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Fraud for the second time, what should I do? I'm 33M, she 33F


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A couple of years ago, I found out that the girl I was engaged to 3 months ago was cheating on me and quite a bit, I found out about the 4 men she was with. I completely lost myself in that situation, I didn't know what to do, and I accepted him to come back to our apartment, so somehow we healed those wounds together, talked about everything. It turned out that she was missing a lot, that I was away and stuff like that, but I'm not crazy to know that it's just a bunch of excuses. Nevertheless, from then until now, I had in mind that we should break up, I thought about it many times and figured out how, but some fear did not give me. A couple of years passed in that, I didn't care what she did, we lived together and kind of lived for ourselves, I moved with my people more than with her so the devil wouldn't give me the peace to check on her again and without much details, I find out about the two with whom she had something. I wonder if I'm crazy that even that is not enough to leave her, but I'm standing there thinking what to do next?

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I also dont get it. I get that she cheated with 4 men. But you forgave her and now she is cheating with 2 more?

I am sorry, but what did you expected?Liars and cheaters stay liars and cheaters. You expected loyalty from somebody who has no loyalty to anyone but to herself and her own pleasure. If you want to stay there and be cheated some more, its your own funeral. Just dont complain next time she does the same because every time she does it, it would be your fault. For not get rid of her and send her to the street where she belongs.

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What you do next is get an STD test.  You know this woman is sleeping around on you with at least 6 men while she's living with you.  If that is not enough for you to dump her I don't know what to tell you.  However she is putting you at real risk for catching something.  

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9 hours ago, AleksS said:

Nevertheless, from then until now, I had in mind that we should break up,

You knew what you wanted to do then. You knew what you wanted to do up until now. And you know what you should do right now.

Trust yourself. 

You're not crazy. You care for someone. When someone gets in your blood, in your heart, you don't want to give it up. You hold on even when everyone else would say give up. Others don't really know what it's like to be in your shows because they are your shoes, your feelings. You haven't been ready to give up before and that's fine. But at some point you need to and you know that inside.

Sorry you are going through this. You deserve better.

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