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Wow, so disappointed 😓

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Someone who I counted as my best friend for 10 years just took me for a ride for $200. 

We were supposed to go to a day spa this week. I sent her the EMT and she booked the spa . The night before my mom had a crown pop off and I had to take my mom 9 hours to her dentist and 9 hours back home again. In the meantime, my friend told me they had cancelled the spa and blah blah blah, and then see on Facebook from her niece that she went and took one of her daughters with her, of course on my nickel. I called the spa and my ticket was no longer in my name . 

I have given her two days to fess up to  stealing my money which she hasn’t . I text her this morning asking for my money which she has ignored . 

I am so sad to lose a friendship this way. 😓I can’t stand by and be stolen from though and lied to . She said they weren’t going and she made my feel bad about taking my almost 80 year old mother to an emergency appointment. 

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She text me back and says oh my daughter paid for her own ticket . Yet I have proof from the spa that there was no longer a ticket in my name . Also I paid 1/2 of the hotel room. Did her daughter then get her own hotel room too ???? Pluuuuzezzzzzz 🙄🙄🙄🙄

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Ugh. That is the worst.

My best female friend (one of them, I have two) and I have been best friends for the longest time and when my Dad had a stroke, she was barely there for me. It put a huge strain on our friendship and it took a lot of work to fix it. We are back to being best friends now, but it took a lot of open communication and honesty. She has been reaching out more and more and I hope this is a sign of us moving forward in our friendship. 

It sounds like this friend was manipulative and took advantage of your friendship. I mean, who the heck cancels a spa day and then takes someone else on your dime? That's just cruel. 

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I wouldn't have a problem if she wanted to give the ticket to someone else. At least someone would get to go. But do the right thing and refund the money.

Sorry this happened. You really never can tell with some people, they'll flip on you in a moment.

Better friends are out there. She's the one losing out in the long run. A spa day just cost her an awesome friend.

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8 minutes ago, catfeeder said:

I’d tell her she has one day to wire me my money before I report her to my credit company for fraudulent use of my account.

I can’t reply because I sent her the money to reserve my ticket . And she paid on her card . 

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18 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

I wouldn't have a problem if she wanted to give the ticket to someone else. At least someone would get to go. But do the right thing and refund the money.

Sorry this happened. You really never can tell with some people, they'll flip on you in a moment.

Better friends are out there. She's the one losing out in the long run. A spa day just cost her an awesome friend.

The thing is she went a long way to making me feel bad about this . When she  found out I couldn’t  go she says can you drive your mom 500 Km to your brother’s and have him take her. Drive 300 Km back and pick us up and then drive us 300 Km home and then drive 1000 km there and back to get your mom so they can go to a spa. 

ummmmm no. 

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Here is one joke to cheer you up:

- What is the fastest way to lose friends?

- Just give them money and you will never see them again.

It do be like that in your case. That is just "scummy" business. To take somebody money and not return it. Sorry that your best friend is like that. Least she could do is to just refund your money. But seems she is just "scummy" like that.

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I'm sorry @Seraphim .  You were lied to and a victim of theft.  Note that I didn't tell you:  "You're too sensitive and you took it the wrong way."  🥺  It would've been easy for me to tell you that but I don't ever tell people that because I don't speak nor write in that indifferent manner.

Look at this way,  at least you now know your friend's true colors and real unsavory character.  Better to know now than waste another 10 years of friendship on her.  Since she's ignoring you,  you might as well kiss your money 💰  goodbye.  While you're at it,  consider this incident the end of a friendship.  You can't trust anyone who doesn't abide by common sense rules of decency.

You did the right thing by taking your mother to the dentist for her popped off tooth crown. 

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1 minute ago, Cherylyn said:

I'm sorry @Seraphim .  You were lied to and a victim of theft.  Note that I didn't tell you:  "You're too sensitive and you took it the wrong way."  🥺  It would've been easy for me to tell you that but I don't ever tell people that because I don't speak nor write in that indifferent manner.

Look at this way,  at least you now know your friend's true colors and real unsavory character.  Better to know now than waste another 10 years of friendship on her.  Since she's ignoring you,  you might as well kiss your money 💰  goodbye.  While you're at it,  consider this incident the end of a friendship.  You can't trust anyone who doesn't abide by common sense rules of decency.

You did the right thing by taking your mother to the dentist for her popped off tooth crown. 

Exactly . My mom says it is theft and my husband said the same . I would have had no issues if they had said hey can I send you the money in a few days and could we use your ticket? I would have been okay with that. They were underhanded and I found out on FB because her daughter’s work posted they couldn’t open on time the next day due to her having an impromptu spa day with her mom and then five people of her family repost that post and all of them are also on my Facebook. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙄🙄

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4 minutes ago, Cherylyn said:

I'm sorry @Seraphim .  You were lied to and a victim of theft.  Note that I didn't tell you:  "You're too sensitive and you took it the wrong way."  🥺  It would've been easy for me to tell you that but I don't ever tell people that because I don't speak nor write in that indifferent manner.

Look at this way,  at least you now know your friend's true colors and real unsavory character.  Better to know now than waste another 10 years of friendship on her.  Since she's ignoring you,  you might as well kiss your money 💰  goodbye.  While you're at it,  consider this incident the end of a friendship.  You can't trust anyone who doesn't abide by common sense rules of decency.

You did the right thing by taking your mother to the dentist for her popped off tooth crown. 

And you are right my first loyalty is to my almost 80-year-old mother in a medical issue . 

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19 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Exactly . My mom says it is theft and my husband said the same . I would have had no issues if they had said hey can I send you the money in a few days and could we use your ticket? I would have been okay with that. They were underhanded and I found out on FB because her daughter’s work posted they couldn’t open on time the next day due to her having an impromptu spa day with her mom and then five people of her family repost that post and all of them are also on my Facebook. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙄🙄

Yes,  it is theft.  Notify you in advance?  Not everyone plays by the rules as you know by now.  🙄 😒  A lot of people on this Earth are sneaky and shady.  Doing something underhanded is considered the norm of many.  I too,  found out through FB.  All you can do is make sure you end this friendship because she'll _______ you again in the future.  One and done,  two if you're lucky.  If the offense was a whopper,  it's one and done for me and hopefully for you, too. 

Yes,  your mother's medical issue was urgent and you took care of it.  You're a good daughter. 💗


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Relatedly I hate -luckily it hasn't happened too many times -to ask someone for money they owe me -more than once.  In one case it was about $100 for a theater ticket -cancelled bc of pandemic - she said she would refund me and in fact had refunded me a few months earlier for another similar situation with a theater ticket.  I ended up following up by sending her a PayPal request for the $.  So awkward.  I suspected she had financial issues and while I felt badly -no -I wasn't going to forego over $100.  

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She went out of her way to hurt you and wasn't in the least sorry. She's not a friend. Forget her. It hurts. It sucks. Feel bad, feel angry, feel whatever you are feeling. But know they aren't good people and you're better off now that you know that.

And I'll agree, you are a good daughter to take care of your mother like that. Family comes first, you did the right thing. You are the better person here all around. Cut the negative from your life, and stay focused on the postitives. You deserve the best.

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1 hour ago, Seraphim said:

I can’t reply because I sent her the money to reserve my ticket . And she paid on her card . 

Are you assuming that by deciding to use the appointment with someone else that she has no future intention of rescheduling again with you as promised? Or did she say this?

I wouldn't fault her for saving her own appointment by inviting someone else--why should her plans be ruined?

However, if she's specifically stated that she intends to keep your money, I'd let her know that she has one day to wire a refund before I file a small claim and will see her in court.

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I could see reacting to the news of a last minute cancellation one way, and then thinking on it and deciding to salvage my own plans by inviting someone else. I'd have no qualms if my guest posted about it on Facebook, either.

From your side, my first reactions to seeing the FB would be, "Oh, good, I didn't impact her that badly..." and my first assumption with a friend of x years would be that we'll be rescheduling our trip in the future.

So I'm not following how this broke down into accusations of a money grab?

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1 hour ago, catfeeder said:

I could see reacting to the news of a last minute cancellation one way, and then thinking on it and deciding to salvage my own plans by inviting someone else. I'd have no qualms if my guest posted about it on Facebook, either.

From your side, my first reactions to seeing the FB would be, "Oh, good, I didn't impact her that badly..." and my first assumption with a friend of x years would be that we'll be rescheduling our trip in the future.

So I'm not following how this broke down into accusations of a money grab?

I asked her if we could reschedule the trip to next week and I was told no they cancelled and you can’t get other tickets it’s high season and I am super disappointed. ( like I wasn’t 🙄

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Plus she doesn’t drive and doesn’t own a car and needs me or someone else to take her there. And after I moved I always had to go back 300 Km to see her because she can’t get anywhere . 

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1 hour ago, catfeeder said:

I could see reacting to the news of a last minute cancellation one way, and then thinking on it and deciding to salvage my own plans by inviting someone else. I'd have no qualms if my guest posted about it on Facebook, either.

From your side, my first reactions to seeing the FB would be, "Oh, good, I didn't impact her that badly..." and my first assumption with a friend of x years would be that we'll be rescheduling our trip in the future.

So I'm not following how this broke down into accusations of a money grab?

Also I paid for half the hotel room so people can’t tell me her daughter paid for half the hotel room again . Even if she bought her own ticket she didn’t repay for a hotel room. 

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Just now, Cherylyn said:

You need to make her an ex-friend immediately.  😠

She answered my text about the money trying to make me feel bad her daughter had to take two days off work to enjoy the spa day. Ummmm boohoo, she also stayed in the half of the hotel I paid for . I am NOT going to feel bad her 47 year old daughter missed two days pay. She decided to go. 

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27 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

She answered my text about the money trying to make me feel bad her daughter had to take two days off work to enjoy the spa day. Ummmm boohoo, she also stayed in the half of the hotel I paid for . I am NOT going to feel bad her 47 year old daughter missed two days pay. She decided to go. 

You're out the money.  I'm sorry.  Don't allow this to happen to you anymore and you do this by making her your ex-friend stat.  Live and learn.  Trust is dead, therefore,  the friendship is dead and gone.

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