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My Microwave Died.... :(


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On 8/24/2024 at 7:42 PM, Kwothe28 said:

I didnt mean in that sense. Just that in a lot of times I question my consumerism for things and whether I need them or not. I took new TV few years ago. But around 2 years ago, thunder fried its circuits so it was expansive to repair(could literally buy a new one albeit worse then it for the money I would give to repairman) and guarantee was over. So, I just bought a used one so I would have TV(I dont watch it that much as before, but I do watch my daily quiz on local TV and sports for weekends and when games are on). But at the beginning of the year, I "had an itch" for a new TV. So I bought new Samsung Smart TV on credit. Connected my cable, HBO(or Max as they call it now lol) I have for free through mobile phone provider etc. But I still dont use it that much albeit it does serve its purpose. Lots of stuff like movies and TV shows I watch through computer. Which serves me well but I bought it in 2017 and it can be "refreshed" as well. But I dont really play new computer games anymore so I dont see why I should upgrade except for making it faster. But its an idea. On top of that I was thinking about buying a fancy watch. My late Grandpa loved them and so do I. So was thinking about buying new one to wear for when I go out and maybe to work. I can splash for that. Have few repairs and remodeling around home as well this year, but will survive. See what I am dealing with when I say "consumerism"? 😆

Thing is that I kept it in check when I didnt had that much income. But now I am doing very good. So have "too many ideas" where to spend it. I dont have that much expanses, my bills are clean every month, and dont spend on fancy clothes except now and then(I need to buy fancy jeans pants(think they are around 40-50$) this week because I need one more pair for work), restaurants(maybe once a month) and such. So lots of money I earn, I just save to spent when I need it. I went on nice vacation and didnt make almost any dent in the budget. So do you see my dilemma about spending on things? My colleague, for example, spends so much that he barely receives any salary at the end of the month. So would like to avoid that kind of spending. Dont really think it’s possible since I am good with money. But I always question myself about stuff like that. 


I would really recommend if you are a heavy saver and fantastic with a budget, to eventually invest in some property! Even if it’s a little apartment somewhere and rent it out as a passive income. 

Especially if you can afford something mortgage free these days, it’s like gold dust! 

The War Time generation always made do and mend! It was a popular mantra! Just like Keep Calm and Carry On! My husband always tells the tale of his late Grandma cutting the mould off the side of a slice of bread. I don’t recommend going that far but, you just don’t come across the same mentality anymore! Or very rarely. 

I live without a dishwasher! When we came to design our kitchen, I realised after living without one for a year, I never needed it! I have a large microwave that is also a steamer and has other functions I don’t use. 

If you’re not into gaming and don’t watch much tv spending a lot on a tv (over £1,500) might not be for you, but everyone spends somewhere at some point!


Don‘t feel guilty and also don’t get into the trap of feeling like you have to spend money as well! We need actually very little and often use very little of what we own. 


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On 8/15/2024 at 9:44 PM, Coily said:

Personally I'd replace the microwave if it's in your budget.

Then again, I'm used to being without power in the winter for weeks at a time. So I am super used to using everything from a gas range to camp stoves to wood fireplace to cook and heat. Even just the last week I was out power for 3 days, made coffee on the fire pit each morning. Haha

Come to think of it, I used the firepit for the steaks too. Oak is an amazing flavor for beef.


Now that is how to cook a steak!!!!!!! 🥩

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11 hours ago, mylolita said:

I live without a dishwasher! When we came to design our kitchen, I realised after living without one for a year, I never needed it

Huh? People need a machine to wash dishes? What's wrong with the old fashioned manual labor usage of my hands and a Dollar Tree brush?

Also don't need air conditioning, at least where I live. I use an ancient mystic technique called "open the window."

And the biggest saver for me - no cable, no streaming. I'm still using a digital box that gives me over a hundred channels for free (sure, a good number are languages I can't speak lol). And I rarely even turn that on these days.

There are a lot of things people spend on that they don't really need. I say, cut the things that you personally don't need so you can splurge on the things that actually mean something to you.

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5 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Huh? People need a machine to wash dishes? What's wrong with the old fashioned manual labor usage of my hands and a Dollar Tree brush?

Also don't need air conditioning, at least where I live. I use an ancient mystic technique called "open the window."

And the biggest saver for me - no cable, no streaming. I'm still using a digital box that gives me over a hundred channels for free (sure, a good number are languages I can't speak lol). And I rarely even turn that on these days.

There are a lot of things people spend on that they don't really need. I say, cut the things that you personally don't need so you can splurge on the things that actually mean something to you.

I grew up without one, my mother still doesn't have one.  As a mom and wife yes I need one now if I also want my job.  I don't have the time to wash and dry all the dishes and our water pressure isn't like where I grew up -really strong.  I actually prewash before the dishwasher and run it once or twice a day depending on how many meals I'm prepping.  We have central heating and AC in our apartment. I like to sleep cold so opening the window wouldn't work and my son's room has no window to open like that.  

But I do without many  things my friends/other moms think are essential to them - I scrub floors hands and knees like my mom, my grandma and my husband's grandma did so no fancy Swifter with the sprays you buy.  I don't own a fancy vitamix blender and I don't buy fancy coffee beverages that aren't really coffee anyway.  I don't have the latest smartphone.  We have one car. I've spent next  to nothing on interior decorating and for my workouts I don't buy extra fancy leggings.  I do "splurge" on really good sneakers because these days it's really all I wear and at 58 I want to do everything possible to prevent injury and keep up my daily workout.  

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