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I have this guy friend and my best friend and her boyfriend and I are going to the movies on friday. She sed i should bring a friend and I really wanna bring my guy friend but he has a girlfriend, and I dont want him to think its a couple thing..... . i just want to go as friends. Any advice on what I should say without telling him "I wanna go as friends?"


thanx sweeties

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a little thrown on this one. If you are just friends then whats the big deal of asking a buddy to a movie? And i have to think by the fact that you have another post asking what a great movie to take a guy too is.....then maybe you actually like this guy more than your saying? If so then just be honest to yourself about that. And if its that you do like him more than you are saying, i would say dont do it. You can let him know your interest in ways that wont intrude on his current relationship.

And if its that you truly just want to be friends then be prepared for his girlfriend to come along. That will make him and her more comfy.

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Just say something like "Hey, wanna go to the movies with me and ______(insert name of other people)? If he looks hesitant, you might wanna add, "It's not like a date or anything...I know you have a gf...just as friends!" I know you don't seem to wnat to say that, but you may need to!Good luck and have fun!

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