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Life of an old crone (u.g.l.y) u gotta love ya self


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THIS rant is just my old cantankerous behind being over observant as a half century age  lady.....ppl have become so wrapped up in openly judging ppl I over heard a man with a 9 month belly shaming a plump.woman a woman with fake hair shame another while adorned in a hair hat l!!!! Wth. It's crazy fake Influences ppl were going mad over a cup ???? I feel like I'm a spectator to the madness... thank yall for coming to my sad talk lol

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5 hours ago, Butterbea said:

THIS rant is just my old cantankerous behind being over observant as a half century age  lady.....ppl have become so wrapped up in openly judging ppl I over heard a man with a 9 month belly shaming a plump.woman a woman with fake hair shame another while adorned in a hair hat l!!!! Wth. It's crazy fake Influences ppl were going mad over a cup ???? I feel like I'm a spectator to the madness... thank yall for coming to my sad talk lol

There are always people who behave inappropriately and it's way too easy to get negative and focus on negativity. When my son was 9 months old a cashier at a fancy supermarket messed up my order and then said she had to put up with my screaming kid (who was obviously fussy waiting that long for her to fix her mistakes). I ended up crying -I was so exhausted to begin with - and got flowers and a sincere apology from management and saw her once more but not working with customers thank goodness.  

It's harder to focus on the people who are kind and do good things and mean well but if you don't you risk burn out and all sorts of nasty physical symptoms -not worth it IMO.  I'm 58.

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Far too much crazy judging of people for silly and superficial things. Some people aren't happy unless they, and everyone else, are miserable. 

Keep in mind that much of what people say and do is more about them then the other person. Its projecting there own fears or insecurities onto others.

I know it seems the world is mad and its all just bad news and a culture of hate. But there is good out there. I try to ignore the hate and look for stories of hope and inspiration. Makes life feel a lot more worth living.

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7 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Far too much crazy judging of people for silly and superficial things. Some people aren't happy unless they, and everyone else, are miserable. 

Keep in mind that much of what people say and do is more about them then the other person. Its projecting there own fears or insecurities onto others.

I know it seems the world is mad and its all just bad news and a culture of hate. But there is good out there. I try to ignore the hate and look for stories of hope and inspiration. Makes life feel a lot more worth living.

Yes it's easier to dwell on the negative.  My husband brought me gorgeous flowers last week for my birthday and they are still alive -but here's the catch -he got them after his dental cleaning -his dentist offered them as they were getting a new flower delivery. My husband said -oh it's my wife's bday tomorrow thanks! So - I could look at it as- oh great he brings me used flowers (we don't buy them much anymore for other reasons as to how we live) - but I was delighted and we laughed especially because in his other hand he was holding a brightly colored party looking bag -that contained floss and toothpaste from the dentist (which he kept for himself LOL).  Again if I were looking for the negative I could see it a far different way.  My son interrupted me the other day as we trudged the mile to the school bus to show me a cardinal he spotted in a tree.  If you're in a negative mindset you can miss that stuff and what a shame it would be.

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