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What could be behind this and will everything change after a real encounter? 30F

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I'm female and I met a woman through the internet a few months ago because we like the same fandom. Or rather, we both like an actress or a role and only watch the series for her. Apart from that, we both agree that the show is super bad overall and that most of the people in the fandom are also super stupid :D She's a teacher, about 7 years older than me and I'm still studying. At some point, I suggested that she write a roleplay with me, since I had already managed to get her to write fanfiction and she integrated sexual content into it on her own initiative. Long story short: we now write every day, sometimes even for a whole day, and I would say that sex remains the center of the story and everything revolves around it. She's 100 percent straight, I'm in a relationship with a woman, but she's always been okay with my role-playing. It's just a little different now because I'm about to meet this woman in real life at a fan meeting for the show. And she sometimes writes me messages that I find a bit irritating. There's probably nothing behind it, but I'd still like your opinion on it :D I wrote to her one day to say that I'll be with my partner and probably won't have much time for our roleplay. In the end, however, I wrote a lot with her again because the story simply captivated me too much. And at the end she wrote “Now I've messed up your private plans again” and I found that funny for the first time because I would actually take it as flirting. What do you think? If I don't have time to reply or she takes longer, we write to each other that it's “torture” or how hot she or I think the text is. I don't have much experience with role-playing like this, but won't it be weird when you meet in real life and know that you've made each other so hot with the texts? I'm also afraid that we won't text like that afterwards once we've gotten to know each other, because I sometimes get the impression that we're both quite different people. But when it comes to writing, everything fits perfectly. What are your thoughts on all this?

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3 hours ago, liquorcabinet said:

...when it comes to writing, everything fits perfectly.

Well, that's what I'd focus upon. We often need to collaborate with people at work, and our written exchanges can be fabulously in synch even while our behavior in group meetings is formal and limited. So which weighs more? When the work is what's important, focus on the work and navigate the rest the best you can.

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As long as this stays a written roleplay that all parties are okay with that doesn't bleed over into real life, what's the problem? You are having fun and enjoying a creative hobby. Fanfiction - of both the sexual and nonsexual nature - is a common and enjoyable past time. If you've found someone with similar tastes to you, then just enjoy the friendship and partnership for what it is.

If you meet in person, just focus on what you have in common. Talk about the show or actress. Brainstorm crazy new plots. Don't worry about what might happen, just enjoy what does.

I would be careful though to pay attention to the woman you are in a relationship with. Be careful about getting so wrapped up in the story that you mess up plans with her. It's good to set some boundaries and make sure to focus on other things, including your relationship. It can become easy to get absorbed in something like this, so make sure to spread your time around rather then be lost in the fantasy element of it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a feeling. Did you develop your feeling to this new woman you role play with? Maybe it was nothing at first but later on it becomes real. 

Many actor and actress do romantic stuff in movie end up in a relationship. 

Do you see yourself with this person as a partner? 

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