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Is it a proper way to cancel a date?

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So this girl and I started talking 2 weeks ago and we have been on 2 dates. We are suppose to go on a date tonight but I’m afraid I have to cancel. I don’t want her to get upset or think I’m uninterested. So what should I say and do? 
the reason why is, I recently had an accident and needed to have surgery. I’m currently in recovery for it. I planned this date thinking I’d be feeling better by now. But I still don’t have full rotation of my arms and torso without pain. I also haven’t drove since so I don’t know if I even can without further pain. 

he’s knows about the injury and the accident. But what should I say. 

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Just tell her that you have to cancel because you are still in recovery from your accident.

Let her know that you were really looking forward to the date and hope to reschedule when you are feeling better. Offer to make it up to her in another way, like planning a special date once you are fully recovered. 

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Tell the truth and be 100% honest.  Explain everything.  She will understand and not hold it against you. 

If she asks if there's anything she could do for you,  suggest that it would be gratefully appreciated if she were to visit you during your convalescence and bring you homemade dinner or take out meal would be nice.  I've had accidents and surgery and those delicious meals were a godsend.  Scrumptious nourishment aids your recovery.

Hope you heal well and quickly.  Take good care of yourself.  I'm sorry to hear about your accident and surgery. 

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If this is the same girl who is hot & cold you could try to reschedule the activity.  

Do tell her you aren't up for it because your recovery didn't progress as fast as you'd hoped & you aren't driving yet.   Be honest.  You could ask if she wanted to come over for a hour or so if you have that much energy.   Rather than cancel outright if you can give her options that should allay any concerns that you are backing off or jerking her chain.  

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I’m so sorry for the same day cancellation but I’m just not feeling up to going out tonight because of my accident I told you about. I was hopeful that by now I’d feel up to it but I’m just not. I hope we can reschedule very soon. Thanks so much for understanding 

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First off, call her, don't text.  Then simply tell her you're still not feeling that great from the accident and suggest another day.   I wouldn't leave the reschedule up in the air like saying "hope we can reschedule soon."  Sounds like a total blow off.  Like I said suggest another day when you think you'll be recovered.

 Apologize ONCE for the last minute cancel.

Gauge her response and take it from there.

Don't overthink it or overkill it, keep it simple and brief.  If you make too much of an issue about it and apologize a hundred times (exaggeration), it sounds like BS.

I hope you feel better soon!  

P.S.  Please DON'T send her any pics of you lying in bed or whatever to "prove" you are really not feeling well.

It's a dead giveaway that it's complete BS, even if it's not. It's overkill and not necessary.

I only mentioned it just in case it's something you were contemplating doing.

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Honesty is always the best policy. Just talk to a person and say the truth. Don't need a plan or anything else, just be honest. If they are reasonable, they will understand. If they aren't, then it's a sign you shouldn't be dating them in the first place and you should consider yourself lucky you had to cancel.

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