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Saving myself from someone mentally & emotionally abusive

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7 hours ago, Rocky.Green99 said:

Im sure he's living the life, especially if he has someone else now. 😞

He treats all women the same. I wouldn't make the mistake of thinking this is a you problem. He's a douche, with all women, and many decline him like you did. It's just that he projects a certain deceiving image that tricks you into thinking he's so angelic Brad Pitt. He's not. Any woman would be unlucky to have him. He's just crass.

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Please accept my condolences on the death of your father. 

Please also accept my congratulations on dumping this tool.  You didn't lose a partner.  You got rid of an albatross who used you for sex & food.  

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Hello everyone. Thank you to everyone who responded. I come back here to re-read your responses to give me encouragement. Today's really hard for some reason. I mean, I have days where I seem to be doing okay. But since yesterday I've just been sad and crying several times. I dont get it - I know I deserve more. I know he treated me poorly. One would think those are reasons to keep moving on but here I am again, sad and crying. 

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Just as you needed to grieve the loss of your father, you are taking the time to grieve the loss of the relationship. It's not so much losing the person, but losing the idea of that person and what you thought you had. Even when we know someone is wrong for us, there is the image of them we had built up in our minds. Part of us clings to that idea of them. Part of us wishes the relationship had been different and our fantasy of it had been real. And part of us continues to be upset that we could have fallen for it. We feel sad that we allowed the behavior we know was poor.

We have so many emotions we are dealing with and don't know how to get rid of, that we just break down and cry. And those tears are good. It's important to really feel things, to go through the ups and downs. It might not seem like it, but that's part of healing. It helps to cleanse yourself of what you are going through instead of burying it inside of you.

My brother cried every night for a week after breaking up with someone who cheated on him. I would randomly cry for months after my first love broke my heart, even knowing she was clearly in the wrong. Both of us ended up okay. You will to.

Take as long as he need to recover. Feel whatever you are feeling. Remember, you made the right choice. And if you need any extra support, we're here for you.

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