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1 hour ago, yogacat said:

Then I def need some tips from you. 😀

LOL honestly it really came naturally.  Still does.  I don't know that I could actually teach anyone.  I had one sort of panic attack with one experience because my colleague did her presentation before me and I just wasn't as prepared as she was so I was thrown off by it.  But, I did it. One time I was invited to an actresses milestone bday party and as a present she wanted each of us to perform in front of the large crowd.  But I don't act (like she can) or sing or dance so instead I found a book review of the book that was on the best seller list the month and year she was born -it was a great topic too -and I read it - she was 50 that year and  this was 20 years ago.  That I felt good doing -reading the review and explaining why I chose it.  She loved it!

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3 hours ago, Batya33 said:

I have been very good at public speaking since I was very young -did forensics team for a semester in college even! Toastmasters from all I've heard is -fabulous.  Good for you!

I haven't done Toastmasters, but I did take one or two courses in college for public speaking as electives.  Which I'm glad I did. 

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On 9/2/2024 at 2:28 PM, ShySoul said:

My experience was long ago through chat rooms and message boards. Got to know several people well, mostly females. Even met a few in person. The topic of relationships would eventually come up, even if we weren't looking for anything or were clearly just in friend mode. And not one ever thought less of me for not having had a relationship. If anything, I'd say they were more interested. 😉

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and Usenet groups by chance?  I remember when I first started using the internet through community college, those were the two big offerings.  In fact, there was a group of students that would hang out in one of the high-tech centers on campus and chat through the local IRC network.  All sitting in the same vicinity as each other using green screen VAX terminals. Then my first home internet was dialing into the school's BBS and having a text only browser for the web.  Great times.  😆

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2 minutes ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and Usenet groups by chance?  I remember when I first started using the internet through community college, those were the two big offerings.  In fact, there was a group of students that would hang out in one of the high-tech centers on campus and chat through the local IRC network.  All sitting in the same vicinity as each other using green screen VAX terminals. Then my first home internet was dialing into the school's BBS and having a text only browser for the web.  Great times.  😆

Think you're a few years older then me and that makes all the difference. An older brother was the computer geek and I seem to recall him talking about that stuff. 

I did most of my chatting through AIM. Think there was one other messenger service I'm forgetting the name for. Most of the chat rooms were full of, um, questionable people. But every now and then there would be someone nice. 

And two of the people I really got to be friends with and meet in person came right from this site. Plus several more where the converation got taken off site. At one point I could barely login to my messenger account without someone popping up to chat.

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4 hours ago, yogacat said:


I've done volunteering in animal shelters and for children with diabetes. Volunteering for a major publication that focused on low-income families and changes that the government intended was very interesting. I'd like to do some more volunteering again when time allows. I'm also interested in toastmasters, because public speaking is a critical part of the field I am currently training in (Healthcare Administration) and I need to be able to convey information in a professional way to my audience (clinic patients.)

If you live near a big city, you might look at the Hell's Kitchen Farm Project. It's very impressive.

I am a bit sporadic with these networking events so I need to devote more time to them. It's good that you've been involved with some interesting service activities. The women last night, two of them came over to me and they were very nice and made me feel welcome so hopefully I'll be seeing them again for the next networking event. 

Last night was fun, we were separated into several groups and the venue had a big trivia game and you could place stickers on the answer and go back and forth on the questions with one of the women who was a host. I learned that Australians have a special dessert (no, not vegi-mite 😄) but we here in America refer to it as Rocky Road. 

I think that as we live in an increasingly online world, these in-person networking events become even more important. It's easy to connect with people online, but nothing beats face-to-face interaction. Also, it's interesting to learn about different cultures and customs through these events. 

Thanks Shymixalot.

The line dancing event was great and I actually did pretty well! I definitely surprised myself. It was a small group of about 8 women and men and the instructor was really good at breaking down the steps for us. And don't worry, the first few times we went through the dance, it was definitely not a straight line. But by the end, we were all in sync and having a blast. When we finished the class, we all went to a country bar and practiced our new moves together. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to try something new. Definitely recommend giving it a shot!

I couldn't agree more on the in-person events.  Online chats and social media just don't compare.  It's great that the people at your event were very welcoming.  It can make all the difference and helps break the ice when you first get there.  I also agree on the cultures and customs.  At the event I went to this past Saturday, I met a guy who recently left Ukraine.  Thanks to your Vegemite comment, Land Down Under by Men At Work popped into my head.  😉

One of these days, I need to get my butt in gear and give volunteering a shot.  Maybe once it cools off here.  I think that's one of my biggest excuses.  My other is being when working all week, I just want to sleep in on Saturday and relax to recharge for next week. 

Great to hear you had fun at the line dancing event too.  Makes you feel great to step out of your comfort zone and discover something new.  Also, something I need to do more of.  Once I did try a swing dancing event.  However, the instructor made things confusing, and I had a difficult time programming my brain to do the same moves. 

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9 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Think you're a few years older then me and that makes all the difference. An older brother was the computer geek and I seem to recall him talking about that stuff. 

I did most of my chatting through AIM. Think there was one other messenger service I'm forgetting the name for. Most of the chat rooms were full of, um, questionable people. But every now and then there would be someone nice. 

And two of the people I really got to be friends with and meet in person came right from this site. Plus several more where the converation got taken off site. At one point I could barely login to my messenger account without someone popping up to chat.

Oh yes, I remember AOL Instant Messenger and there was also Yahoo Chat.  Then a third one called ICQ, which I don't believe was as popular as the other two.  Yahoo Chat used to be excellent when it first started.  Then it went downhill with all the sex bots populating it.  At the end, every time I logged in, I would get a message from one of these bots asking if I wanted to meet on an adult site.  Were those the questionable people, or something else? 

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14 minutes ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Oh yes, I remember AOL Instant Messenger and there was also Yahoo Chat.  Then a third one called ICQ, which I don't believe was as popular as the other two.  Yahoo Chat used to be excellent when it first started.  Then it went downhill with all the sex bots populating it.  At the end, every time I logged in, I would get a message from one of these bots asking if I wanted to meet on an adult site.  Were those the questionable people, or something else? 

ICQ was the other one I used. Yes, that was the problem. When everyone is asking if I want to cyber, felt kind of pointless to go any of the rooms. Got so bad I specifically choose a religious room at one point to get away from it, figuring they would be less likely to be out for sex. Ah, that time I will admit to being naive. Rather it was bots or just kinky religious nuts, it was the same messages. Stayed for two minutes. Ironically, that's what lead to the first woman who ever showed me interest.

Really, I at least would prefer a little conversation first. Maybe share a meal while we chat virtually. Then cyber. What kind of guy do they think I am? I have standards. 😁

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7 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Really, I at least would prefer a little conversation first. Maybe share a meal while we chat virtually. Then cyber. What kind of guy do they think I am? I have standards. 😁

Considering I still have my V card, I have the same values.  Not just going to give it to anyone. 

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5 hours ago, yogacat said:

The line dancing event was great and I actually did pretty well! I definitely surprised myself. It was a small group of about 8 women and men and the instructor was really good at breaking down the steps for us.

A nearby city has a mini three day event in their downtown featuring local country acts. They do free line dancing lessons in between acts. Unfortunately the crowd of people looking on and the extreme heat the time of year has scared me off so far. I'm thinking I'll practice on my own with Youtube, then shock everyone one day with my amazing talents.

Actually, did win a dance contest at a birthday party in 7th grade (once fast dancing, and once slow). I promptly retired from public dancing while I was still on top. 😉

6 hours ago, yogacat said:

I'm also interested in toastmasters, because public speaking is a critical part of the field I am currently training in (Healthcare Administration) and I need to be able to convey information in a professional way to my audience (clinic patients.)

What seems to be your issue? As shy as I am in crowds and in general, I've always been told I'm good with public speaking. I think I've always seen it as me being the one in control of the situation. I am the expert in this topic and the audience is here to listen to me. Likewise, you are the professional and the patients are looking to you for assistance. It's when it's random strangers that I know nothing about that I struggle to find something to say. Hence why these meetups/networking events don't sound fun for me. Though I've done a little better connecting though online meetups for one game I play and an in person meetup on that. At least there was a built in starting point we all knew we could talk about.

Glad you enjoyed yourself. Now treat yourself to some Rocky Road.

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I really tanked my in person social life during the pandemic as many did.  And honestly and a bit surprisingly it's been hard to get back into it. For example when I did go to my office at least once a week I'd meet my work friend/friend for lunch every 1-2 months.  We met at a work seminar in 2016 -we were both new-ish and don't work together.  I feel badly because she'd like to meet downtown -but going downtown isn't so pleasant anymore post-pandemic (shortages on public transit, etc) and when I do have to go to the office it's not at lunch time. I do like her and we do stay in touch somewhat over messaging and texting.

Today in my building fitness center I worked out a little later than usual due to my son's schedule being a little later.  As I was finishing a woman came in - maybe a little older than me, quiet/unassuming. 99% of the time I have the room to myself cause it's so darn early.  Typically the etiquette is don't engage in convo - the people like me who are there that insanely early do so to  get it over with.  But we needed to talk about whether I was done with one of the two treadmills and she did ask me if I often come this early and shared with me her routine.

So I put myself out there and said I'm [my name] and she shared hers and explained to me she loves to run in the park but it's not safe when it's still dark so she does  this first.  I know it's -minor- but I figure I'll see her around and it's nice to be -kind and welcoming without overwhelming another fellow crazy person who works out so early in the morning.  I think even small interactions can move the ball forward.

(And most likely no had it been a man I likely would never have introduced myself or engaged in any real conversation -there was a much older man who used to come years ago - and we had one or two conversations but it was obvious it wasn't anything to do with male-female. I just am careful and hesitant that way).

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19 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

I couldn't agree more on the in-person events.  Online chats and social media just don't compare.  It's great that the people at your event were very welcoming.  It can make all the difference and helps break the ice when you first get there.  I also agree on the cultures and customs.  At the event I went to this past Saturday, I met a guy who recently left Ukraine.  Thanks to your Vegemite comment, Land Down Under by Men At Work popped into my head.  😉

One of these days, I need to get my butt in gear and give volunteering a shot.  Maybe once it cools off here.  I think that's one of my biggest excuses.  My other is being when working all week, I just want to sleep in on Saturday and relax to recharge for next week. 

Great to hear you had fun at the line dancing event too.  Makes you feel great to step out of your comfort zone and discover something new.  Also, something I need to do more of.  Once I did try a swing dancing event.  However, the instructor made things confusing, and I had a difficult time programming my brain to do the same moves. 

Don't get me wrong, I like a bit of interacting first before meeting someone for the first time, but this is kinda hard to do with Networking events. I like to go into it not knowing anyone and just see what happens, just like when we go out to meet people in the big wide world.

One of the men struck up a conversation with me; we were discussing a bit of Philosophy, and he told me he was a general contractor. So I said, "Oh, so you're handy then," and he gave me a coy look and said, "Oh yes, I am very handy with many things". Well, I cracked up laughing and so did he. Well, something you just can't initiate online, like getting the tone of a person.

Volunteering is such a great way to get involved and make a difference in your community. But I completely understand the struggle with finding the time and energy, especially when working full-time. Maybe try starting small, like volunteering for a few hours on a Saturday morning and see how that goes. 

Line dancing was definitely out of my comfort zone, but I'm so glad I gave it a try. And don't worry about the swing dancing instructor, some people just have a way of teaching that doesn't work for everyone. There are so many different styles and forms of dancing, I'm sure there's one out there that's meant for you. I've also dabbled in Hip Hop dance classes, which were a lot of fun and a great workout.

Kathryn McCormick, she's a contemporary dancer but did a different genre of choreography (hip hop) and did it pretty well!

That was by far the hardest for me, and I grew up dancing when younger. The instructor was a power horse! Nowadays I can't even keep up with some of the dance moves people are doing. 😅

Thanks for the Vegemite reference. Have you tried? I've been told it's a cross between Soy Sauce and beef bullion...🙀 I haven't had the opportunity to try it, but I totally would. I like eating things that are a bit, unconventional. Just to see how it tastes!

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On 9/4/2024 at 3:23 PM, yogacat said:

Volunteering is such a great way to get involved and make a difference in your community. But I completely understand the struggle with finding the time and energy, especially when working full-time. Maybe try starting small, like volunteering for a few hours on a Saturday morning and see how that goes. 

Thanks for the Vegemite reference. Have you tried? I've been told it's a cross between Soy Sauce and beef bullion...🙀 I haven't had the opportunity to try it, but I totally would. I like eating things that are a bit, unconventional. Just to see how it tastes!

I have never had Vegemite.  The way you describe it with the beef bullion reference, I'll have to try it.  Not a fan of soy sauce.  I think I'm one of the few people that does not use the ginger, wasabi, and soy sauce when it comes to my sushi.  To me, all of that overshadows the taste of the fish, which is what I'm interested in. 

That's a great idea regarding the volunteering.  A few hours one day would be great to get my feet wet and hands dirty.  Just need to find a group that I care strongly about.  If anything, it would be the animal shelters.  Just concerned I'll get attached to the dogs.  Kills me how some owners treat their pets these days. 

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Well, so far it's not looking like a social weekend for me.  One of the Meetups I went to last weekend is having a pool party today.  However, with the way I feel about my body, I wouldn't feel confident going to something like that. 

Then the other Meetup group doesn't have anything planned.  Which I confirmed last night by putting out an open message asking if anything exciting was going on tonight.  The only reply was the group owner saying they had nothing planned for the weekend.  I guess I was hoping that someone else would have replied and said, "Yeah, let's get some people together and try someplace new."

@ShySoul you weren't kidding about not expecting much from these groups.  Most of the people I tried messaging didn't reciprocate.  I only did one exchange of messages with one of them.  In the future, I'll just have to go in with the attitude that you'll most likely see some of these people once and that's it. 

Other options I'm considering are a toy show downtown, waiting until the sun starts setting and then go out in the evening somewhere, or stay home and get caught up on some games or movies.  I'll figure out something. 

Hope you're all having a great weekend so far!

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You can always go to the pool party but stay out of the water or bathing suit. There has to be someone else not comfortable showing off and would rather have a talk over in the meaningful conversation area. Or am I just projecting what I would prefer?

I get not being comfortable. I'm the one rolling up my jeans while walking along the beach and not going swimming in the pool because it's surround by apartments that anyone can look into. I actually love to just swim. But I don't need people watching me do it.

I think if you want something done, you usually have to do it yourself. Waiting on others tends to leave you waiting. But finding the time to figure all the planning involved out can be impossible as well. Catch 22. 

Go to the toy show. Even if I don't plan to buy anything, it's always fun to take a trip through memory lane and see all the neat stuff that shows up at those things.

Hope you find something fun to do.

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3 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Well, so far it's not looking like a social weekend for me.  One of the Meetups I went to last weekend is having a pool party today.  However, with the way I feel about my body, I wouldn't feel confident going to something like that. 

Then the other Meetup group doesn't have anything planned.  Which I confirmed last night by putting out an open message asking if anything exciting was going on tonight.  The only reply was the group owner saying they had nothing planned for the weekend.  I guess I was hoping that someone else would have replied and said, "Yeah, let's get some people together and try someplace new."

@ShySoul you weren't kidding about not expecting much from these groups.  Most of the people I tried messaging didn't reciprocate.  I only did one exchange of messages with one of them.  In the future, I'll just have to go in with the attitude that you'll most likely see some of these people once and that's it. 

Other options I'm considering are a toy show downtown, waiting until the sun starts setting and then go out in the evening somewhere, or stay home and get caught up on some games or movies.  I'll figure out something. 

Hope you're all having a great weekend so far!

I don't go there expecting to make lifelong connections instantaneously. I just go to have a little bit of fun. After all, isn't that what weekends are for? None of my lifelong friends and I hit it off the bat. It took us time to grow together. So, yeah. Expect a mediocre time until you find a deeper connection. That's why I attend events for things I enjoy doing. So that at least we can share in the fun.

Go to the toy show! That sounds pretty cool. 

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I have a lot of work this weekend! Beatlefan -check out the most recent episode of the podcast "Death Sex and Money" which explores the topic of how weight affects relationships and dating.  It's funny -many times over the years people in my mom FB group =local group will complain about loneliness/wanting to meet people and everyone will get all excited, sometimes start separate FB groups for plans and -nothing - because when it comes to actually putting in the effort to meet there are a million reasons some valid some not some in between.  I'm different-if I say definitively I will make a plan I follow through every time. Doesn't mean we meet but I mean business -I suggest a time/place, suggest alternatives etc and if we make a plan I show up.

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On 9/7/2024 at 3:59 PM, Batya33 said:

I have a lot of work this weekend! Beatlefan -check out the most recent episode of the podcast "Death Sex and Money" which explores the topic of how weight affects relationships and dating.  It's funny -many times over the years people in my mom FB group =local group will complain about loneliness/wanting to meet people and everyone will get all excited, sometimes start separate FB groups for plans and -nothing - because when it comes to actually putting in the effort to meet there are a million reasons some valid some not some in between.  I'm different-if I say definitively I will make a plan I follow through every time. Doesn't mean we meet but I mean business -I suggest a time/place, suggest alternatives etc and if we make a plan I show up.

I have that podcast saved and ready to play on Spotify.  Once I listen, I will provide my thoughts.  Thanks for the suggestion.  Hopefully, you didn't have to work too hard.

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On 9/7/2024 at 2:38 PM, yogacat said:

I don't go there expecting to make lifelong connections instantaneously. I just go to have a little bit of fun. After all, isn't that what weekends are for? None of my lifelong friends and I hit it off the bat. It took us time to grow together. So, yeah. Expect a mediocre time until you find a deeper connection. That's why I attend events for things I enjoy doing. So that at least we can share in the fun.

Go to the toy show! That sounds pretty cool. 

So you're saying there is no such thing as InstaFriends?  LOL!  J/K

Yes, that is a great way of looking at things when going to a Meetup on the weekend.  Just focus on having a great time and not so much making connections.  Thanks for your perspective Yoga.  😀

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On 9/7/2024 at 11:16 AM, ShySoul said:

You can always go to the pool party but stay out of the water or bathing suit. There has to be someone else not comfortable showing off and would rather have a talk over in the meaningful conversation area. Or am I just projecting what I would prefer?

I get not being comfortable. I'm the one rolling up my jeans while walking along the beach and not going swimming in the pool because it's surround by apartments that anyone can look into. I actually love to just swim. But I don't need people watching me do it.

I think if you want something done, you usually have to do it yourself. Waiting on others tends to leave you waiting. But finding the time to figure all the planning involved out can be impossible as well. Catch 22. 

Go to the toy show. Even if I don't plan to buy anything, it's always fun to take a trip through memory lane and see all the neat stuff that shows up at those things.

Hope you find something fun to do.

You're absolutely right!  Just like Heath Ledger's Joker says.  You can never rely on others and always have to do things yourself.  Also come prepared. 

Also, yes, I didn't consider the conversation area near the pool.  I'll keep that in mind for the next time. 

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Thank you for the encouragement @yogacat & @ShySoul.  I ended up having a fun day yesterday and went to the toy show.  Which I will be going to next time it comes around.  Hoping to also be employed by that time too. 

Ended up buying an action figure of Grogu from The Mandalorian.  First and only time I had seen it.  So I had to act, even though I tried not to buy anything.  I couldn't say no to that little plastic face.  😆  There were some other things I would have loved to have.  Such as a Michael Jordan figure that cost $120 which was very detailed.  Another vendor had a large toy replica of the Batmobile from the 1989 movie with Michael Keaton.  There were also some horror movie figures that McFarlane had come out with in the early 2000s that I remember from my days working at K*B Toys.  They had Ghostface from Scream, Michael Myers from Halloween, Leatherface from TX Chainsaw Massacre, and Chucky from Child's Play to name a few.  I believe there was also a Norman from Psycho and Freddie from Elm St.

The other highlight for me at the show were the video game vendors.  One had a lot of limited run stuff that I wouldn't mind having.  Limited Runs are games that came out digitally on systems like Xbox One and PS4. Then this company did a limited run of legal physical copies on disc with collectible cases.  Then the other vendor specialized in old systems, like everything before PS4 and Xbox One.  One of the owners told me about how he goes through each system and resolders (pronounced re-sodders) them with newer parts so they last longer.  Also replaces vital parts like laser read heads for the CD drives.  Which tend to go out after so many years.  I love indie businesses such as these that have a passion for what they do.  Not the big boxes like Best Buy or GameStop, who just care about shareholders. 

After the toy show, the fun continued at a comic book store I hadn't been to in months.  Didn't buy anything there.  Then I cooled off at a nearby coffee shop with a pineapple soda.  Once cooled off, went to a pinball arcade and played a few rounds along with an Ace cider.  Then went to a record store to pick up the new CD by Rancid that I had been meaning to get.  Finally, I concluded my evening with sushi at one of my favorite places to eat. 

Slept in late today and just enjoyed hanging out around my pad.  Completely forgot about the Meetup and other social stuff.  I'm very happy that I pushed myself to go out yesterday and just enjoy life.  Instead of lounging on my couch all day and daydreaming about how things could be better. 




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Toys, collectibles, video games, comic books, and pinball? All in one day? That is the geek dream day my friend. Glad you enjoyed it. 

Don't feel bad for giving into Grogu's irresistable charm. He Force whammied you into taking him home.

I now want to play the X-Men pinball I saw on there.

Recently found out about a collectible expo that is open every weekend. They also do a lot of autograph signings for comic artists, writers, voice actors etc. See they had the actors who were the Ninja Turtles from the original live action film. Unfortunately it's a bit of drive. Will have to go at some point, especially if I see a cool signing.

Yep, enjoying life beats sitting around wishing it was better. Why it wish it, when you can just do it?

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