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Beware of Fakes


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I posted last week about my bf breaking up with me and a user messaged me and we started chatting. I was suspicious from the start because they didn't have any posts or comments on here, but I welcomed the conversation because I was feeling lonely. 

Anywho, woke up this morning to the messages we shared being gone, so I'm assuming they blocked me or deleted their account. So, just be aware there are people watching this forum will ill intent.

Also, I'm feeling better about the breakup. Thankfully he did end it before I got my heart fully invested. 

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I was taken in years ago by a user who lied about major stuff. I found out when another member posted about a very similar situation. Luckily I was not concerned about anything I shared with the person. Another time a member told me they were planning on meeting another member I guess. And the mods emailed me to let me know that was a lie. But I’ve also met one member in person who no longer posts and it was so lovely to meet her! On the whole I’ve had wonderful interactions over the years. I just of course am careful as we all should be on the internet. I’m sorry that happened to you. 

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5 hours ago, JustMizz said:

...I was suspicious from the start because they didn't have any posts or comments on here,

That's strange. I thought new users needed to have a certain number of posts before their participation would be granted access to private messaging.

Anyway, I'm sorry this happened. 

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@JustMizzit's possibe they may have been banned.  Maybe they messaged other women and one of those women reported him.  That would be my best guess. 

Thus, all their posts and in some cases their entire account is deleted by Admin.

Same has happened to me; some people use this site like a dating app!

In any event I'm glad you feel better about your breakup! 😂

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Another user recently told me something similar happened to her. Wonder if it was the same person.

On the other hand, I've known people who did meet on here and have relationships or even got married. I've met a couple people in my real life that started as friends here, including my best friend. You never know.

Glad you're feeling better. 

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Lesson learned:  be wary of everything on the internet & never assume somebody has your best interests at heart if you haven't met them in person & known them for a while. 

Glad you are healing 

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Funny how this was posted recently.  I got an email from a fake job recruiter earlier today for data entry.  It was like $38 an hour, which was too good to be true to start with.  Then I tried looking up the name of the person and company name on LinkedIn.  No matches.  Then I just put the name in DuckDuckGo, and the only thing that came back was someone from the U.S. House of Representatives. Nice try!

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8 hours ago, JustMizz said:

so I'm assuming they blocked me or deleted their account.

There is no block function here. Its probably banned account by mods. 

Lots of new users(and even older ones) seek help over DMs instead of threads because its more personal issues that they sometimes dont want on public Forum even if its anonymous. But yes, lots of them do have other intents. 

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