. I'm not sure if it's we as a collective society have become more demanding or if it's just natural progression of technology. 

Anyway, as long as we do our own little parts here and there to slow down and appreciate the simple things, and show kindness and support to other people and the businesses we believe in, I think that's all we can do.

Hmmm. What will your next adventure be? I'm thinking something Grogu inspired!

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54 minutes ago, yogacat said:

I was so freaked out when I was visiting southern Cali and there were these little robot delivery carts going up and down neighborhood sidewalks instead of people. We are dehumanizing so many jobs in the name of speed and efficiency. I'm not sure if it's we as a collective society have become more demanding or if it's just natural progression of technology. 

Those freak me out too. We were waiting for a light, I look over and see a robot crossing a street with no person. And I had fuel for my nightmares that night. Also scared by those self-driving cars.

I'd add a third option. Corporations are more greedy and thus see a way to increase profit by using machines and not having to pay employees. And people go along with it because it saves them time. Why go to a store when you can have a machine delivery everything to you?

Think people need to go back and watch Terminator. Machines are not our friends people. They wil rise up against us if we're not careful. I've seen enough sci-fi to know where this goes... 😉


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14 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Those freak me out too. We were waiting for a light, I look over and see a robot crossing a street with no person. And I had fuel for my nightmares that night. Also scared by those self-driving cars.

I'd add a third option. Corporations are more greedy and thus see a way to increase profit by using machines and not having to pay employees. And people go along with it because it saves them time. Why go to a store when you can have a machine delivery everything to you?

Think people need to go back and watch Terminator. Machines are not our friends people. They wil rise up against us if we're not careful. I've seen enough sci-fi to know where this goes... 😉


It's totally Terminator-like. The person that came up with that movie is an evil genius. 😄

The thing I dislike about self-driving cars is that someone else has control (well, computer programming...) over who lives and who dies in a potential accident.

If you're driving by yourself in a car and get into an accident, it's potentially your fault and at least you had some control over your own fate. But with self-driving cars, it's all determined by algorithms and programming. It's a scary thought. 

They're going to look at you, and look at a car with potentially five people and have to make a split-second decision on who to save. And if you're in the car with five strangers, who's to say they value your life the same way you value theirs? The self-driving car is probably going to choose to save the majority, even if that means sacrificing your life. It's a moral dilemma and I don't think anyone has figured out a solution for it yet. 

This is quite hard to solve the dilemma ethically. Besides, that's also a question of human value against the efficiency of technology. Still, on the other side, an autonomous vehicle can reduce human errors and accidents on the road by a huge number.

I'm on the fence about it.

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As Spock would say, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. But I don't really feel like leaving that in the hands of a machine. How was that machine programmed? What factors is it considering? For that matter, who programmed it?

Actually scary how much we let algorithms dictate things as it is. That video Youtube recommends... those posts on X, TikTok or wherever... that profile of a person you might date... that item you can by on Amazon... even the top links on a simple search. So easily we can be nudged into certain directions that affect our choices, actions, and even beliefs. 

Even the way everything in cars these days is tied to a central computer system can be problematic. I've heard some scary stories.

It's a love/hate relationship with technology. Yes, it can make things more efficient, safer, help the environment, etc. But there are drawbacks and a point where it feels like to much, that old fashioned human work and ingenuity are important to. 

Really wish I knew where the right balance was.

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I have love hate too.  Technology streamlines my work, lets me telework. Our son got a phone for his 14th birthday and it means he can order a teen uber home from school if the need arises.  Otherwise it would be a 1.5 hour plus round trip for me smack in the middle of the workday.  It means I can reach him if needed and he's not waiting around for a ride home.  I do not like at all being randomly facetimed (I almost always decline), I do not like people  thinking they can text me whenever -I once took a work call at 7:30am.  While I was on the treadmill.  Then did a google search for work. 

I don't like people who I've known for years way before Facebook commenting on a public post of theirs to me and asking me personal questions and assuming I am going to publicly reply with personal answers? That is not the fault of technology but a person IMO misusing it.  I replied -most recently "would love to catch up by phone -let me know when you're available" and did not acknowledge or respond to the intrusive questions which would have been fine on a personal call.  I do not like people who use technology as an excuse to brag on social media. 

It's not the fault of social media or the fault of "everyone does it" -it's convenient for a person itching to brag about herself, her child, her partner, her new home or car - that she just had to -ohhhh how cute! - post some meme, some photo often with a humble brag.  But to me that's not because of technology it's the person using it as an outlet and it's easier to do so impulsively but people who value discretion and sharing selectively would give it enough thought and likely not do it.

I love that my son was able to use AI recently as an inspiration for essays he had to write -he told me he was very careful not to cut and paste or misuse AI but it gave him inspiration and ideas.  Yay!

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As a teen I was taking the bus home from school, complete with transfer, and didn't need a phone or an Uber. I made sure parents knew where I was and there was a way to reach me (ie school or friends place). And I got inspiration for papers from my own creativity and stretching my imagination. Papers, novels, plays for millenia were created because of the minds of individuals, no machines needed. Makes me sad if AI is now needed for basic things that people have always been able to do themselves.

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20 hours ago, ShySoul said:

As a teen I was taking the bus home from school, complete with transfer, and didn't need a phone or an Uber. I made sure parents knew where I was and there was a way to reach me (ie school or friends place). And I got inspiration for papers from my own creativity and stretching my imagination. Papers, novels, plays for millenia were created because of the minds of individuals, no machines needed. Makes me sad if AI is now needed for basic things that people have always been able to do themselves.

I was a creative writing major as one of my majors and I got inspiration from lots of sources.  But yes there were landlines and no voicemail until I was well into college maybe. i walked or took the bus to school (private bus for first 2 years to a specialized school) and walked to my fast food job in junior and senior years. it's a different world now.  I went on subways by myself starting at age 12 and met friends in the city etc.  I'm so so thankful my son now has a phone.

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Finally had my first phone interview since I got let go from my previous employer!  Feels great to finally get one done.  If they decide to continue, I will have two more virtual interviews and finally a face to face at the workplace.  Technical specialist for a hotel chain.  We'll see what happens. 

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On 9/9/2024 at 7:34 PM, ShySoul said:

All my LA trips include a stop in Burbank for a mom and pop Italian place. The Lasagna or Fettucine Alfredo is worth it. The attached market features authentic Italian products as well. Though I think I've gotten to enjoy the Gelato cones the best. Slowly working my way through all the options. For sure, better value and nice to support somethng other then a huge chain.

There's also a big collectible store next door, so it's a good combo deal. Resisted the urge to buy some of the toys I used to have in childhood so far. But did pick up a nice MegaMan t-shirt.

Agreed, I've also stopped using Amazon unless I've received a gift card from someone, and then I only make one huge order out of it to cut down on waste. The horror stories I've heard about people working there don't make me feel good about them. And the amount of waste from people ordering one item, so often... bad environmental impact as well.



I went to one of those places at Little Italy in San Diego.  Where it was a restaurant attached to a market you walked through first.  Smelled so good. 

Megaman, nice!  I haven't played that game in years and remember how difficult it is.  They've made so many sequels to that game too that I lost count.  Have you seen or tried Cuphead? 

Yes, I've seen what you mean with the Amazon ordering.  Those who buy several sizes of one piece of clothing to make sure they got the right size.  Instead of going to a store and trying them in the fitting rooms. 

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On 9/9/2024 at 7:44 PM, ShySoul said:

Sorry that happened at your former job. Some days it seems like fixing other people's mistakes is all I do. Hoping your current job search is going well and you find someplace that can really value you.

Thanks.  Believe me, I was livid when I got released and thought about how the others who screwed things up got to keep their jobs. 

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On 9/11/2024 at 4:34 AM, Batya33 said:

I have love hate too.  Technology streamlines my work, lets me telework. Our son got a phone for his 14th birthday and it means he can order a teen uber home from school if the need arises.  Otherwise it would be a 1.5 hour plus round trip for me smack in the middle of the workday.  It means I can reach him if needed and he's not waiting around for a ride home.  I do not like at all being randomly facetimed (I almost always decline), I do not like people  thinking they can text me whenever -I once took a work call at 7:30am.  While I was on the treadmill.  Then did a google search for work. 

I don't like people who I've known for years way before Facebook commenting on a public post of theirs to me and asking me personal questions and assuming I am going to publicly reply with personal answers? That is not the fault of technology but a person IMO misusing it.  I replied -most recently "would love to catch up by phone -let me know when you're available" and did not acknowledge or respond to the intrusive questions which would have been fine on a personal call.  I do not like people who use technology as an excuse to brag on social media. 

It's not the fault of social media or the fault of "everyone does it" -it's convenient for a person itching to brag about herself, her child, her partner, her new home or car - that she just had to -ohhhh how cute! - post some meme, some photo often with a humble brag.  But to me that's not because of technology it's the person using it as an outlet and it's easier to do so impulsively but people who value discretion and sharing selectively would give it enough thought and likely not do it.

I love that my son was able to use AI recently as an inspiration for essays he had to write -he told me he was very careful not to cut and paste or misuse AI but it gave him inspiration and ideas.  Yay!

Yes, technology and AI does have its benefits.  Just a matter of who uses it and for what purpose. I imagine it does make things easier for your son when it comes to school related activities and your commuting. 

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1 minute ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

I went to one of those places at Little Italy in San Diego.  Where it was a restaurant attached to a market you walked through first.  Smelled so good. 

Megaman, nice!  I haven't played that game in years and remember how difficult it is.  They've made so many sequels to that game too that I lost count.  Have you seen or tried Cuphead? 

Yes, I've seen what you mean with the Amazon ordering.  Those who buy several sizes of one piece of clothing to make sure they got the right size.  Instead of going to a store and trying them in the fitting rooms. 

Megaman branched out into several series at different points in their timeline, so it got really hard to follow. They also did the Pokemon thing of releasing multiple versions of the same game in one of the series. The classic games released through '97 are easily better. Best games in my opinion were the Legends series which were more a 3D action/RPG game. Tragically got cancelled after the 2nd game right when we were left with a giant cliffhanger ending. Darn Capcom!

Seen Cuphead, not played. Like the feel of the animation, like an old time Disney cartoon.

There's a build your own pasta place in San Diego I like to go to. Pick the kind of pasta, choice of meat, and choice of veggies and they mix it all right in front of you. Last time I got a Calzone that was huge enough to last three meals. And now I want pasta. lol

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4 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Megaman branched out into several series at different points in their timeline, so it got really hard to follow. They also did the Pokemon thing of releasing multiple versions of the same game in one of the series. The classic games released through '97 are easily better. Best games in my opinion were the Legends series which were more a 3D action/RPG game. Tragically got cancelled after the 2nd game right when we were left with a giant cliffhanger ending. Darn Capcom!

Seen Cuphead, not played. Like the feel of the animation, like an old time Disney cartoon.

There's a build your own pasta place in San Diego I like to go to. Pick the kind of pasta, choice of meat, and choice of veggies and they mix it all right in front of you. Last time I got a Calzone that was huge enough to last three meals. And now I want pasta. lol

Exactly, Cuphead is all hand drawn and looks like old Fleischer or Disney cartoons. Difficult game through and I think you need to really power up to take down each boss. 

I love when you can get multiple meals out of one entrée.  Now I want pasta too!  😆

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On 9/10/2024 at 11:16 AM, yogacat said:

It's totally Terminator-like. The person that came up with that movie is an evil genius. 😄

The thing I dislike about self-driving cars is that someone else has control (well, computer programming...) over who lives and who dies in a potential accident.

If you're driving by yourself in a car and get into an accident, it's potentially your fault and at least you had some control over your own fate. But with self-driving cars, it's all determined by algorithms and programming. It's a scary thought. 

They're going to look at you, and look at a car with potentially five people and have to make a split-second decision on who to save. And if you're in the car with five strangers, who's to say they value your life the same way you value theirs? The self-driving car is probably going to choose to save the majority, even if that means sacrificing your life. It's a moral dilemma and I don't think anyone has figured out a solution for it yet. 

This is quite hard to solve the dilemma ethically. Besides, that's also a question of human value against the efficiency of technology. Still, on the other side, an autonomous vehicle can reduce human errors and accidents on the road by a huge number.

I'm on the fence about it.

Yes, it is a scary thought, and I agree that an evil genius came up with the Terminator franchise.  The one big thing you hope for with these new self-driving cars is that the 5G servers don't break down along the way.  That's really going to screw things up.  😳

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On 9/9/2024 at 9:00 PM, ShySoul said:

Those freak me out too. We were waiting for a light, I look over and see a robot crossing a street with no person. And I had fuel for my nightmares that night. Also scared by those self-driving cars.

I'd add a third option. Corporations are more greedy and thus see a way to increase profit by using machines and not having to pay employees. And people go along with it because it saves them time. Why go to a store when you can have a machine delivery everything to you?

Think people need to go back and watch Terminator. Machines are not our friends people. They wil rise up against us if we're not careful. I've seen enough sci-fi to know where this goes... 😉


Another thing that really scares me are talks about self-flying and electric planes.  I think that's going too far.  Just what I need is for the computer to malfunction or the battery to die when I'm over the ocean or a mountain range. 

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On 9/9/2024 at 7:57 PM, yogacat said:

It is. I sometimes feel guilt when I use things like a washer/dryer or order from Amazon. I am stretched from other responsibilities and if I can't make it to the store that's what I'll fall back on to help simplify my life.

I've done much volunteering and charity work so I admit that I feel a little more balanced in using these conveniences. I try to balance it out by also supporting small businesses and independent creators (like Etsy) and making time for small acts of kindness. 

I do go out by myself sometimes and indulge in little adventures or treats... I'm off this week to another Trivia! 

I was talking a walk the other day and normally I like to rush through my walk so I can get back to other stuff but I actually made it a point to slow down, and I saw the cutest little baby lizard on the ground. I stopped and observed it for a bit and pet it's little head before continuing my walk. It was a small moment, but it made me stop and pause.

Oh wait. I do like Olive Garden, too lol. Unlimited soup and salad. 😋

Sorry you were let go from your job for not being fast enough. I was so freaked out when I was visiting southern Cali and there were these little robot delivery carts going up and down neighborhood sidewalks instead of people. We are dehumanizing so many jobs in the name of speed and efficiency. I'm not sure if it's we as a collective society have become more demanding or if it's just natural progression of technology. 

Anyway, as long as we do our own little parts here and there to slow down and appreciate the simple things, and show kindness and support to other people and the businesses we believe in, I think that's all we can do.

Hmmm. What will your next adventure be? I'm thinking something Grogu inspired!

Well, Saturday night I have another Meetup I'm thinking about attending at Dave & Busters.  If they have an arcade or pinball game that is related to the Mandalorian, then I met the Grogu inspired piece.  Sunday going to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with my film friends and possibly dinner after.  Might even be Olive Garden.  😉

Great story about your walk and taking a moment to observe the baby lizard.  Little things like that just put a smile on your face and make you appreciate nature.  I need to do more of those walks once it cools down here. 

When I was driving near the university here in recent months, I saw one of those delivery carts too.  I guess it depends on the situation and location whether those robots are helpful or not.  With students lives becoming pressurized with projects and what not, maybe that provides a relief for them so they can concentrate more on what they're working on.  Not having to break to travel a far distance to get a sandwich. 

How was your game night?  Also, I was curious which OLD platforms you have used.  I know everyone has their own different experiences with them, but I wanted your take. 

Between your appreciation of nature, charity work, and volunteering, I think you have a great heart. 

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2 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Exactly, Cuphead is all hand drawn and looks like old Fleischer or Disney cartoons. Difficult game through and I think you need to really power up to take down each boss. 

I love when you can get multiple meals out of one entrée.  Now I want pasta too!  😆

Heard it was tough. And pretty much only go to places where I can split it into at least two meals. Roommate can get by for four or five days on some of the burritos she gets. But I am macho man, need more meat, so only lasts me a two or three.

2 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Well, Saturday night I have another Meetup I'm thinking about attending at Dave & Busters.  If they have an arcade or pinball game that is related to the Mandalorian, then I met the Grogu inspired piece.  Sunday going to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with my film friends and possibly dinner after.  Might even be Olive Garden. 

Well, there is your pasta fix. 😆

I believe D&B had something Star Wars related, if not Mandalorian. Regardless, you'll find something to have fun with. As long as you can actually play the games, this should be right up your alley.

Have fun. Good for you to be getting out on the weekends and enjoying yourself.

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6 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Well, Saturday night I have another Meetup I'm thinking about attending at Dave & Busters.  If they have an arcade or pinball game that is related to the Mandalorian, then I met the Grogu inspired piece.  Sunday going to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with my film friends and possibly dinner after.  Might even be Olive Garden.  😉

Great story about your walk and taking a moment to observe the baby lizard.  Little things like that just put a smile on your face and make you appreciate nature.  I need to do more of those walks once it cools down here. 

When I was driving near the university here in recent months, I saw one of those delivery carts too.  I guess it depends on the situation and location whether those robots are helpful or not.  With students lives becoming pressurized with projects and what not, maybe that provides a relief for them so they can concentrate more on what they're working on.  Not having to break to travel a far distance to get a sandwich. 

How was your game night?  Also, I was curious which OLD platforms you have used.  I know everyone has their own different experiences with them, but I wanted your take. 

Between your appreciation of nature, charity work, and volunteering, I think you have a great heart. 

Oh, I was going to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice...😃

I planned on taking my Dad with my brother but ended up not going. I did recently see the Twister remake. Did you see it? I enjoyed it! It was sad not seeing Bill Paxton from the original. I enjoyed his acting.

Game night was great! I am going to do another one soon, and I am doing an event for dark ingenious witchy type of discussion. I don't know, it looks different. I used to love going to Salem, MA at Halloween and doing the witch/ghost tours.

It's something....dark fiction anthology. Not sure what that means exactly but it looks pretty interesting.

Our events are at local brewery/coffee house places so it's cool to see a mix of genres in terms of people and interests.

OLD? I was going to sign up for Hinge but I dislike that they don't have a desktop version. I hate doing pretty much any kind of long-winded process on my smartphone, the desktop is 10x easier and quicker.

I was on it years ago and I met someone, had a brief relationship, and then that was it.. Most of the men I meet are off the apps. Which one are you thinking of joining? I do know several real life (OLD) stories of people that have met on the platform and are now married with 2 or 3 kids (if that's what you're in the market for....). 

OMG, Olive Garden, they used to have this mushroom ravioli that was sooooooooo good. I'm jealous of you possibly going! 😜

I really appreciate you saying that. I'm average compared to others. I can't even come close to it! I don't volunteer enough. Some things that some people do are so remarkable. It leaves me speechless. 🤍

Maybe with OLD try Bumble? Women make the first move. I have friends that have had success with it. One was messaged by a woman and they corresponded for a couple months before meeting. They just got married!

Or, do you prefer to be the, hunter...

Are you spontaneous or a bit of a planner? I would say if you're a bit of a planner to do a bit of research of OLD. Otherwise, just dive right in and see how it goes.

Sometimes these things are best not having too much thought put into them. Gotta find your jam. 😚

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