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Questioning the Legitimacy of LinkedIn Recruiter Messages

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This is a follow-up to another work-related post here.

I was recently accepted for a new position, but I included platforms like LinkedIn during my job search. What I noticed (and I don't know if anyone else notices this) is that when you apply for a job on LinkedIn, sometimes you will get a direct message from a recruiter asking you to forward your resume to their recruiting website when you've already submitted your application to the job directly through LinkedIn. 

I've checked out some of these "recruiter websites," which look like someone threw up a website in 5 minutes. I haven't done detective-level research, so I can't say it's not legit. But, I've applied to specific jobs through LinkedIn, and recruiters sent me a message to apply for the same job I just applied for again but through their site. Is there a legitimate reason for this, or are they pretending to be recruiters to gain access to your information?

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It's been several years since I've actively looked for jobs through LinkedIn, so I may not be current on all the ins and outs. However, a quick bit of research confirms that it is most likely scams. Any time I've applied the recruiter contacted me directly with a call or an email directing me to call. That was used basically to set up an in person meeting. That allowed time to do the research and confirm this was a legit recruiting company, or a real company I was applying for.

I have been asked to sign up through a company site, but that was by the company and after an intitial interview. I don't believe I've ever been asked to go through a recruiters site.

Think the general rule is: 1. Never give out private information. 2. If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.

Legit places won't be asking for to much information initially. There work will be more professional and the contact will be enough to set a real interview. Anything fishing for more is at the least suspicious.



https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-spot-fake-linkedin-recruiters-hiring-scams-schroeder-cissp-szylc#:~:text=Vague or Generic Messages%3A Legitimate,messages using a generic template.

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I would report to Linkedin. Also I'd focus much more on personal connections as far as job -or Linkedin connections where you have specific mutual connections. I'm sorry about the frustration! I get many suggestions on Linkedin to apply for jobs. I'm not looking but like looking at what is out there.

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So, Linkedin recruiter accounts hacking is quite common. I had a couple of people on my team who were using a recruiter license have their account hacked. The hackers used their accounts to contact candidates and direct them to a fake job portal to get their info.

Luckily, we stopped them each time, but it took LinkedIn about 48hrs to deactivate everything and recover the situation.

It was painful... The least to say. So many people thought our company sent them messages and wanted to hire them... Messy mess!

12 hours ago, yogacat said:

Is there a legitimate reason for this, or are they pretending to be recruiters to gain access to your information

The latter.

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Thanks all!

Yes, I thought it might be a scam. The company posts the job you're applying for, but then a recruiter reaches out and says to forward your resume to x, y, and z.

@Batya33My last job was through a recommendation on my behalf, so I do appreciate the personal connections aspect. I've secured my next career path through a job matching and hiring platform that I've already met with and interviewed with.

I have a few other companies I'm working with that I've interviewed with, even though I accepted the first offer. I feel like until I have that first day, anything can happen. So good to see also what happens with these others. 

I was just curious about these recruiters via LinkedIn! I'm going in with more info now - thanks to you all!!!

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If a recruiting firm doesn't have a professional site where I can gather info about them and research them, along with a phone number I can call to speak with someone and also find a physical address, I won't deal with them. And yes, I would report them to LinkedIn.

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Hackers are pains in the rear.

I'm glad I started this thread because I wasn't 100 percent sure, albeit, my gut was telling me not to reply which I didn't.

I need to report these folks.


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