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Affectionate musings on being ok w/not being afraid....


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I have commmited to falling in love with myself. I have always looked externally because I felt empty inside, like I needed rescuing. I am here, I am lost, I feel empty, but I also feel love and I know that love is truth and that my empty feeling inside is not truth, it is a dimension I have been stuck in. I welcome all to join me on this journey. Let love be life. Love yourself, and let those laugh at you, who may wish to laugh at you because you will possess something much more brilliant.



What are you worried about my dear, with the trembling hands

Are you afraid of being afraid? What's that you whisper - afraid of

not being afraid? Of screaming out, of dancing around, of laughing til

you burst ~ you're afraid of when the good time ends, or that it did

already? Dear, stop thinking about thinking about feeling because the

world is waiting, there's games to be playing, the ups and the downs

and the spins and the stops will go on and on and on.

Just count those freckles on your shoulders, harness your hopes, sweet

daughter, sunshine in your eyes, sunshine in your heart, you glow like

a glistening boulder.

And sometimes you feel you've had enough, so take a break and just

breathe out, look at yourself and know you're beautiful. You don't

need to think about thinking too much, you don't need to worry about

worrying too much, about feeling so strong about feeling so weak,

about feeling too tired to ever speak again, my dear friend. Just

scream it out, sing the songs you thought they'd laugh at, and laugh

with the folks who need laughing with. We all get too tired, and we

all need to rest, you're no different, cept you're different from the

rest. Look up and see the magic you're so good at seeing, thank the

world for your heavenly being, laugh with yourself, laugh with the

world, know you are a creature evolving and primative, emotions

justified, instincts and love merrified. Take chances, love your

stomach in all it's tension because if it is tense it has been

awakened, you are rising, and your consciousness expanding, you are

leaving the womb, excited to be alive and whispering louder and

louder, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free. Bask in your beauty ~dare to

make a movie, script your own ending because, dear daughter this is

just the beginning. Love me for loving you, share, be true darling,

live to your potent potential, adjust your focus, soothe your spirit, your

muscles, your loving soul. By taking care of you, you're taking care

of you and your loving creator, loving the world, laughing with the

gods who already delight in you

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