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My religious struggles

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I suffer from a severe mental illness and I become more religious during my episodes (it's bipolar disorder). I just had an episode lasting several weeks. I was a lot more religious and even made up my own religious beliefs. I just don't know how to feel now that I am recovering. For reference I was raised Catholic and during my illness I started to somewhat believe in Islam. I feel very upset now and confused because I really was making up my own beliefs and now I don't know what to believe (the illness causes me to suffer delusions). I don't know if I am going to Hell now or if I am OK. (Yes the meds don't help me much but I take them). 

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Are you a practicing Catholic? Do you attend church regularly?

 Everyone stumbles in life in their beliefs and even their convictions religious or not. Grace is a big part of the way you were raised was it not.  I think you need to give yourself some grace and forgiveness for the way you wondered during the last episode.  The fact that you are questioning it and seem remorseful shows that it wasn't really you but the illness. 

 Perhaps you need to discuss these episodes with your doctor so they can consider another Rx that may help you more.


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My belief is that it's not so much about the specifics of what we believe as it is about how we apply them. It's not what we believe, it's that we believe in something and use it to do good.

I was raised Catholic. Even then I questioned a lot of what I was taught. As I got older I learned about about other religions and philosphies. I've taken various aspects from everything and found a way to mesh them together into my own unique take. And what I saw was that there is really a lot of similarities. More focus is placed on the differences, on pitting things against each other. But I think at the core, most religions stress universal concepts - love, compassion, faith. I have a paper somewhere that shows at least a dozen relgions carry there own version of the Golden Rule - "Do onto others as you would have them do unto you."

The God that I was taught to believe in is one of love, mercy, and forgiveness. That God would not condemn us to Hell for finding comfort and solace in something when we were going through a difficult time. That God would not care about the differences between Catholics and Islam, or just about any religion. What would matter is the kind of person we strive to be. Are we doing our best to be good people who care for and love others? Then God would be okay with us. It's the people who constantly lie, cheat, discriminate, abuse, etc. that are in danger.

You are ok. If anything, I would think God would want you to take care of your mental well being as the first priority. God will still be there for you through it all.

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I'm reading a book now called The History of God.  It's about the development of the 3 main monotheistic religions:  Judaism, Catholicism (Christianity) & Islam.  They have more in common than most people realize.  

Perhaps chat with your priest outside of confession to get some guidance on the best thing to do about your condition & your beliefs.   Most priests have advanced degrees some even in psychology.  

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