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Flakey person trying to get back into my life πŸ™„

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I delt with a nice younger man 5 yrs after my husband's passing he was nice truck driver took me on trips. We talked for over a year. Finally met. And he just brought back alive my lust for love and companionship we would talk till our phones died about any and every thing it was nice. Untill it wasn't when he revealed he stayed with his kids mom, sometimes?  Just flakey and sus. One night while high as a kite. He told me stories about how she dates and he gets mad but stays, and he does the same. It was like a soap opera 😐 so I asked why would you think I want to be part of the drama? Why date if you both still want to be together? He had no answers to that question. Claimed it was for the kids. Lol so I quietly backed out after missed dates and dropped convos. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE ON A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS DRIVEN BY SELFISH NEEDS. NOW AFTER MONTHS HE HITS ME UP "hey sweetie how are ya"  would ya like to go to the movies next week ? " I'm like I'm right, and I pass I don't care for ya flakey Ness 

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In the past, cell phones didn't have the ability to block. Now it's possible, so go ahead and block. As you can see, he has the ability to stir up all that anger in you, whereas if you'd blocked him earlier, you'd be calmly continuing your journey of closure and moving on to better things. Better late than never.

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5 hours ago, Butterbea said:

NO ONE DESERVES TO BE ON A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS DRIVEN BY SELFISH NEEDS. NOW AFTER MONTHS HE HITS ME UP "hey sweetie how are ya"Β  would ya like to go to the movies next week ? " I'm like I'm right, and I pass I don't care for ya flakey NessΒ 

Good deal! Sounds like he is still very much involved with his baby momma. That's a whole lot of baby mama drama.

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