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Why did he block me after I blocked him ?


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4 hours ago, yogacat said:

It's showing care purely from ego. OP, seriously, is this the scraps you hope to attract? 

I know you're so anxious that by the fact you went out with him after all this time and hooked up that you got reeled in. He clearly wanted to hurt you back by blocking you. 

You're better off staying away from this guy completely.  

He's a bad fit who cannot forgive a grudge and the drug is too toxic. I know you're desperate to know something, be treated a certain way, but it's going to take working on yourself, not clutching at anything that looks desperate and has nothing of substance to give. 

Being "hard to forget" isn't something to be thrilled about. Being forgettable should feel empowering: it means you've moved on with your life in a positive manner instead of tap dancing for someone who's offered you nothing but grief. 

When we did hookup he was questioning me about who I’ve been with sexually etc. forcing me to tell him if I’ve been with other men or not. 

when I told him no and or told him it was none of his business he told me I wasn’t being truthful with him ? 

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5 hours ago, Danna225 said:

I agree. I told someone else about it and they told me that what he did was the common right thing to do ? They told me that of someone blocks you, then you should block them back…… 

That's one opinion -there's no Miss Manners etiquette book or what is "right".  Would  you rather be close or right? Especially in a personal relationship (I have no idea if this scammers I block block me back LOL -why would I check?) 

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5 hours ago, Danna225 said:

When we did hookup he was questioning me about who I’ve been with sexually etc. forcing me to tell him if I’ve been with other men or not. 

when I told him no and or told him it was none of his business he told me I wasn’t being truthful with him ? 

No one can force  you to share information like that.  If I felt that level of pressure I wouldn't interact with the person -why did you stay around for that sort of nonsense? I'm glad you responded as you did but then when he accused you - why would you then continue to interact with a person who talks like that?

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9 hours ago, Danna225 said:

When we did hookup he was questioning me about who I’ve been with sexually etc. forcing me to tell him if I’ve been with other men or not. 

when I told him no and or told him it was none of his business he told me I wasn’t being truthful with him ? 

People you've been dating doesn't concern him, by any stretch of the imagination. My point is he's trouble. You did the right thing by blocking him.

It's going to take a lot of discipline on your end to keep yourself away from him, leash your own ghosts and roll out your past bad experiences with a lot less drama going forward.

He asked you out and then ghosted you. You hooked up and he ghosted you again.

He's melodramatic and was not into you, imho.

I think that's why your posting these status updates saying you are unforgettable because your ego is taking a hit. You want him to remember you at some point but he's unreliable I'm afraid.

He's emotionally and mentally toying with your peace of mind. Keeping you around with breadcrumbs leading you right back to him.

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16 hours ago, Danna225 said:

Isn’t showing you care in a way ? 

It's showing that he does not care about you because you're forced to disappear by the act of blocking you.  He wants to do away with you by eliminating you from his life.  He wants you to be gone and he no longer wants to deal with you.  That's not showing he cares.  He's slashing you out.

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This thread is going in circles, much like the others you start. They're all variations on the same theme.

I would suggest you take time off dating. Your picker is broken and you choose to interact with loser-type guys. That won't get you anywhere.

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On 7/24/2024 at 10:03 PM, Danna225 said:

I told someone else about it and they told me that what he did was the common right thing to do ? They told me that of someone blocks you, then you should block them back…… 

What other people do/say/think doesn't matter. 

What counts is what you think and what you want. If you don't want to be with him, if you don't want the games, then stop it. Stop thinking of him. Stop trying to figure out why he did this. Stop letting him have control over your thoughts. Block him not just online, but from your mind as well. Put your mind to better use and do things to make yourself happy.

Until you do that, you'll never find the peace you are seeking.

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On 7/24/2024 at 10:05 PM, Danna225 said:

When we did hookup he was questioning me about who I’ve been with sexually etc. forcing me to tell him if I’ve been with other men or not. 

when I told him no and or told him it was none of his business he told me I wasn’t being truthful with him ? 

If you felt forced then take it as another sign he isn't good for you. A good guy wouldn't force you into anything you weren't comfortable with.

You are better without him. So put it to rest and leave him behind.

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