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Well guys as it turned out, the husband did not kill her, a jilted lover did and framed him (the husband) as he had seen the husband leaving her home that night. 

He was breaking it off and it was just too perfect!  

By the way, off topic but this movie was from 1990 with a really great actress imo - Judith Light!

Does anyone remember her?  She was absolutely fabulous as the D.A. in Law and Order Special Victims! 

She's still active today just not as much. 

I just love movies from that time period- 80s and 90s.

Before cell phones, before OLDing, before so many things we take for granted today. 

OK back to topic! 😀


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30 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

...Law and Order Special Victims! 

Mariska Hargitay founded the 'Joyful Heart Foundation,' which among other great works has funded the testing of thousands of backlogged rape kits, which would have otherwise continued to sit on lab shelves for years. This testing has solved over 11,000 rapes to date. This is a recent announcement that can be easily researched. I'm so grateful for these efforts, as I have worked as a volunteer for rape kit resolution since the 1990's.

I have two state detectives in my family, both of whom tried to teach me the 'reality' of this issue during my most voracious investment. While they didn't intend to sound dismissive, their work on the ground taught them the reality that rape kits were merely a bureaucratic exercise that would rarely-if-ever produce a suspect.

Meanwhile, any given rapist of one woman has been proven to have raped at least 12 other women.

I don't place any form of violence past anybody these days, despite optimism being my default attitude. I just view secrecy and status-quo to be a convenient camouflage that prevents people from considering crime as a very real and potential outcome of involving themselves with sociopathic or just plain unethical people.

So back to topic, if we each consider the potential consequences of personal involvement with people who we discover as sociopathic or unethical, we may be less likely to invite the kinds of violent dramas that DO OCCUR every single day. I vote for self-preservation on this issue Skip the grandstanding for the sake of drama, and look out for your SELF.

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