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Should I give him a second chance?

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2 hours ago, GuessWhi said:

He has actually been quite lovely since he joined back. Definitely more open than he was before. 
I understand that one month is really not enough time to get to know someone. And I guess, I’ve seen him at his lowest, so nothing but better from here.

Obviously, it’s difficult to get rid of the thought whether he’ll repeat it or not. But I think I’ll give it another try.

Thank you so much for your help everyone. Much appreciated!

That's great to hear. Keep in mind too that his uncle was murdered, so he also may not have been privy to disclosure clauses if he had to be off work.

Just give a little bit of leeway because it's not like he took off for a vacation or anything.

He experienced a significant traumatic event with the loss of his uncle, I was SUPER CLOSE with my aunt, and it's possible he may have had a breakdown as a result.

While his behavior may not have been ideal during that time, it's important to remember that grief and trauma can cause people to act in unpredictable ways.

We were just talking about this in another, good, thread and how some people react and distract to adversity.

Since he has apologized and is trying to make amends and communicate with you now, it's worth considering giving him another chance. Of course, it's up to you to decide if you can forgive and move on from his previous behavior and if you think the relationship has the potential to work long distance. Just be honest and open with him about your concerns and set boundaries for how you both will communicate and handle future challenges. Good luck!

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