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Best Practices for Paying Your Own Way


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You seem to enjoy picking apart handsome men’s appearances @yogacat! Or men you don’t find attractive personally and making belittling comments 

I often think when women criticise men for not being “masculine” enough and make derogatory comments about appearances, the double standard is, no one calls them out on it. There would be up roar if a man had said the same about a woman. Like if a man said “Ew she’s too boyish” or “She has silly hair” or “Not fem enough”. But when women say it, no one cares.


I think it’s not very nice.


Maybe you should have stuck to your Calvin Klein model? 

I can say principally we don’t get on, so with respect, I’m leaving your future threads. I wish you the best finding a long term, meaningful partner. 

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4 minutes ago, mylolita said:

You seem to enjoy picking apart handsome men’s appearances @yogacat! Or men you don’t find attractive personally and making belittling comments 

I often think when women criticise men for not being “masculine” enough and make derogatory comments about appearances, the double standard is, no one calls them out on it. There would be up roar if a man had said the same about a woman. Like if a man said “Ew she’s too boyish” or “She has silly hair” or “Not fem enough”. But when women say it, no one cares.


I think it’s not very nice.


Maybe you should have stuck to your Calvin Klein model? 

I can say principally we don’t get on, so with respect, I’m leaving your future threads. I wish you the best finding a long term, meaningful partner. 

What the hell are you talking about, I said angel wings hair, there is nothing wrong with that, what is your problem?? No, that is literally what it looks like, good grief. 😒😒😒😒

And yes, Jude Law is to feminine looking for me.

Jude Law is objectively attractive. Saying that he resembles a "pretty boy" or a "Calvin Klein model" is not an insult. Not sure why you are getting so defensive and making assumptions about my preferences and intentions.

My comment was not meant to belittle anyone. I simply stated my own opinion and harmless observations. You seem to be reading way too much into it and attacking me for no reason. Let's keep the conversation respectful and avoid making baseless assumptions about each other's thoughts and intentions.

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1 minute ago, yogacat said:

What the hell are you talking about, I said angel wings hair, there is nothing wrong with that, what is your problem?? No, that is literally what it looks like, good grief. 😒😒😒😒

And yes, Jude Law is to feminine looking for me.

Jude Law is objectively attractive. Saying that he resembles a "pretty boy" or a "Calvin Klein model" is not an insult. Not sure why you are getting so defensive and making assumptions about my preferences and intentions. M

y comment was not meant to belittle anyone. I simply stated my own opinion and harmless observations. You seem to be reading way too much into it and attacking me for no reason. Let's keep the conversation respectful and avoid making baseless assumptions about each other's thoughts and intentions.

I know what I personally perceive and see, if you don’t agree that is your opinion and I have mine.


I can interact with who I feel comfortable with on this forum - that is more than fair. I am respectfully stating I am not carrying on with this thread and wish you the best of luck finding a relationship if that is what you are after. 

As the saying goes here, “different strokes for different folks”.

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2 minutes ago, mylolita said:

I know what I personally perceive and see, if you don’t agree that is your opinion and I have mine.


I can interact with who I feel comfortable with on this forum - that is more than fair. I am respectfully stating I am not carrying on with this thread and wish you the best of luck finding a relationship if that is what you are after. 

As the saying goes here, “different strokes for different folks”.

Thanks for derailing my thread. Seems common.

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6 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Thanks for derailing my thread. Seems common.

Now who is being catty and disrespectful! 

I think it was over awhile back I’m having a bit of light hearted fun. If you want to stick to the rules 24/7 you can report me.


I politely request you out me of block and I will do the same.


I have been a regular member here since 2009 and talk freely, I’m not a ridged person. 

I have made jokes about the bills and Dark mentioned the smoking emoji I used, I replied to her in your thread. You detailed by asking me about, or making a comment about my masculine side and I replied with that about being a Tom boy and a picture to illustrate with male friends. 

If you don’t want to discuss anything extra around a topic, don’t ask questions not to do with your topic. 


I will reply and did to you and Dark because I’m not going to be rude and ignore someone asking a question or making a comment.


I have my opinion and judgement - I said I am leaving this thread and will leave/be unable to view your other threads in the future due to the ignore feature. 

Thank you. Apologies for me and others going off track. I have been a regular member on this forum since 2009. This organically happens often. But I understand hence I will take my own steps.

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