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What I hate about mental health treatment

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What I hate about having a mental illness is that there is no cure and you have to take meds every day for the rest of your life, and the meds don't even work half the time. And then people start blaming you for "not taking meds" when you fall ill. But the reality of the situation is that the illness is permanent and the meds aren't even curing it, they are just making it so you have fewer symptoms. The reality of the situation is that this is who you are and you have to be on meds forever for the rest of your life. I was diagnosed as a young teen and have had to take meds forever. I am almost 30 now and still get sick often with the illness even while trying to take the meds. I hate the side affects but I'm stuck taking them forever. And the worst part is if I get married and want to get pregnant I have to work with my doctor on what meds to take while pregnant. There is no cure for the illness this really sucks. Nobody understands.

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I'm sorry you are going through this. It's not easy. Know you are strong to be able to endure it all and ignore anyone's foolish comments. The important thing is to stay in a good mindset and stay healthy,

I'm not a professional doctor, so don't take my words as a diagnosis. I also don't know the particular of your situation, so your conclusions may vary.

Personally I don't believe that a mental issue can be be addressed through physical means. A mental issue requires a mental solution. No pill or treatment can fix it. At best they can suppress things. Yes, it may help at times for some people. But it doesn't really address root causes. So people will continue to have issues, and thus continue to need the medication.

At least in the US there is also substantial motivation for doctors to continue to perscribe medication and claim you will need them the rest of your life. Doctors can only do what they have been taught, and if they are taught to perscribe something, that is what they will do. Profit plays a roll. For a lot of people there could be alternative treatments that may work even better.

My friend suffered from depression. I don't know the particulars of how she was diagnosed, but she was told she would need to be on medication the rest of her life. She took the pills for a time but felt better and stopped. She's never needed them again. She was able to address her own issues better then the doctors. So just because you are told you need something forever, doesn't necessarily mean that will be the case.


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I'm sorry @marmar.  Would it be possible for you to socialize and relate with those who were diagnosed with your same mental illness whether in person or online?  Hope it's treatable and manageable without drugs.

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15 hours ago, marmar said:

What I hate about having a mental illness is that there is no cure and you have to take meds every day for the rest of your life, and the meds don't even work half the time. And then people start blaming you for "not taking meds" when you fall ill. But the reality of the situation is that the illness is permanent and the meds aren't even curing it, they are just making it so you have fewer symptoms. The reality of the situation is that this is who you are and you have to be on meds forever for the rest of your life. I was diagnosed as a young teen and have had to take meds forever. I am almost 30 now and still get sick often with the illness even while trying to take the meds. I hate the side affects but I'm stuck taking them forever. And the worst part is if I get married and want to get pregnant I have to work with my doctor on what meds to take while pregnant. There is no cure for the illness this really sucks. Nobody understands.

I’m sorry to hear that you are suffering. Do you think that maybe you need your medication dosage readjusted? Like either an increase or decrease in your dosage? Or perhaps you need to be on a different medication than you are on now?  The newer bipolar meds that are out now,have fewer side effects. Or better yet, maybe you should see another doctor? Check reviews online and see who’s good around where you live. Just some suggestions. Good Luck!…Vesna

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16 hours ago, marmar said:

What I hate about having a mental illness is that there is no cure and you have to take meds every day for the rest of your life, and the meds don't even work half the time. And then people start blaming you for "not taking meds" when you fall ill. But the reality of the situation is that the illness is permanent and the meds aren't even curing it, they are just making it so you have fewer symptoms. The reality of the situation is that this is who you are and you have to be on meds forever for the rest of your life. I was diagnosed as a young teen and have had to take meds forever. I am almost 30 now and still get sick often with the illness even while trying to take the meds. I hate the side affects but I'm stuck taking them forever. And the worst part is if I get married and want to get pregnant I have to work with my doctor on what meds to take while pregnant. There is no cure for the illness this really sucks. Nobody understands.

Hi Marmar.  I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through and I'm in the same boat except I'm a guy.  Since around 2007, I have been taking Paxil/Paroxetine to cure depression.  I have also been to different psychologists and I feel it hasn't made a difference.  Like you said, I hate the side effects of these drugs and feel that I have to take them for the rest of my life.  If I go off mine, I cry easily and it's hard to function.  However, in taking them I have feelings of numbness and it's hard to show emotion.  Hopefully, you can find something to end your suffering. 

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