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My Microwave Died.... :(


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Silly thread I know but thought it might be fun anyway!!🤩

Anyway, my microwave died.  It appears to be working but it's not heating up anything!!   I went to heat up some soup and NOTHING!!!  I did a test and put a container of water in there for 10 minutes and it was still cold from the fridge, so it's definitely busted.  I did some research and found out it's most likely a broken magnetron which are super expensive to replace so....

At first I was bummed then I got to thinking, do I REALLY need this thing?  I've heard it's not the greatest for you anyway healthwise so I decided I am going to do WITHOUT!

I know the horror, right?  lol   But I am kinda looking forward to this new adventure!  I did just purchase a really cool toaster oven/air fryer combo for under $100.00 and a 1 quart copper pot to heat up water, soup, and don't laugh but even those mac and cheese cups that are meant to be cooked in the microwave, I can just pour boiling water inside the cup, cover and let it sit for like 10 minutes, stir in the cheese sauce and voila!!

So wondering, how many of you DON'T have or use a microwave?  I think we've all gotten so spoiled with all these electronic devices and contraptions, so I am just gonna rough it for a while and see how it goes!




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Congratulations. You have made me question the use of something I take for granted everyday. I don't believe I will be joining you on this quest, but I applaud the efforts and look forward to hearing about how this goes.

You're right, I think we really could not use it. But I imagine the lack of convenience would be a major deterrent for most people. We really are spoiled these days.

In a similar vein there was a gas leak in our community near the beginning of the year. For a week they had to cut off all gas while they dug around and tried to find the problem. Which meant no oven or stove to cook with, no hot water for a bath/shower, no heating in the middle of winter, and no use of the laundry room to wash our clothes. People in the community were so outraged they wanted to file to have the place labeled uninhabitable. Meanwhile, we were inconvenienced, but roughed it out. The microwave became our best friend. 

Interesting how we get so used to the things around us to the point where we barely see them. Guess you don't know what you've got til its gone.

How would you have held up for that week? And does it make you grateful it's just the microwave that's down? 😄

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6 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

How would you have held up for that week? And does it make you grateful it's just the microwave that's down? 😄

Actually YES!  And I did think about that.  Like if my gas oven or stove would have been down but now that I purchased the electric toaster oven/air fryer I am not so concerned now if my oven broke down, I plan on getting by anyway with just the toaster oven/air fryer!

Re the gas stove, there are mini electric burners you can buy on line so I would probably just get one of those.  I am just one person so I really only need one burner.

I recall when married, we went without hot water for nearly a month!  And this was in a rather high end condominium complex!    So we took cold showers and/or heat up a BIG pot of water on stove to wash ourselves, our hair etc.

We got by!!!  😂


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18 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

I recall when married, we went without hot water for nearly a month!  And this was in a rather high end condominium complex!    So we took cold showers and/or heat up a BIG pot of water on stove to wash ourselves, our hair etc.

That was the worse part. We don't really use the AC/heating. If it's warm, open a window. If it's cold, throw on an extra blanket. Frozen meals, eating out, or items that didn't neet to be cooked gave us enough food for a few days. And there is a laundromat nearby. But the washing my hair with cold water.... brrrrr. 😬

Life's an adventure, even when we don't want it to be. 

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My sister lives without one.  I cannot. I use it to heat my coffee in the morning - I like coffee very hot and my coffee maker isn't brewing the coffee hot enough. I like certain frozen meals, use it for ramen noodles for my son, etc.  I need the convenience because I do an awful lot of food prep.  Ours died a few months ago and meanwhile my husband has a 20 year plus one that still works pretty well lol.  Our that died did it by beeping randomly middle of night lol.  It was only 3-4 years old and no we are not going to repair something like that. 

I'm sorry for your loss RR!!!

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24 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I use it to heat my coffee in the morning - I like coffee very hot and my coffee maker isn't brewing the coffee hot enough. I like certain frozen meals, use it for ramen noodles for my son, etc. 

Me too!   I actually freaked out a bit when it died, like literally a panic attack, lol  That's when I knew I was simply too attached to these electronic contraptions thus began my mind shift!  haha

This morning, made coffee then heated in my one quart copper pot on the burner and it was hotter than than the microwave!  Same with my soup this afternoon.

Ramen?  Heat the water on the burner and pour boiling water into the bowl of Ramen.

I dislike and don't eat frozen meals however you can cook those in the oven if need be, takes a lot longer though.

It was amazing discovering I REALLY don't need this thing!  Convenient, faster?  Yes!  Necessary NO.

But then again I do not have a teenager to tend to, so in your case, it's more understandable why you would need.

24 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I'm sorry for your loss RR!!!

Thank you!!😆

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Personally I'd replace the microwave if it's in your budget.

Then again, I'm used to being without power in the winter for weeks at a time. So I am super used to using everything from a gas range to camp stoves to wood fireplace to cook and heat. Even just the last week I was out power for 3 days, made coffee on the fire pit each morning. Haha

Come to think of it, I used the firepit for the steaks too. Oak is an amazing flavor for beef.


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On 8/14/2024 at 9:54 PM, rainbowsandroses said:

So wondering, how many of you DON'T have or use a microwave?

I dont. I did used it in college(my roommate got one) and was good for reheating stuff. But at home I just never got it. Plus my late mom was also one of "microwave not really healthy" crowd. There are some pancakes(Well for you Americans they are called "crepes") in Lidl that are made in microwave(you just reheat them there) so I wouldnt mind it for stuff like that. Though I can use my Air Fryer for that also. 

I do want to buy one of those "Induction Cooktop" thing. Its great for making coffee in under the minute(we here boil water and then add coffee in it) and you can cook on it really quick. And even take it wherever you want with you. 

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Mine exploded once 🤣. I put grapes in it 😋 😌 🤪 

I like your idea of boiling coffee. I did that when the utility company purposely shut off power for 5 days during wildfire season. Which they still do! 

May your microwave RIP 🙏 


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Thanks for the condolences guys :classic_biggrin: update!

I haven't replaced it and not sure I'm going to, at least for now.

I don't miss it!

My little toaster/air fryer oven works just as great, I just dial to "reheat" or "keep warm," it takes longer but I'm not in a hurry anymore so it's fine!  

And I actually prefer ice coffee anyway, in fact I just made some and it's in the freezer now!

The only thing a miss a little is microwaving the fresh veggies in the microwaveable bags but yesterday I boiled it (cauliflower) it came out perfect!  Added butter, smoked paprika and a dash of hot sauce, I ate the entire bag it was so good!

Today I'll be air frying some fresh fish!

So it's not bad, not sure what all my panic was about, I'll keep y'all posted!  :classic_biggrin:


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I caved and purchased a new one!  I actually love it, it's easier and has more functions than the previous which was old and outdated. 

The reason I bought it was cuz I would heat up water or soup or coffee on the burner but then forget and it would boil over, spill onto the stove and burn the pots!  

I ruined two pots already!

So I thought the hell with this and bought a new one! 😂

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Cheers to no more burnt pots!

I love my airfryer convection oven, it's the best, it even dehydrates things!! You can pickle peppers and stuff 😃

I hope you and your microwave have a long and happy life together! 

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4 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Cheers to no more burnt pots!

I love my airfryer convection oven, it's the best, it even dehydrates things!! You can pickle peppers and stuff 😃

I hope you and your microwave have a long and happy life together! 

Haha, remember I just bought the toaster oven/airfryer too, so now I have both the MW and air fryer! 

Pickle peppers?   I love pickled anything, I'm gonna have to try that out, thanks! 

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You lasted longer then a lot of people would have. Though I was hoping to hear more adventures of you roughing it for a bit.

Do you have a timer you set when boiling? With a forgetful roommate, it's come in handy a few times.

May this microwave last many years and bring you much delicious joy. 😉

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2 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Do you have a timer you set when boiling?

Yes, but that's too logical. Lol

No seriously, that's a good idea but too late now, I've got my new microwave so no more heating up water, soup or coffee on the burner, stick it in the microwave and not worry about it! 😁

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28 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

Yes, but that's too logical. Lol

No seriously, that's a good idea but too late now, I've got my new microwave so no more heating up water, soup or coffee on the burner, stick it in the microwave and not worry about it! 😁

I had a coworker many years ago - so his wife obviously did all food prep and cooking (actually he told me so!).  He wanted to heat up a cappucino -did so with cover on in microwave lol - it basically -evaporates to nothingness.  He looked so.... confused.

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32 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

Yes, but that's too logical. Lol

No seriously, that's a good idea but too late now, I've got my new microwave so no more heating up water, soup or coffee on the burner, stick it in the microwave and not worry about it! 😁

Not full proof though. You have to remember to push start on the timer. Otherwise it's kind of pointless.

Yes, that has happened to us. Sometimes we can both be logically challenged. 😁

Alas, moot point now. Welcome back to civilazation and the wonders of the Microwave. In fact, I'm off to use it now....


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10 hours ago, rainbowsandroses said:

No seriously, that's a good idea but too late now, I've got my new microwave so no more heating up water, soup or coffee on the burner, stick it in the microwave and not worry about it! 😁

Ive been thinking about opening a thread about "spoiling" ourselves and consumerism but can also use this one. When I asked my friend about the idea of buying induction cooktop he said "Why would you do that when you can make coffee on oven cooktop as well?". And in a way he is right but I also forget coffee sometimes(I go into other room and do something else while pot boils) and water evaporates and boils too much. So yes, in a way I need it even if its something I could do the other way. 

My sisters FIL had some wise words when we talked some time ago. He said its not wise to live above your grade. For example to have a broken house but to drive a Mercedes. In a way not to spend on stuff that you clearly cant afford while you have other more important stuff. But I feel that I am at the point I can easily afford some stuff that will make life easier. Even if it is consumerism at its finest.

Anyway, congrats on microwave. May it serve you well. 😁


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1 hour ago, Kwothe28 said:

Ive been thinking about opening a thread about "spoiling" ourselves and consumerism but can also use this one. When I asked my friend about the idea of buying induction cooktop he said "Why would you do that when you can make coffee on oven cooktop as well?". And in a way he is right but I also forget coffee sometimes(I go into other room and do something else while pot boils) and water evaporates and boils too much. So yes, in a way I need it even if its something I could do the other way. 

My sisters FIL had some wise words when we talked some time ago. He said its not wise to live above your grade. For example to have a broken house but to drive a Mercedes. In a way not to spend on stuff that you clearly cant afford while you have other more important stuff. But I feel that I am at the point I can easily afford some stuff that will make life easier. Even if it is consumerism at its finest.

Anyway, congrats on microwave. May it serve you well. 😁


Yes in my life time is money.  A friend asked me if I was going to do "retail therapy" for my bday recently -as she would (but I would not).  I told her I want more me time for my birthday and she said but that's not something like a gift that costs money.  I told her it is to me - getting me time often means spending $ so you're not doing the tasks/errands that take up your time.  

My friend's mom gave her related consumer advice about saving money -she said don't buy the worst or the top of the line -go for the B/average one.

And I agree -depends on lifestyle and what you like to eat/cook/consume as far as what gadgets are more in the need vs. just want category.  

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6 hours ago, Kwothe28 said:

Ive been thinking about opening a thread about "spoiling" ourselves and consumerism but can also use this one. When I asked my friend about the idea of buying induction cooktop he said "Why would you do that when you can make coffee on oven cooktop as well?". And in a way he is right but I also forget coffee sometimes(I go into other room and do something else while pot boils) and water evaporates and boils too much. So yes, in a way I need it even if its something I could do the other way. 

My sisters FIL had some wise words when we talked some time ago. He said its not wise to live above your grade. For example to have a broken house but to drive a Mercedes. In a way not to spend on stuff that you clearly cant afford while you have other more important stuff. But I feel that I am at the point I can easily afford some stuff that will make life easier. Even if it is consumerism at its finest.

My vehicle is just about right for my paygrade. But I don't think it's fair to associate stuff we have with money. Sometimes it's so much more than that. 

I have to use a microwave for helping me prepare food when I am in the middle of doing a thousand things. So, while it's consumables charged with coal-based electricity, the amount of work energy it saves me is just incredible. I don't know, is that selfish? So for my convenience, I am willing to desecrate our world?

I was volunteering/campaigning against China for their Yulin dog festival and for years refused to buy anything from China. But, in the United States at least, there are very little (if any) options for choosing to buy ethically-produced-within the United States products. 

I've had the same mobile phone for 6 years. I don't need the latest gadget. 

I do like gadgets that make my life a little easier though! I hate when people say that consumerism is all bad. It's not all bad. It has pros and cons like most things. Sure, I think we should be mindful of our purchases and make ethical choices when applicable. I also think that some gadgets genuinely improve my life and allow me more time to connect. 

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1 minute ago, yogacat said:

My vehicle is just about right for my paygrade. But I don't think it's fair to  always associate stuff we have with money. Sometimes it's so much more than that. 

I have to use a microwave for helping me prepare food when I am in the middle of doing a thousand things. So, while it's consumables charged with coal-based electricity, the amount of work energy it saves me is just incredible. I don't know, is that selfish? So for my convienence, I am willing to desecrate our world? I was campaigning agaist China for their Yulin dogh festival and for years refused to buy anything from China. But, in the United States at least, there are very little (if any) options for choosing to buy ethically-produced-within the United States products. 

I've had the same mobile phone for 6 years. I don't need the latest gadget. 

I do like gadgets that make my life a little easier though! I hate when people say that consumerism is all bad. It's not all bad. It has pros and cons like most things. Sure, I think we should be mindful of our purchases and make ethical choices when applicable. I also think that some gadgets genuinely improve my life and allow me more time to connect. 

Same.  Also my 12 cup cuisinart -I'm the only coffee  drinker in the 3 of us -means I never go out to buy coffee -I only make it for myself in the morning and I mix different ground coffees where often one is less expensive or on a BOGO.I only add milk no sweetener.  Some friends spend at least $5 a day on coffee drinks.

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6 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

Same.  Also my 12 cup cuisinart -I'm the only coffee  drinker in the 3 of us -means I never go out to buy coffee -I only make it for myself in the morning and I mix different ground coffees where often one is less expensive or on a BOGO.I only add milk no sweetener.  Some friends spend at least $5 a day on coffee drinks.

Me too. I make coffee at home rarely do I treat myself to coffee and if I do, I am just as content getting it from 7eleven 😅. As long as there is flavored coffee creamer, that's my indulgence. 😁

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1 minute ago, yogacat said:

Me too. I make coffee at home rarely do I treat myself to coffee and if I do, I am just as content getting it from 7eleven 😅. As long as there is flavored coffee creamer, that's my indulgence. 😁

Ahh so no sweetener for me ever unless it's a coffee beverage for dessert which I haven't had in a long time.  On the rare occasions I have to eat breakfast out I do coffee and sandwich at Starbucks.  I like 7-11 but we have few around here.


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38 minutes ago, yogacat said:

I hate when people say that consumerism is all bad. It's not all bad. It has pros and cons like most things.

I didnt mean in that sense. Just that in a lot of times I question my consumerism for things and whether I need them or not. I took new TV few years ago. But around 2 years ago, thunder fried its circuits so it was expansive to repair(could literally buy a new one albeit worse then it for the money I would give to repairman) and guarantee was over. So, I just bought a used one so I would have TV(I dont watch it that much as before, but I do watch my daily quiz on local TV and sports for weekends and when games are on). But at the beginning of the year, I "had an itch" for a new TV. So I bought new Samsung Smart TV on credit. Connected my cable, HBO(or Max as they call it now lol) I have for free through mobile phone provider etc. But I still dont use it that much albeit it does serve its purpose. Lots of stuff like movies and TV shows I watch through computer. Which serves me well but I bought it in 2017 and it can be "refreshed" as well. But I dont really play new computer games anymore so I dont see why I should upgrade except for making it faster. But its an idea. On top of that I was thinking about buying a fancy watch. My late Grandpa loved them and so do I. So was thinking about buying new one to wear for when I go out and maybe to work. I can splash for that. Have few repairs and remodeling around home as well this year, but will survive. See what I am dealing with when I say "consumerism"? 😆

Thing is that I kept it in check when I didnt had that much income. But now I am doing very good. So have "too many ideas" where to spend it. I dont have that much expanses, my bills are clean every month, and dont spend on fancy clothes except now and then(I need to buy fancy jeans pants(think they are around 40-50$) this week because I need one more pair for work), restaurants(maybe once a month) and such. So lots of money I earn, I just save to spent when I need it. I went on nice vacation and didnt make almost any dent in the budget. So do you see my dilemma about spending on things? My colleague, for example, spends so much that he barely receives any salary at the end of the month. So would like to avoid that kind of spending. Dont really think its possible since I am good with money. But I always question myself about stuff like that. 

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